The Hamptons Union, March 23, 1922

Hampton News

A Tom Thumb Wedding will be held in the Town Hall, by the children of Hampton, April 4th.

Miss Anna M. Cole is a guest at her brother's, E.G. Cole.

Mrs. Elsie J. Godfrey has been a shut in since last September.

Mrs. Chester Marston and son recently visited her sister, Mrs. Forrest Pratt of Lynn.

Judge Howell M. Lamprey has been confined to his house the past week by illness.

Mrs. Flora E. Lane returned last week from her winter's visit with her brother and other friends.

The Ladies' Aid met with Mrs. Emma Young on Wednesday.

All are pleased to hear that Mrs. Roland Emery is slowly improving from her serious illness.

Mr. Oliver H. Godfrey is still unable to go out much. His son, Dr. Henry Godfrey, has been down twice to see him.

Mr. and Mrs. Myron Blake of Newburyport were guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Blake, recently.

Mrs. Ernest Cole, who has been in Manchester under treatment with Dr. Wheat, returned home on Saturday.

The High School "sweet girl graduates" are trying to decide the subjects of their coming essays. The boys find it easier as they can take any invention, or mechanical device which would not satisfy the girls.

Mr. Oscar Garland is expected home on Friday from Jefferson where he is teaching, to spend a two weeks' vacation.

Mrs. Christopher Toppan attended a conference of the executive committee of the Farm Bureau, of which she is a member, in Exeter on Monday.

Miss Dorothy Hannington is under the care of the district nurse in the home of Mrs. I. S. Jones. Mrs. Robert Brown is substituting for her.

Miss Etta Blake is visiting her sister, Mrs. Pressey, in Salem, Mass. Her nephew, Raymond Pressey was a week end guest in town.

The funeral of Mrs. Hannah Maria Lamprey, widow of Simon Oliver Lamprey, formerly of this town, was held from her home on the Exeter road, North Hampton, Monday afternoon, Rev. I. S. Hulbert, officiating. The bearers were Fred L. Dow, George Carter, Charles Block and S. Parson Garland.

Mrs. Anna T. Shelton has just returned from a 2 weeks' visit with her daughter, Miss Emma D. Shelton, who is a teacher in Boston.

The Department Convention of the W. R. C. will be held in Concord, April 13, 14. The delegates are Miss Annie Akerman and Mrs. M. W. Leavitt, alternates, Elizabeth Philbrick and Adeline C. Marston.

Caroline Philbrick celebrated her tenth birthday by giving a party to her little friends. Games were played and dainty refreshments served. Caroline received a number of gifts.

Mrs. William Brown is under the care of Dr. Fernald, being taken ill Wednesday morning.

R. E. Tolman, who is connected with the motor vehicle department of New Hampshire, held up the passage of two heavy trucks carrying pile driving apparatus to the Hampton bridge, on account of overweight.

A dinner party was given at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Towle's on March 13, as they had been married 30 years that day. There were 22 guests. Mrs. Towle received some nice presents. All enjoyed a nice time but were sorry to hear Mrs. Fred Towle is in poor health.

A very fine supper was served at the Baptist vestry, Tuesday evening. All kinds of pie, and there are many good cooks in the Society. After supper a very pleasing farce entitled, "How the Story Grew," was given, under the direction of Miss Hazel Myers. There were 13 who took part and they deserve much credit for the performance.

The many friends of Frank E. Leavitt will be pleased to hear that he will not remain in California but having transacted some business satisfactorily, which was partly the reason for going west, he has decided, if he arranges to be out of doors more here, he can keep his health in the East. His loss was keenly felt by the Silas Pierce Company and they used every effort to retain his services.

On March 8th at the Congregational Chapel the Mothers' Circle was pleasantly entertained with Mrs. Elliot, Myers, Farnsworth and Remick, as hostesses. The program for the evening being in charge of Civics Committee proved one of interest as well as instructive. As it was a questionnaire on our town, county and state. The next meeting will be held on March 28th, Tuesday evening at the home of the president, Mrs. C. S. Toppan, with Mrs. Frank Ireland as assistant hostess.

Captain Myers is to undergo an operation at Portland soon.

Mrs. Albert Coffin has been suffering with a severe attack of asthma the past two weeks.

The Creasey Company are wiring two more houses on Lafayette road, Miss Laura Norris' and Mrs. Jennie Godfrey's.

The Monday Club was entertained this week by Mrs. Wilson Olney with Mrs. R. E. Tolman as assistant hostess. Music was furnished by the club. The program consisted of a review of the book, "If Winter Comes," by Mrs. John Wingate and was most efficiently and delightfully reviewed. A paper by Mrs. Lane, "Political Consequence of American Relief in Soviet Russia," was carefully prepared and very interesting. Delicious refreshments of fruit salad, wafers, various kinds of cake and coffee were served by the hostesses. The next meeting will be entertained by Mrs. Edwin Batchelder with Mrs. Hugh Brown as assistant hostess.

The Easter Concert committee was appointed in the Congregational Sunday School on Sunday, consisting of Mrs. Arthur Young, Mrs. Scott Noyes and Miss Olive Nudd. There were 117 present in Sunday School and a collection gathered of $6.77.

