The Hamptons Union, September 13, 1923

Hampton News

Mr. and Mrs. Percy S. Smith of Lowell, Mass., spent carnival week with Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. McKeen, of this town.

Mrs. Oscar Carlson and daughter Elsie have gone to Brooklyn, New York where Miss Carlson expects to spend the winter.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore and family are at the Elmwood until the Church residence is in readiness for them.

Mr. Robinson of Pembroke, N. H., the principal of the Junior High School, is at the Elmwood temporarily.

Mrs. Alys Hemingway was in town on Sunday. Her home has been rented to Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, of New Haven, Conn.

The food sale for the benefit of Rebekah Lodge will be held on grounds of I. O. O. F. building, Friday, Sept. 14, 3 p.m. Notice change of place.

The public schools of this town start in under very favorable conditions, a super excellent superintendent, a fine new principal, a good corps of teachers, a perfect janitor; with these, the children should be content and happy, and make good progress.

Under the auspices of the Mothers' Circle on Monday Sept. 17 in the Central School Auditorium Mrs. Geo. F. Richards of Exeter will speak on "Affairs at Washington." Mrs. Richards is the only woman member of the Press Gallery at the Capitol which has a membership of 225 men, and is the only authorized body of news gatherers at the Capitol. We hope everyone will avail themselves of this opportunity, as it is seldom we get first hand information from Washington.

Judge Howell M. Lamprey and daughter, Marion spent Tuesday in Boston.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fisher and two sons Arnold and Frank Newton, moved to Portsmouth on Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Lane are entertaining friends from Duluth, Minn. this week.

Mr. Oscar Garland returned to his school in Brookfield on Sunday.

Miss Marion Lamprey is spending her vacation in her home in town. She is visiting Mrs. Tarleton, nee Miss Martha Moulton, in Rye a few days this week.

Cards have been received by friends for the wedding of Mr. Roland Noyes and Miss Greta Myers on Wednesday evening, September 19. They will make their home in Portsmouth.

Men's Club:

The first meeting of the Men's Club for the season of 1923-24 will be held in the Congregational Chapel at 7:00 o'clock. As some of the members of the Men's Club desire to attend the address of Mrs. Richards before the Mother's Circle in the school building the same evening the Executive Committee decided to call the Club meeting at 7:00.

This first meeting is an important one and is designed as a rally night to awaken new interest in this Club throughout the community, and induce new members to come in. The arrangements are in charge of a committee of 18, of which George W. Philbrook is chairman.

As Rev. John Cummings, the new pastor of the Congregational Church will be present for the first time the Committee desires to make the meeting first of all a reception to him, and desires all of the members and friends to be present and make it a royal reception.

The supper which is served on these occasions the committee have decided to have early in the evening at the meeting and will make it a buffet lunch, after which will be the address by H. L. Moore Supt. Of Schools, who has been secured for the occasion.

The Men's Club is not a denominational organization. Its aim is to promote good fellowship and to work for the best interests of the community. All the men in town who are in sympathy with such an object are invited to join. The present membership is about sixty, and the number should double this year.

Mr. John Chipman and mother motored down to Hampton on Sunday, returning to Chelsea on Monday, Mrs. Addie Brown accompanying them.

Because of so many other meetings this week and the absence of the president the W. R. Corps meeting will be postponed until Sept. 26th, when it is hoped members will be present to rehearse for inspection Oct. 8th.

Mrs. H. G. Lane and Mrs. W. T. Ross attended a very pleasant meeting of the News-Letter correspondents in Kingston on Saturday, the guests of Dr. Kemp. The officers elected for the coming year are: President, Dr. Kemp; Vice President, Mrs. Sarah M. Lane; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. Seth Dame.

The county missionary meeting of the Congregational church both Foreign and Home will be entertained by the Hampton Auxiliary on Tuesday, Sept. 25. Dinner will be served the officers and speakers and coffee to all. The state president will be present and it is hoped all the ladies of this auxiliary will attend this important meeting and any ladies in town will be welcome.

Dr. Frank W. Patch:

The many friends of Dr. Frank W. Patch in this town were shocked to hear of his sudden death in Boston, on Friday.

