The Hamptons Union, April 12, 1923

Hampton News

The Adjourned Meeting:

The adjournment of the Annual March town meeting was very largely attended, with a high percentage of women voters.

The meeting was called to order by Moderator Byron E. Redman and opened under article 14.

Uri Lamprey moved that we refer back to Article 5 and proceed to elect a Collector of Taxes. L. C. Ring moved an amendment that the report of the selectmen on the matter of securing a financial clerk to the selectmen, who should also be the collector, be first heard. The Moderator then called for a vote on the amendment and asked for a division of the house. The vote resulted in 94 in favor of the amendment and 59 against. L. C. Ring then reported that they had found a man who would be entirely satisfactory in every way, who would give his whole time to the town, acting as financial bookkeeper, collector of taxes, board of health agent and janitor of the town hall. By this centralization of duties it would cost the town no more than it did under the existing system and there would always be someone in the selectmen's office who could act for the board and report at regular meetings of the selectmen. He concluded his report with a motion that one ballot be cast for William Brown as collector.

Uri Lamprey then called for his original motion, and after some discussion of parliamentary procedure the motion was put and it was voted to elect by ballot a collector of taxes. It was also voted that the checklist be used.

Two candidates only were in the field, Ernest G. Cole, the present collector, and William Brown. Nearly an hour was consumed in taking the ballot. Nearly 300 voted and it resulted in 155 for William Brown and 135 for Mr. Cole.

Rev. Bernard Christopher then moved that the town elect two permanent police officers, one for the village and one for the Beach. George Ashworth moved as an amendment that the matter be left with the selectmen. The amendment was adopted by a vote of 109 to 99.

L. C. Ring then moved to take up Article 5 and under that article gave a report of the conditions of the breakwater now under construction at the Pines. He said that he found the town still owes for the work about $20,000, which includes a quantity of piles, timber, iron etc. now on the spot. Cashman Bros. were willing to go on with the work until this material was used up and then remove their machinery for $800, and Mr. Ring thought that was the best thing to do. Judge Lamprey thought it would be the finish of a bad job and we had better do it. The $800 is to be taken from an appropriation of $10,000 which was voted to reduce the debt for breakwater construction.

A report of the committee appointed to investigate and report on the advisability of putting in a set of town scales was given by Charles E. Greenman. He reported prices for 20-ton scales, exclusive of excavation and platform, as about $850; 10-ton, $650; and a wagon scales for about $250. The committee recommended the 20-ton scales. Two places were recommended, one in front of Lane's store, and the other in front of the shoe factory. It was voted to buy the scales and have them put in a suitable place under the direction of the selectmen.

On motion of George Ashworth the following vote was passed:

That the budget for the town expenditures for the year next ensuing each annual town meeting be made by a committee which shall be known as an Appropriation committee, said committee to hold meetings in February of each year, to study the needs and resources of the town and make up therefrom a budget of minimum appropriations for town expenditures and to have said budget printed in the annual town report preceeding the town meeting for which the budget is made. Each member of said committee shall continue as such until a successor is appointed at any annual town meeting. The appropriation committee shall be composed of the following: The Board of Selectmen, Town Treasurer, School District Treasurer, Auditors, Highway Agent, President of the Street Railway, John A. Janvrin, George Ashworth, Howard G. Lane, Edgar Warren, Ernest G. Cole, Thomas Cogger and Joseph S. Dudley.

It was voted, also, on the motion of George Ashworth:

That a committee of seven be chosen to draft a code of ordinances for the Town of Hampton, and report at the next annual meeting. The Moderator appointed the following: Edgar Warren, L. C. Ring, George Ashworth, C. F. Adams, Melzar Dunbar, Howell M. Lamprey, Warren Hobbs.

Voted that the selectmen shall not issue any permit for a merry-go-round, roller coaster or games of chance at Hampton Beach.

Voted $300 for the suppression of the gypsy moth.

Voted to adjourn.

Chamber Of Commerce:

The meeting for the organizing of a chamber of commerce will be held in the school building this (Thursday) evening at 8 o'clock. A set of by-laws for the organization have been drafted by the by-law committee. A list of names for directors will be submitted by the nominating committee. It is hoped that all who want to see Hampton grow will come to this meeting and show interest in the project, even if they do not become active members. There have been rumors abroad that the movement is in the hands of a few who have a personal interest to serve. Such is not the case in any particular. The movement is inspired wholly by a desire to promote the welfare of the town as a whole; to have a central organization in close touch with the state and town chambers of commerce. It is expected of every person who joins the chamber that he will work for the interests of the whole town and not for any personal interests alone. Every man in town who has an interest in the town's prosperity is wanted as a member and is urged to join. The men whose names will be submitted as directors represent the best thought and business ability of the town and are as nearly representative of all sections of the town. Beach as well as village, as it is possible to get in a limited directorate. Come and see for yourself. HELP US GROW.

