The Hamptons Union, September 14, 1922

Hampton News

Lenore Lane entered the Junior Class at Dana Hall, Wellesley on Wednesday, being accompanied by her mother and sister.

The monthly meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be postponed until next Friday, the 22nd, on account of a number of meetings occurring this week. The hostess will be Mrs. Addie Brown and it will be the meeting for election of officers.

Several pictures from the Currier Studio were used by the Boston newspapers last week, among them one of the Hampton Baseball team, the winning team of the season. Pictures of the team may be purchased at the Studio. Price 50c, mounted.

A number of automobile loads of the young people who were formerly in Miss Greta Myers' class in Newcastle, their mothers and a few friends, came from that town to Hampton on last Monday evening to surprise their former teacher. The evening passed quickly with games and music, and, before leaving, the guests presented Miss Myers with a beautiful loving cup, inscribed with her name and theirs, whose love prompted it.

People on the Lafayette Road were awakened by screams caused by an auto accident about 10:30 on Wednesday evening. A party of young people ran into a telephone pole, breaking it off. They were carried to Hartley Kierstead's where the five occupants of the car were found to be bruised and shaken, but not seriously hurt. Dr. Fernald was called and later all were taken home.

John W. York of Kensington who had many friends in this town, passed away on Sunday, after being an invalid for 16 years. He was educated in Hampton Academy and made friends here which he retained thru life. He joined the Alumni Association when it was formed and though never able to attend, always retained his interest in it. He was buried on Tuesday from his home. The Rev. Roland Sawyer attended the funeral, being a native of Kensington and a friend of Mr. York's. The floral offerings were lavish and beautiful. Mrs. York has the sympathy of her many friends in Hampton, her native place. Mr. York was nearly 72 years of age.

The Mothers' Circle will hold their first meeting of the year Wednesday evening, September 20, with Mrs. E. J. Brown, with Mrs. Dennett as assistant hostess. It is expected that Mrs. Simmers of Durham, State President of the National Congress of Mothers will be present at this meeting.

It is with regret that we learn that Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Spackman have moved to Haverhill. During their four years in town they have made many warm friends who regret their departure. Mrs. Spackman will be greatly missed in social circles where she has given generously of her time and talents.

Old Home Night will be observed at the next Grange meeting, Friday, September 15. Roll Call to be responded to as anyone chooses. Let us all get together once more. Refreshments. Dues payable before September 30.

The Congregational Missionary Auxiliary was delightfully entertained by Mrs. J. Q. Bennett on Wednesday with a good number present. The program was in charge of Mrs. Blanchard and devotions of Mrs. Locke. At the close of the meeting Prof. Bennett of Wellesley College delighted the ladies by reading two of Dorothy Canfield's stories, and Miss Carpenter sang a solo very sweetly. A rising vote of thanks was given these ladies. A most bountiful and delicious luncheon was served by the hostess.

Dr. Stanley M. Ward:

It was a great surprise to many to learn, on Tuesday morning, that Dr. Stanley W. Ward had passed away. He had been failing for a long time but bravely attended to his duties as long as he could possibly do so.

Dr. Ward was born in Ellensville, Webster County, New York, in 1859 and was 63 years and 6 months of age. His father was Dr. John J. Ward and Dr. Ward practiced with his father for 5 years.>/p>

Dr. Ward was a graduate of Jefferson Medical College at Scranton, Pa., where he married Mrs. Ward. He was also a graduate of the University of Kansas, his father's brother being the head of that university, and at the present time is Prof. Emeritus at the age of 92.

Dr. Ward belonged to a family of professional men and educators. Those who knew him best realized the extent of his educational abilities. He has always written much for medical journals.

Dr. Ward was secretary and treasurer of the Medical Association of Philadelphia and was also Vice President of the Jefferson College Alumni Association in New Hampshire.

