The Hamptons Union, April 6, 1922

Hampton News

William J. Brooks has recently been made Justice of the Peace.

Mr. George Ashworth has just bought a new Ford roadster.

We are glad to hear that Mr. John Donald, who has had a very bad cold, is now better.

The Women's Foreign Missionary Society of the M. E. church will hold its annual Thank-offering meeting and social, with special program, Wednesday night.

The presentation of "Tom Thumb's Wedding" under the direction of the Mother's Circle, Tuesday evening, drew a large audience and was much enjoyed. A full report of the entertainment will be given next week.

Mrs. D. H. Adams has opened her house for the summer.

Charles M. Batchelder began his duties as janitor of the Center School building, last Monday.

The third and fourth degrees will be conferred on a class of candidates at Oceanside Grange Friday (tomorrow) night.

The U. W. Club was pleasantly entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greene, Thursday, March 30th. Dainty refreshments were served. The prizes were awarded as follows: First prize, Mrs. A. O. Stillings, and Mr. William Cash; Consolation prizes, Mr. Charles Raymond and Mrs. Charles Raymond. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Willard Emery, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Clark, John Donald, Edson Stratton and James Eastman.

The program for the Young Men's Community Club next Monday evening, will be presentation and discussion of minor topics selected from current magazines and the press.

The pupils of the third and fourth grades at the East End School, taught by Miss Cutts, will give a dramatic entertainment in the auditorium of the new school building on Friday evening, April 14, the proceeds of which will be used for the purchase of a Victrola for Miss Cutts' room. Cake and candy will be on sale. Admission, 15c.

Wilbur Norton is now working at the shoe shop.

Mrs. Edgar Howe is out of town over the week end.

Miss Hannington is back as teacher at the Academy.

The sacrament of the Holy Communion, postponed from last Sunday morning on account of the storm, will be observed at the M. E. church next Sunday morning.

Everett and Dorothy Thompson spent the recess at home, at the Methodist parsonage.

Oscar Garland will return on Friday to Jefferson, N. H., to resume his teaching there.

Captain Myers, of the U. S. Coast Guard, will return from the Portland hospital on Saturday, conditions being favorable.

Mr. Louis Marelli's youngest brother is now at the store of Marelli Bros., in this town. He makes a very efficient helper for Louis.

"The Call of Wohelo," postponed last Saturday night on account of the storm, will be presented at Centennial Hall, North Hampton, this Saturday.

The people of the Baptist and Methodist churches will unite with the Advents in their special evangelistic services Sunday night.

Rev. Bernard Christopher will supply a second Sunday at the Baptist church. His ministry last Sunday was much enjoyed.

Mrs. Leora Bristol will soon begin the erection of a fine house on Lafayette road on a lot recently purchased from D. F. Chase.

Mrs. Dana F. Chase of Lafayette road has opened an agency for Perkin's greenhouses of Exeter which will be of much convenience to Hampton citizens in placing orders for cut flowers.

"Practice makes perfect," is what Miss Jordan tells her boys at the East End School, in baseball as well as study. They are going out to defeat all comers this season in baseball under her efficient guidance.

Miss Helen Spillane was the welcome guest of Miss Susy Brown, of High street, for the first part of this week. Miss Spillane is a resident of Hampton Falls and attends the Robinson Seminary of Exeter.

Mrs. Muriel Wyman Twing, wife of Harry E. Twing, died April first from consumption, in her 27th year. Mrs. Twing was oldest child of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wyman, who have been residents of this town for several years, coming here from Manchester. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at her late home on West End road and was conducted by Rev. Mr. Rice of Leominster, Mass. Burial was in the Hampton Cemetery. There was a profusion of flowers from the relatives and friends of the deceased. Mrs. Twing is survived by her husband, her parents and two sisters, Ruby and Enid Wyman. All the funeral arrangements were made by Undertaker R. E. Tolman.

The residence of Otis H. Marston is the last to be wired for electric lights , on Lafayette road.

Mrs. Fall is slowly improving after suffering from having her teeth extracted.

Quite a delegation of ladies attended the W. C. T. U. Convention in Portsmouth last week.

Mrs. Elsie J. Godfrey, is again confined to her bed, she has had a long tedious illness.

Mrs. William Brown is improving at the hospital in Portsmouth and should be able to return home soon.

Mrs. Leonora B. Wing, who went, about three months ago, as a nurse with the noted Mayo Brothers in Rochester, Minn., has been made manager of one floor of the largest of the many hospitals, The Kohler.

The New England Telephone and Telegraph Co., are installing a pay station in the post office.

Hartley Kierstead is to erect a small building near his home where he will carry on the business which he has worked hard to make a success --- and he has succeeded.

The Monday Club was entertained this week, Monday, at the home of Mrs. Edwin Batchelder on the Exeter road. Caruso's life and operatic works were discussed by the members, after papers on those subjects had been read by Mrs. Winchester and Mrs. Elliot. Refreshments were served by the hostesses.