Parent-Teacher Association:

An interesting meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association was held in the school auditorium last Monday evening. In the absence of the president, Rev. R. S. Barker, the vice-president presided. C. F. Adams acted as clerk in place of Mrs. Nellie Chase, who was unable to be present.

Miss Addie C. Marston gave a report on school lunches.

A bill for the flowers presented to Mrs. Hemingway while she was in the hospital was received and ordered paid.

C. S. Toppan reported some of the teeter boards on school playground were broken. Leroy Hamilton offered labor to restore them if the school board would furnish the lumber.

A nominating committee was chosen to name a list of officers for the next year. The committee is C. F. Adams, Miss Adeline C. Marston and Mrs. Lucy Redman.

Some interesting remarks were made by the acting president, Rev. Mr. Barker, also by Rev. Bernard Christopher, Miss Irene Trefethen, Leroy Hamilton and others.

Committee Meeting:

There will be a meeting of the committee on town ordinances for the purpose of organizing at the Union office on Wednesday evening, April 18, at 7:30 o'clock.

Red Cross:

Through the courtesy of Mr. Adams and the medium of the Hamptons Union, I wish to express my very sincere appreciation of the many kindnesses extended to me at the time of my accident and through the period of recuperation, by the members of the Hampton branch of the American Red Cross and the many kind friends I have found in Hampton.

To the Campfire Girls and those who showed their appreciation of the fact that such an accident means not only a period of indefinite disability but also a financial consideration, and by their generous gifts to the financial committee of the Red Cross have made possible the giving of the March salary to the disabled nurse. I would like to herewith add my thanks to that of the committee.

In having to lay down my work in Hampton so unexpectedly, I am leaving with the feeling that I have found many friends in Hampton and a big real opportunity for progressive public health work, especially in the school among the school children who have proved themselves such staunch friends of mine. ALYS G. HEMINGWAY.

The Mother's Circle will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Theda Hobbs on Wednesday evening, April 18.

The North Shore Realty Co. has sold to Miss Mary Boisvert of Concord, the Rose Cottage at North Shore which is to be converted into a tea room.

Miss Hazel Brown chaperoned a jolly party of young people who motored to Exeter on Monday evening to attend the play "Uncle Tom's Cabin."

Mrs. Frank Coffin is in the Exeter Hospital where she underwent a surgical operation on Monday.

Mrs. Frank Stevens spent Tuesday with her daughter in Lynn.

We regret that in the report of the Easter service in the Congregational church no mention was made of the solo rendered by Mrs. Coombs entitled "Easter Day." The solo was very finely rendered by Mrs. Coombs, the school music teacher, and was pleasing to the congregation.

The new sewing meetings and lunches which are being held on the afternoon of each regular Rebekah meeting are much enjoyed by those attending. The work done is for different objects. On next Tuesday afternoon it will be for Hunto Encampment. It is hoped there will be a good attendance.

The baseball season is on! Three teams have been organized at the Centre school this week. Miss Chase is coaching the boys in the fifth grade and Miss Jordan the two teams in the sixth.

The girls have elected Miss Dorothy Dudley for captain and Constance Tobey as manager.

Mrs. Lucy Redman has been visiting her son and family, Amos Redman of Brooklyn, N. Y., for the past ten days.

Watch for particulars of the Food Sale on Friday afternoon, April 20.

Mrs. Thomas Watt has opened her home on the Beach road after spending the winter in Toronto, Canada.

Dr. Fulton and family of Maine are visiting the family of Mr. William Gookin, whose wife is a sister of the doctor.

A glance in E. G. Cole's store window makes one think that spring is here. A very attractive window in peach blossom and is it very effective, especially at this season.

A baked bean and salad supper will be served at Odd Fellows' hall under the auspices of the Rebekah Lodge from five to seven o'clock, after which whist will be enjoyed, on Wednesday evening, April 11.

Rev. R. S. Barker, pastor of the Methodist church, left Wednesday morning to attend the N. E. Conference which is in session in Manchester this week.

The Ladies' Aid of the Congregational church will hold a sale of aprons, cake and candy at the presentation of "The Minister's Wife's New Bonnet" on April 27, in the town hall.

Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Nutting arrived in town on Wednesday from Florida and New York where they have spent the winter, and opened their home on the Beach Road.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Lane have returned from their southern trip which extended to Washington, D. C. Miss Leonore Lane met her parents and returned with them for her spring vacation.