The Ladies' Aid of the Congregational church will hold an Experience party on March 31st at 7:30 p.m. It is hoped all the adults will earn a dollar and the children fifty cents and give their experience. The money will go toward paying of expense of repairs on the parsonage. There will be on sale, aprons, candy and ice cream. An entertainment will be given after the experiences are told and an admission of 10 cents be charged to those not having an experience.

The recent contest in the Methodist Sunday School between the rival sides, the Boosters and the Boomers, was won by a considerable margin by the steady dependableness of the Boosters. Last night they celebrated at the expense of the vanquished Boomers with a general Sunday School and church social and supper, free to all members and friends. Ninety were seated at the tables and none will say he was not fed. Food was even sent out to some who could not come. The young women of the S. P. class joined heartily in making the entertainment features a success, just as if they had been defeated instead of leading the victors. By special request they repeated the farce, "How the Story Grew." Several friends assisted them very kindly. Games and charades closed an evening of unusual pleasure.

Rev. W. L. Linabury of North Hampton will supply the pulpit at the Baptist church Sunday morning. His theme will be "The Way of Jesus." He has consented to bring the message at the union service in the Methodist church at seven o'clock, when he will speak on "The Message of John the Baptist." All who heard his excellent sermon on "The World Spirit and the Christ Spirit," March 12, will wish to come and bring their friends.

The 91st birthday of Miss Laura A. Norris was remembered by her many friends with gifts of potted plants, beautiful roses, cards and letters, and a birthday cake from a neighbor. Miss Norris may be feeble in body but her mind is as keen as ever. She is interested in all of the current events. She enjoys reading and writing. If all could grow old as gracefully and sensibly as Miss Norris has done, then old age would lose the dread that some seem to feel toward it. She lives in the beautiful glow of the setting sun.

Auto Driver Fined

A heavy automobile truck driven by R. J. Brackett of Portland, Me. was held up Monday morning in this town by Automobile Inspector M. J. Dwyer of Exeter. It was exceeding the three-ton limit and the driver was fined $25 and costs by Special Justice Charles F. Adams in the municipal court, amounting to a grand total of $36.30.

A meeting of the Directors of the Community Club was held Tuesday evening. It was with much regret that the resignation of Rev. Roger E. Thompson as Chairman of the Board was acted upon at this time. Mr. Percy Jewell was present and plans for extension of the club work were made. Selectman Joseph B. Brown has been consulted and he expressed his willingness to cooperate with the committee and arrange more commodious quarters in the old Centre School House until such time as the town might need the space for other purposes. This work for the boys is one which should stimulate the interest of every citizen. Melzar Dunbar was elected Chairman of the Board and H. B. Beede was chosen secretary.

A series of very enjoyable luncheons is being given at the [Hampton] Academy building by members of the Domestic Science class of the 8th grade. The guests are members of the School Board, the faculty of the high school and others. The girls take turns in acting as hostesses, waitresses and cooks, and are acquitting themselves most creditably.

Spring is coming. The birds are here and down on the East side of Mr. Greenman's house on Boar's Head, we saw crocuses in bloom. In spite of the cold East winds they had pushed their way thru the cold earth and were bravely flaunting their colors.

It is with great regret that the many friends of Rev. and Mrs. Roger E. Thompson, realize that only a few weeks remain of their stay in Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson have many friends here, both in their church and among other people. He has always been ready to help in every good work. If anyone was in trouble or needed help Mr. Thompson was always on hand. His daily walk among the people of Hampton has been above reproach. Mrs. Thompson is an ideal pastor's wife, and she will be sadly missed in the many good works in which she has been so helpful and efficient. Especially will she be missed by her class of young ladies, by whom she is greatly loved. There is still a hope among his friends that he will be sent back to Hampton.

Dedication of School House:

In accordance with the vote taken at the annual school meeting on March 15, the adjourned school meeting will be held at the new school building on the evening of Wednesday, March 29, in one of the upstairs school-rooms, and the dedication of the building will immediately follow, the exercises to be held in the auditorium, downstairs. The time for the school meeting is 7:30, and the building will be open for inspection at 6:30.

The details of the program are not yet fully worked out, but it is expected that there will be a representative from the State Board of Education to speak to us, as well as other speakers of interest, and special music.

The W. R. C. has generously provided new flags for the different school-rooms, and it is expected that these will be presented with appropriate ceremonies.

Rev. Edgar Warren will act as Master of Ceremonies.

As the seating capacity of the auditorium is limited, and there will be some out-of-town guests, it has been thought best not to include the children in the invitation to attend the exercises which is most cordially extended to all the grown people.

The Union's Agricultural Department Prepared by Experts

The illustrated agricultural articles which appear in the Union from week to week are for the most part prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture and embody knowledge resulting from innumerable experiments, tests and developments, in some cases extending over many years, and accumulated data of the department, to give farmers information which only could be provided by this branch of government with its highly organized staff of scientists and practical men.

No doubt our farm readers have read and enjoyed these articles during the winter, but with the coming of spring, farm information has an added interest and value, and we trust that any who have heretofore overlooked one of the best departments in The Union will now make it a point to give it the attention it deserves by its timeliness and practical worth.