The Hamptons Union, July 5, 1923

Hampton News

Miss Adeline C. Marston is spending the week in Beverly with her cousins.

It is not yet too late to give your mite to the Children's Aid and Protective Society. The canvass has been delayed, but must be closed this week.

Mrs. B. F. Perkins and her daughter Adelaide are welcome guests in town. Also Mrs. Noyes, Mrs. Marion Gates and daughter, Madeline.

The Christian people of Hampton, members of the several churches, Advent, Baptist, Congregational and Methodist, extend a cordial invitation to our summer guests to be present at any or all of our services on the Lord's Day. Preaching service at 10:30; Sunday School at 1:45. Song service an informal at address at 7:00 in the evening. Come: a hearty welcome awaits you.

Frank E. Leavitt has let his two apartments to two doctors with families. The old Leavitt homestead has been remodeled with everything modern and convenient. Mr. Leavitt and family occupy one apartment.

Rev. Mr. Roys preached a most excellent sermon in the Congregational church last Sunday. All were much pleased to hear him. The communion service was very impressive and reverently conducted.

S. Albert Shaw was struck by an automobile this morning early while driving or leading his cow to pasture. One auto tried to pass another, and, regardless of any rights of man or beast, struck Mr. Shaw and threw him over 20 feet. The cow was injured very badly and may have to be killed. Mr. Shaw is in bed. It is thought that no bones are broken, but the doctors cannot yet tell how seriously he is injured. Much sympathy is felt for the family as Mrs. Shaw is quite ill and can not well bear this shock. Can not something be done to stop this reckless, careless driving? It is scarcely safe for anyone to cross the street. Horses are supposed to have no rights to travel our roads. Cannot there be some more stringent regulations regarding the settled parts of the town?

The little light bearers and cradle roll of the Methodist E. Church, met at the home of their leader, Mrs. Helen Perkins. Games were played while parents were taking an imaginary trip to Paris. The little ones were invited to the dining room where delicious ice cream, cake and assorted cookies were much enjoyed. After all had been served, then everybody went home with happy faces giving proof of an afternoon well spent.

Miss Anna M. Cole is home from her school.

There was the largest sale of fireworks at Green's Drug Store for many years.

Mrs. Matty Picard of Merrimac, Mass. and Miss Nellie Smith have joined the family household at the Durant House for a protracted stay.

On Tuesday evening, June 26th, the P. N. G. Club of Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge observe the 1st anniversary by entertaining the officers of the lodge at the home of the club president, Mrs. Belle S. Dearborn.

The next meeting will be an outing at the Beach on the evening of July 23.

Mrs. John Bryant and Mrs. Frank Stevens went to Concord annual meeting and banquet on Wednesday to attend the Odd Fellows Home.

Low prices on garbage cans, sprinkles and ash barrels at Paul's 87 Market street, Portsmouth, N. H.

Frank H. Coffin and Arthur W. Chase represented Rockingham Lodge No. 22.

L. Frank Stevens and John W. R. Brooks, Grand Guardian of the Grand Lodge of N. H.

I. O. O. F., motored to Pittsfield Wednesday night to attend the District Meeting of Concord District No. 9.

Capt. Jasper B. Myers, commander of the Hampton Life Saving crew at the United States Coast Guard station No. 16 with Warden Thompson of the State Fish and Game department motored to the conclave of the Knights of Birmingham which was held at Nashua last Friday.

Chief of Police S. L. Blake blossomed out bright and early Sunday morning with a new summer cap. New caps and badges were also distributed to the several men who now make up the Hampton Beach constabulary.

Judge Lamprey means to do away with driving under the influence of liquor and reckless driving according to the way he dealt out the sentences in the Hampton municipal court Monday morning, a total of $252.90 was collected from the seven persons called before the judge.

N.H. Prices are right:

For water, steam or steam pipe fittings or valves try Paul's 87 Market street, Portsmouth,

Low prices on Conductor pipe and fittings at W. E. Paul's 87 Market street, Portsmouth,

There will be service in the Baptist church on Lord's Day morning at 10:30. Preaching by the pastor, Rev. Bernard Christopher. Subject: Pioneers in Christian Faith and Practice, Acts 8:4. The Sunday school is the great feeder for the church; you cannot afford to neglect it even if you are busy. Service at 11:45. The subject for the evening service is My Servant, Job.

Augustus Locke of California was a week end guest of his mother, Mrs. Martha P. Locke.

Mrs. J. Parker Blake and daughter, Augusta, will occupy the furnished apartment of Mrs. Frances Young for the summer.

Mr. John B. Rich, proprietor of Cutler's Seaview house, was united in marriage with Mrs. Florence Horton, housekeeper at Cutler's, by the Rev. George W. Clark in the presence of a few guests, on Thursday, June 21.

The "night before" was the quietest this year for a long time. There was no bon-fire in the square, and very little mischief on the streets was performed. There was the usual migration to the Beach during the day.


The new central fire station of the Hampton Beach fire department, replacing the one burned last March, is rapidly being made ready for occupancy. It is expected that the apparatus will be installed in at least two weeks time.

Upwards of 5000 people are due to come to Hampton Beach on Aug. 15 when the Aleppo Shrine of Boston and vicinity with its 180 piece band holds its annual outing here, announced Geo. Ashworth Monday. This great Masonic throng, with their wives and children, will come from the Hub by special trains and will be met at the Hampton station by special cars and automobiles. A goodly number of Shriners will make the trip by automobile over the roads. An exhibition drill will be put on by the visitors, sports of all kinds will be run off and concerts will be given in the evening by the Aleppo band. The merchants of the Beach are going to decorate their stores and shops in an unusual manner and are all planning to make this outing one of the best ever held on the Beach. The committee has been given to understand that they are to provide a clambake for between four and five thousand guests. The bake will probably be held in the big grove between Hampton and Hampton Beach.