Dr. Ward came to Hampton 28 years ago. He was a quiet retiring man. Those who knew him best most fully appreciated his worth, and he made many warm friends. All had great confidence in his ability as a physician. To the faithful wife who has so unfailingly helped the doctor in all ways and to the daughter, their many friends extend heartfelt sympathy. In the passing of Dr. Ward another familiar figure will be missed in our midst by both patients and friends. The funeral service will be held at the home on Thursday P. M.

The Pageant:

Very many words of commendation have been spoken concerning the Historic Pageant given at Hampton Beach last week. It was more or less an experiment so far as Hampton people were concerned but we believe it proved to be a very acceptable one. Mr. Taylor certainly proved to be an able director as well as a very friendly man.

The effect of the first episode where the Puritans came out of the darkness into the path of the moon and continued to the front of the stage in the path of the lights was very impressive. The spirit of 1776 seemed to be especially appreciated. It seems to be the general census of opinion that the most effective scene of the entire Pageant was the ensemble. The setting, the color scheme and the lights combined to make this very beautiful.

Praise is especially due the committee in charge of the Carnival or whoever was responsible for securing a man of the standing of Mr. Davere. His lights were wonderful and added much more than we realize to the beauty and effect of the Pageant.

The response increased each night, which seems to indicate appreciation, and no word has come to the writer of any other nature.

We are sure that no small credit is due Mr. Ashworth both for his ideas and spirit. More than any other man he was responsible for the Pageant and made it possible. Such work is commendable and should receive the support of all who have the welfare of the town at heart.

The appeal of the entire program was of a high character and was entertainment in a fine form combined with instruction. Great value was derived not only to the public but to those who contributed in any way to make the Pageant a success. Mutual benefit is always an advantage and pays the largest dividends.

One man, who made himself useful in one of the episodes, was heard to remark, "This is wonderful, the best of it is there is no friction."

It is said nine-tenths of our difficulties are caused by misunderstanding. If this is true perhaps the Pageant was a success from another standpoint. Certainly it was proved that there need be no separation between the Beach and the Town. You cannot divorce the two and get anywhere.

There was not thought of moralizing in this short article but it might not be out of place to suggest that a better understanding, more intimate relations, greater cooperation might work to the advantage of all concerned. The town cannot get along without the Beach and the Beach cannot get along without the Town. It would seem to be wise to make the union so strong that happiness would be the natural outcome.

Mrs. Stillman Dyer of Portsmouth was the guest of Mrs. Ireland last week.

The Rockingham County Sunday School Convention is meeting today at the Baptist church in town. Sessions both afternoon and evening. Supper served to all.

The meetings of the Men's Club will be resumed next Monday evening, September 18, at the Congregational Chapel. Rev. Mr. Barker of the M. E. church and Rev. Mr. Christopher of the Baptist church will be present and will doubtlessly make brief addresses.

The suit of Mrs. Gertrude J. Young, wife of Arthur L. Young of Hampton, against Mrs. Annie Nason of Exeter, to recover $10,000 damages for the loss of her husband's affections opened in the superior court, Dover, on Monday, Judge Thomas L. Marble presiding.

Teachers in Hampton Schools:

Academy and high, headmaster, C. M. Teague, Hampton, N. H.
Academy and high, 1st Asst., Mrs. Vina M. Jones, Hampton, N. H.
Academy and high, 2nd Asst., Hazel A. Drew, North Hampton
Junior High, Grades 7, 8, Principal, John H. Donald, Hampton, N. H.
Junior High, Grades 7, 8, 1st Asst., Olive P. Bradbury, Suncook, N. H.
Junior High, 2nd Asst., Marion Dexter, Bethlehem, N. H.
Primary grades 1, Mary M. Gookin, Hampton, N. H.
Intermediate Grades, 2, 3, Adeline C. Marston, Hampton, N. H.
Middle Grades, 4, 5, Anna Chase, Seabrook, N. H.
Grammar, 5, 6, Gladys I. Jordan, South Portland, Maine
Music Supervisor, Esther Gowden Coombs, Hampton, N. H.