The fire alarm call from Newburyport, Mass. was distinctly heard in Hampton on Tuesday evening, when Anna Jaques hospital was damaged by fire. Full particulars in a later issue.

Friends of Mrs. Fred Harrison are watching the progress of her recovery from a very serious operation which took place last Monday at Portsmouth Cottage Hospital. The last report was encouraging.

Miss Mary Toppan entertained the Ladies' Aid of the Congregational Church on Wednesday afternoon at her home, sixteen ladies being present. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess of assorted cake and cocoa.

Mr. John H. Powers who was one of Hampton Beach's hotel men, died at his home in Manchester, N. H., last week after a long illness. He was proprietor of Hotel Avon for a number of years, in fact, one of the first men in hotel business. He was a popular man and made many friends.

The Junior Class of Hampton Academy will present "All a Mistake" in the town hall on Wednesday evening, April 25. This promises to be a good drama. Don't miss it!

Reciprocity Day in the Monday Club will be held in the Congregational Chapel on Monday, April 16. Hampton clubs with Hampton Falls, Exeter and Rye will be entertained as guests that afternoon. There will be two speakers and a musical program provided.

The Friendly Class will present the popular musicale and drama, "The Minister's Wife's New Bonnet," April 27th in the town hall. This play has been given in a large number of places and is equally as popular as the "Old Peabody Pew," and everybody will be anxious to see it. The people who take part are well known amateur performers of the town who you will be pleased to see. Remember the date.

Mr. and Mrs. Percy Brown have returned to the Beach.

Mrs. Vianna C. Marston is able to be out again after repeated colds and grippe.

The housewives are again urged to save all newspapers for the junk man.

Thirty of Miss Mary Toppan's friends surprised her with a bowl shower Monday evening. Mary had expressed a desire for bowls so on her return from the warden's meeting she found bowls of all sorts and sizes awaiting her. A social evening followed with refreshments. At the present time it would be difficult to purchase a bowl in Hampton.

The regular meeting of the Men's Club will be held in the Chapel of the Congregational Church next Monday evening. We understand that the committee in charge has arranged for a debate, which ought to be of much interest. The executive committee will submit a tentative program for the next year, beginning with September and ending with May. An invitation is extended to the men of the community to attend whether members or not, and without regard to church affiliation.

It seems unnecessary to have our house lights turned off at midnight even if our street lights have to be, as they were on Tuesday night and many other nights before, and leave our homes in darkness. It's most inconvenient especially for people who are obliged to be up to wait on the sick or anyone who gets up and finds no lights. Why is it? Economy or carelessness?

One of the most attractive barber shops which one will find anywhere is the result of a recent renovation of the shop of our popular barber, Chester G. Marston. The entire interior has been transformed and brightened by the whitened walls, the new mirrors of latest pattern, and other improvements. Mr. Marston's No.1 man, George T. Lindsey, still retains charge of the chair by the big front window, but he says he finds the interior of the shop so restful to the eye that he seldom looks out upon the street now.

At the Missionary Society at the Congregational church last week, at which the president, Miss Akerman, presided, there was a home missionary program in charge of Mrs. Lucy A. Marston, and a very interesting letter from Leslie Leavitt, son of Frank Leavitt of this town, and written to his grandmother Mrs. R. R. Leavitt, was read. Leslie is a teacher in the boy's school at Tripoli, Syria. He was with Dr. Howard Bliss teaching in Syria during the war. He married Dr. Bliss's daughter Margaret and returned with little Howard a while ago to continue the work. Dr. Bliss died a victim to overwork. Mrs. Boyer of Exeter, the County President was present and spoke of Dr. Bliss as being regarded as a saint in Syria.

The West End Club was entertained very pleasantly April 5 by Mrs. Jessie R. Towle. The meeting opened by all singing "America The Beautiful" and then repeating the quotation. The minutes of the last meeting and the treasurer's report were read. Mrs. Addie James read a letter of thanks from the matron of the orphan's home for clothing sent by some of the club members. The program was very good. Readings by each of the members, singing by Mesdames Addie and Katherine James. A social hour was enjoyed and a delicious lunch was served by the hostess consisting of sandwiches, fruit cake, cookies, cheese and coffee. The members departed for home thanking their hostess for a pleasant afternoon.

Kemah Camp Fire Notes:

All welcome to the drama "The Betty Wales Girls and Mr. Kidd", given by the Kemah Camp Fire Girls on Friday evening of this week, April 13. A play of college "doings" in a girl's college. Dancing after the drama. Admission, adults, 35c; children, 25c.