The Hamptons Union, November 23, 1922

Hampton News

Ralph Johnson went to Boston on Wednesday to see his physician who found him in such good condition that in a few weeks' time he will be able to return to his school.

Mrs. Gilbraith and family with Mrs. Campbell spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. James Hutchins.

Mr. Calvin Wygant of Marlboro, New York, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cole.

William Gookin has broken ground in the house lot next to the house of Marvin F. Young.

Reports from Bethlehem, N. H. are, they are breaking out the roads with seven foot drifts. How fortunate we are to live in the South with such glorious fall weather.

Word comes from Mrs. Fred Quimby, who went to Florida some weeks ago for her health, that she is very much improved. Her many friends are glad to hear of her recovery.

Having the chance of visiting our new school building lately and noticing what a wonderfully well-equipped building it is, I feel proud that Hampton is so fortunate as to possess such a building. The auditorium so splendidly lighted and ventilated and so symmetrical in lines was a pleasure to be in. A fine piano was much admired and showed good judgment in the choosing. This is a splendid hall for small affairs and should be kept as it is-in a very satisfactory condition. Great credit is due the janitor. Having the use of such a building is well worth the taxes we pay.

Miss Etta Murphy has gone to Cliftondale, Mass., on a visit to friends.

Newell Brown and Parker Small start Wednesday for St. Petersburg, Fla., by automobile, expecting to be gone until Spring.

The Welfare, Education and Sunshine committees of the Mother's Circle will hold a sale in Lane's Block on Friday afternoon, Nov. 24, at two o'clock. They will have some things old and some things new. Some food and plans to please you, too.

Mrs. William Ross is spending a month on 92st St. and Riverside Drive, N. Y., and on Gifford Ave., Jersey City.

The entertainment committee of the Men's Club, William Gilpatrick, Roy Hamilton and Rev. R. S. Barker, have made arrangements for an especially good meeting next Monday evening. Prof. Dawber of Boston University, whom everyone will want to hear, will be the principal speaker and there will also be a discussion of local matters. Let each member be present and bring a guest if possible.

Frank Mason, who is to move the North School building for A. W. Gookin to its new site opposite the Centre School has the timbers under the building and will soon have it started upon its journey. It will be taken up the slope from Ann's Lane to Highland Avenue, thence down across High St. and the Batchelder field to its destination.

Mrs. Orla A. Stowe, formerly Miss Mildred Brown, and Mr. Stowe left Michigan in their auto on the 9th for Florida, in company with another auto party. Mr. and Mrs. Stowe have spent several winters in the South. Mrs. Stowe will meet her father, Moses W. Brown, there.

Rockingham Lodge, I. O. O. F. will entertain Cliftondale Lodge Saturday evening. Plans are being made to receive the Massachusetts brothers in full force and will confer the 2nd degree in the efficient and complete manner in which but few are as capable. It is desirable to have all available members and sojourning brothers present at this special meeting, which will be one of not only of entertainment but of instruction as well.

A farewell party was given to Miss Marion Quinn last Saturday evening at the residence of the Misses Mildred and Dorothy Dudley. Dinner was served at 7:30 o'clock and a general good time was enjoyed. Those present were: Marion Quinn, Mildred and Dorothy Dudley, Charlotte and Beatrice Bristol all of Hampton Beach; Mary Jane Dessailliers and Richard McBride of Manchester; Thomas Kelleher of Beverly; Raymond Castle of Newburyport; Harley Noyes, James Malloy and Ransom McCush of Haverhill. The festivities closed with dancing, music being furnished by the "Push, Kick and Yank" orchestra. A loving token was presented to Miss Marion Quinn, a favorite of everyone.