There is some difference of opinion as to whether there will be an adjournment of the March town meeting next Tuesday evening. Mr. Brown, Chairman of the board of Selectmen, is of the opinion that the annual meeting was adjourned without date, but the town clerk's records show a vote made under Article 12 of the warrant for the annual meeting which reads: "……to make further investigation and report at an adjournment of this meeting to be held Tuesday evening, April 11, at 7:30 o'clock." The Moderator holds that this is sufficient to make legal a meeting on Tuesday evening, April 11, and both the Moderator and the Clerk will be on hand at the hour designated.

The Creasey Company electricians, have just completed the wiring of Marelli Bros. fruit store and also the new restaurant which the Garretts of Portsmouth are opening in the Parker Building. They have also wire for electric lights in the residences of Rev. Mr. Thompson and Hartley Kierstead on Lafayette road and are now at work installing electric lights for O. H. Marston.

Owing to the storm and other difficulties the moving pictures booked for the town hall last Saturday evening were cancelled. Next Saturday evening, the popular star, Gladys Walton, will appear in "High Heels," a good clean comedy. Mr. Crocker has secured for succeeding weeks the contract for first run Paramount Pictures, some of which will be as follows: Charles Ray in "The Village Sleuth," Wallace Reid in "What's Your Hurry?" Dorothy Dalton in "Half an Hour," Thomas Meighan in "Civilian Clothes," Dorothy Gish in "Little Miss Rebellion," Douglas McLean in "The Jail Bird."

Miss Gladys Morehouse was in Hampton Tuesday night, coming from Rye to attend the Tom Thumb Wedding with her aunt, Mrs. Thompson.

Have you heard about the big event of the season? If not, just listen! "No Trespassing," by Evelyn Gray Whiting, will be given in the Town Hall on April 26 by Oceanside Grange, and all who fail to see it are sure going to be "out of luck." A prize of a $2.50 gold piece will be given to the one who sells the greatest number of tickets and for every ten sold a free ticket may be had. Get them from Alice Elliot at the Book Store or from Mrs. Maude Nudd, Mrs. Elliot or Mrs. Keene. The popular Berkmeier's Orchestra will make you shake a foot and candy and ice cream will be on sale, during and after the drama. Don't miss the hilarious attractions between the acts. Remember the date, April 26, Wednesday night, at the Old Town Hall.

There will be a meeting of the Women's Relief Corps on Wednesday of next week. It is hoped that the meeting will be well attended.

Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Garrett of Portsmouth will open a restaurant in Parker's building opposite the depot, next Sunday, which will be called the Hampton Café. It will be more than a lunch room and full culinary service will be a feature. The café was to have been opened last Sunday, but illness in the family prevented.

The barn which stood on the Williams' lot opposite the depot, and was purchased by Frank Mason recently has been moved to High street, and now occupies a site on a lot east of the Mason house, just purchased from Sarah M. Batchelder. It will be made into a modern residence.

The regular monthly meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association will be held in the auditorium of the Centre school building next Tuesday evening. A motion to change the date of the annual meeting and election of officers will be acted upon at this meeting. For entertainment there will be a demonstration of reading by pupils of the third grade in the various schools of the town. Other interesting features will be included in the program. Everybody interested in our schools are invited to attend this meeting and please be present early so that the meeting may begin promptly at 7:30 and the children, who are to take part in the readings, need not be kept out late.

Rockingham Lodge I. O. O. F. held veritable open house upon the evening of March 29, at which time their 25th anniversary was observed. The exercises of the evening were opened by several musical selections by the popular local couple, Lorraine and Clifford Lindsey. Past Grand Herman Brown, older members of the order gave interesting addresses regarding its foundation and growth in this section, the building of the present edifice and its dedication a quarter of a century ago; Past Grand Brown displaying the regalia worn by the officers at that time and giving a portion of the dedication service used. Junior Past Grand Charles A. Parker gave a fine address as to the aims of the institution, which was received with interest and appreciation. Following which, Rev. George Clark, popular local clergyman, drew lessons from the several degrees, applying them fittingly to the needs of every day life which won the respect and applause of those present. Miss Mary Chase, accompanied by Mrs. Emma Young, favored us with a number of exceptional selections, which were indeed a credit to this talented young vocalist. Scott and Baynard minstrels with their accompanist succeeded in holding the audience for the next hour in a most enjoyable frame of mind, finding ready response and applause to their popular songs and local hits. Without a doubt this troupe has not been excelled in this vicinity in recent years. The members of Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge served dainty refreshments, credit being due to the order for their efficient co-operation and effective support. The evening was closed with general dancing, all folks staying until a late hour. The committee in charge felt fully repaid for their efforts which were fully enjoyed by the large number present.


Even though everyone knows that the Junior Class is supposed to be most friendly to Freshies,

no Sophomores supposed that they would be so ungrateful. This refers to the sale of tickets for the Junior play. The Juniors thanked the Sophomores but praised the little Freshmen for doing so well. Most people think the upper class rather ungrateful.


A social hour was spent at the Camp Fire Headquarters on Monday evening of this week. A food sale will be held at Lane's store on Friday, April 7, at 3:30. Pies, cakes, doughnuts, rolls and bread will be on sale. All come!! For the benefit of the Camp Fire Girls. A load of wood was given for our use. Other donations of wood would be appreciated.