The Hamptons Union, October 26, 1922

Hampton News

The B. and M. R.R. is building a new water tank at the depot to replace the old one, which is nearly worn out.

Mrs. E. E. Mason is soon to move her dry goods store from Lane's block to Cogger's building, into the store which was formerly Carberry's market and later fitted up by Dr. Charles as a dentist parlor. The doctor has decided not to locate here.

Mrs. William Fowler of Little Boar's Head and Boston, bought for her own use six dining room chairs from Mrs. J. M. Pearl, paying the sum of $200.

A Halloween Supper will be given by the Busy Bee Class of the Congregational Sunday School in the vestry Saturday, October 28, from 5:30 to 7:30. An oyster stew and many other good things will be served. There will be a social hour following the supper in the chapel. Price 35c.

An entertainment will be held in the Baptist vestry on Monday evening, Oct. 30, at 7:30. It is under the auspices of the committee who gave out pasteboard bricks to be filled with dimes. They will now be returned and those presenting them will be entitled to admission. The entertainment will consist of solos, a trio, male quartette, readings by Mrs. Merrill and an illustrated lecture on China's Great Day. Ice cream and cake will be on sale. Everyone is invited and the admission is 15c for adults for those not having the "bricks".

On Tuesday evening, Oct. 31st, Winnicummett Rebekah Lodge will hold a Halloween supper and party at I. O. O. F. banquet hall. The supper will be served from 5:30 to 7:00. Admission, 25c. The party will be at 8 o'clock and will consist of a Nigger Wedding, the contracting parties being Jasper Jones and Cecil Johnson. There will also be other features appropriate to Halloween. The public is cordially invited to both supper and party. All who can are requested to come in costume. Admission to party 15c.

The appearance of the square is very much improved by the new coat of paint which Lane's block is receiving.

Joseph B. Brown is putting in a concrete foundation for a tie-up on the east side of his barn.

The Currier Studio will soon be closed for the winter. Anyone wishing photographic work for Christmas will do well to place their orders at once.

A. W. Gookin has purchased the North School House and will move it to the lot he recently purchased of Thomas Cogger, opposite the Centre School building.

Robert Brown will occupy the new Mason house on High Street as soon as it is completed. Abbott L. Joplin is finishing the interior and the painting will be done by William Blake.

The Ford divorce case is to occupy the Superior Court at Portsmouth this week. It is an action brought by Mrs. Frances Ford against her husband, Charles Lester Ford for divorce. Mr. Ford is the son of Henry Ford, proprietor of the Pelham. At the conclusion of the testimony the judge took the case under consideration and will render his decree later.

The residence of Capt. Smart, opposite the Life Saving Station, North Beach, was totally destroyed by fire early Tuesday morning. Capt. and Mrs. Smart have recently gone to California and had closed their house for the winter. It is thought that the fire was caused by lightning during the thunder shower Monday evening, which smoldered during the night. The blaze was first discovered by Alzina Leavitt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Leavitt. Miss Leavitt was up about 5 o'clock and saw the Smart house in flames. She telephoned the Beach and village fire departments and others but by the time help arrived the house was practically destroyed. Nothing, of course, was saved. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Smart for the irreparable loss they have sustained.

The West End Club met with the president, Mrs. Addie P. James, Thursday, October 19th, and a chicken dinner was served to the members who won the contest last season. The meeting opened at 3 o'clock by singing one of the songs and then repeating the quotation. The minutes of the last meeting were read and the treasurer's report given. The literary program was in charge of Mrs. Delano and Mrs. Yeaton and as it was the last meeting before Halloween and the time of spooks, the program was in keeping with such events. Mrs. Yeaton read the history of the General Moulton House and spoke of Goody Cole. There is a Tavern in the Town was sung. A reading by Miss Blanche Williams followed. The Old Wife and the New was her selection. Pictures were taken from magazines, representing different advertisements. Mrs. Ethel Greely guessed the most. All participated in the contest of eating a yard of string with a kiss on the end. Mrs. Bowley won the prize. A party is to be held in the schoolhouse Halloween. A vote of thanks was given the hostess and others who served the dinner. The members departed for their homes about five o'clock thanking their hostess for the pleasant afternoon. Next meeting to be held with Mrs. Jessie R. Towle Nov. 2nd.

Mr. and Mrs. Percy B. Brown were serenaded in fine style on Tuesday evening of this week at the home of Mrs. Brown's parents on Highland Avenue. A large party of their friends burst in on them, in the early part of the evening, with a crash and a bang and a shower of rice. They brought with them a heterogeneous collection of boxes, bags and packages, depositing them in a heap on the floor. A very pleasant evening of games, music and singing was passed in which all present participated. Then came the opening of the "mystery" gifts! Mr. and Mrs. Brown, seated in the center of a circle formed by those present, unwrapped innumerable folds of paper, disclosing gifts that we hope they will use time and again in the years to come. A great deal of amusement was afforded the guests by the opening of these packages, especially a large wooden box that Charles Green brought with him in the latter part of the evening. After refreshments, at a late hour, the party adjourned to their various homes, wishing their host and hostess many years of happiness to come.

The auction at Parker Blake's brought quite a crowd from far and near. The articles sold high mostly.

Ervin Drake will join the Florida Colony next week.

Some teeter boards for the children of the Centre School will be put in place this week. The work is in charge of the School Improvement Committee of the Parent-Teacher Association, headed by David Hamilton. The latter, with the assistance of Elroy Hamilton, and Principal John Donald have been long at work on these boards, giving their time free for the good of the community, and they would have had them in operation some time ago but for the non-arrival of the irons necessary in the construction. Camp Fire Notes

A large supper was enjoyed on Tuesday evening by all members present.

A new member, Gertrude Lorenze, was with us.

The yearly dues of $1.00 are being earned by each member, which makes it much more interesting.

The Virginia Reel seems to be very popular and we all enjoy it.