Dr. Patch was a nephew of Mrs. Oliver H. Godfrey, and made his home here part of the time while attending Phillips Exeter Academy. A particularly sad thing pertaining to his death, aside from the great loss to wife, children and patients, is the loss to the aged and almost helpless father, Capt. Samuel Patch, a Civil War veteran, who depended much on his only son for aid and comfort. The following from the Boston Globe shows the success Dr. Patch had achieved through his courage and perseverance.

He was born in Wayland March 22, 1862, the son of Capt. Samuel and Elizabeth J. (Noyes) Patch. He was graduated at the Boston University School of Medicine in 1888. For a time he was at the Rotunda Hospital in Dublin, Ireland. Later he located in Framingham as a general practitioner, and in 1900 he established the Woodside Cottages. He had been a professor of Materia Medica at Boston University and was well known both as a teacher and as a writer in homeopathy.

In 1907, he was elected president of the International Hahnemanian Association, and served as secretary of the organization from 1913 to 1916. At one time he was president of the Framingham Improvement Association and up to eight years ago he had been active in the civic affairs of the city. His sanitarium and private practice had grown to such an extent that since that time he had few hours for any but professional matters.

In 1920, he opened an office at 178 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, where he was associated with Dr. Herbert E. Maynard and Dr. Benjamin C. Woodbury. His first wife, formerly Miss Kate Whiting, died more than a decade ago, and in 1913 he married Miss Virginia Allen of Petersburg, Va., who survives, as does his father, now a resident of Waltham; three sons, Buel Patch of Buffalo, Frederick Patch and Wallace Patch of Framingham; a daughter, Miss Elizabeth Patch of Framingham, and a sister, Miss Maude Patch of Waltham.

Mrs. H. G. Lane, Mrs. Christopher Toppan and Mrs. W. T. Ross, attended the meeting of the Federation of Women's Clubs in Durham on Thursday, and returned home much inspired by the addresses. There was a large meeting and the addresses were most illuminating. More than two hundred dollars was gathered for the Near East.

The Joseph Batchelder homestead has been purchased by Mr. James, and Mrs. Florence Brooks has sold her residence to Policeman Jones, who moved from Arthur Young's there on Wednesday.

Mr. Geo. F. Crocker will open his series of moving pictures in the town hall on Saturday evening with the big feature "When Knighthood was in Flower." There will also be the usual comedy and news weekly. Owing to the unusual length of the program the show will begin at 7:15 sharp.

Rev. Bernard Christopher is attending The New England Conference on Evangelism at Tremont Temple, held under the auspices of the American Baptist Home Mission Society.

Mr. Christopher is expected home tonight.

Word has been received in town that the following persons perished in the recent earthquake horror at Yokohama, Japan: Mr. Chester W. Purington, his two children, Frank C. Purington and Mary L. Purington and the children's nurse Miss Mary Simmons.

Though many in our town are not personally acquainted with Mrs. H. P. Wells, who recently became one of our townspeople, yet the entire sympathy of the whole community goes out to her in her recent loss of so many of her family caused by the recent tragedy in Japan. It is only when these horrors come so near to us that we can in any way realize the greatness of the catastrophe.

Hampton Beach:

At a meeting of many of the property owners and business people of this beach, held under the auspices of the Hampton Beach Board of Trade at the Casino theatre Monday night, tentative plans were made to adopt a budget program for 1924 which would permit more attractions and entertainments than in the past.

Of the suggestions advanced to obtain the necessary money for an enlarged program, the two most important were a three per cent contribution by cottage owners out of the amount they receive for rent from their cottages and the charging of a nominal fee to all motorists parking their machines on the beach.

It was brought out that the income derived from such taxes alone would pay the expenses of all band concerts, vaudeville actors and fireworks displays during the entire season.

No objections to these plans were made by any in attendance and these sources of income were incorporated in the budget until a meeting to be held early next spring when it will be voted upon and officers elected.

The budget as outlined would bring in $25,000 which would be divided for advertising, entertainments and administration.

The meeting was presided over by Henry W. Ford, President of the Board of Trade, and was addressed by Charles W. Tobey, President of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, J. Frank James of Lawrence, Mass., George Ashworth.