Guest Day of the Monday Club was observed on Monday afternoon in the auditorium of the Centre School building. Altho the day proved rainy it didn't prevent a goodly company from being present and to listen to a splendid address given by Rev. Clinton Carvell, Newmarket, on "Education Progress," and everyone felt well repaid for attending and all spoke in the highest terms of the speaker and also of the musical part of the program. Miss Tufts of Exeter gave a piano solo which was very much enjoyed, then Mrs. Alice Holmes sang very sweetly "Birth of Morn." After the address Mrs. Redman, musical instructor at New Hampshire college, gave a wonderful interpretation of the two piano solos she afterwards rendered. After this the pastors in town gave short interesting talks and refreshments were served by a bevy of pretty girls, thus ending one of the pleasantest afternoons of the season. Guests were present from Exeter, Rye, Hampton Falls and Hampton. Roy Thayer and Susie Southwich of Hamilton, Mass., were married at Hamilton, Mass., on Nov. 17.

Miss Ernestine Cole arrived home on Saturday after spending some weeks with friends in New York State.

Building is still booming in Hampton. Mr. Beecher Yeaton has started on a new home at the West End in one of the best locations in town. It is a wonder that location has not been picked up for homes before now.

On Tuesday evening, November 28th at 8 P. M. the Rebekahs will hold a Thanksgiving Social at Odd Fellows Hall, to which the public is cordially invited. Then there will be an entertainment and dancing for old and young, and all who can are requested to come in costume, especially the witches at the pageant. Admission, 15c. Sandwiches, ice cream, cake and coffee will be on sale.

A very worthy object was started in the Congregational Church Sunday School last Sunday. Large bags were given out to each class to fill with vegetables, groceries or any article that will help fill out for Thanksgiving dinner for the Little Wanderers Home in Boston. This has been done before at this time of year and a good-sized box has been sent. All bags can be left at the Periodical Store Thursday and the committee in charge will start them on their way Friday.

The old Time Union Thanksgiving services are to be resumed again this year. Arrangements have been made for a Union Service in the Advent Chapel on Wednesday evening, November 29, at 7:30 o'clock. Everybody invited.

The West End Club met at Mrs. Jessie R. Towle's residence, Thursday, Nov. 16th and was entertained very pleasantly by Miss Frances E. Towle. There was a very pretty little wedding at "Pine Nook" Wednesday noon when the Rev. Edgar Warren tied the nuptial knot for Lester William Sanders and Emily Louise Johnson, a couple from Massachusetts. The bride wore a traveling suit of dark blue with brown trimmings, relieved by a corsage bouquet of bride roses, and was charming in her girlish beauty. The bride was attended by her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin A. Johnson of Waverly, Mass., and by her aunt, Mrs. Fay Pearl Hill Mace of Hampton. The groom carries on a hardware business in Waltham, but the young couple will make their home in Boston.

Miss Eloise Lane is spending a few days in Boston, Mass.

Miss Harriet French of Manchester, Mass., spent the weekend in town with friends.

The Friendly Class meets with Mrs. Annie P. Brown on Friday evening.

John Willcut returned on Sunday to St. Johnsbury, Vt.

Mrs. Harry Munsey entertains the H. T. G. Club today.

Mrs. Irving Leavitt and Mrs. Charles Palmer entertained the Mother's Circle on Wednesday evening.

Miss Gladys L. Jordan spent the week end with Mrs. Russell Merrill of Hampton Falls.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller of Boston, Mass., visited Mr. Miller's mother, Mrs. Henry Perkins on Sunday.

Rev. A. B. Thompson is still confined to his home from the effects of his recent illness.

Miss Laura Norris' health is quite poor, but her mind is as keen as ever and she still retains her interest in affairs and enjoys calls from her friends.

Mrs. Addie B. Brown has been visiting friends in Boston and Lynn. On Tuesday Mrs. Lucy A. Marston met her in Beverly where they spent the day with their sister, Mrs. Cressey.

Mr. Charles M. Batchelder is kept busy as janitor of the Central School building. He is just the right man for the position, however. It requires a great deal of care and patience to fill the position.

Mr. Walker and Mr. Hobbs enjoyed a hunting trip last week, even if the fruits of their labor were few.

A very pleasant meeting of the W. C. T. U. was held with Mrs. I. W. Leavitt on Friday last. Mrs. Barker had charge of the meeting.

Olive P. Bradbury and C. Hazel Brown chaperoned the Camp Fire's to Exeter over the weekend.