The Hamptons Union, October 18, 1923

Hampton News

Miss Maria Perkins of 306 High Street, Newburyport, Mass., is passing the week end in town with her brother, Henry Perkins.

There is a great call for carpenters in town.

Miss S. B. Lane spent three days with cousins at Chichester, N. H., last week.

Mrs. Henry Perkins has gone to Malden, Mass. to pass the week end with her children, Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Miller, at 65 Dutton Street. Her daughter came for her in an auto.

Miss Ianthe Hawbolt, popular clerk at W. E. Lamb's last summer, has remembered her friends, both at the beach and in town with post cards. Ianthe tells what a wonderful sight the battlefields at Gettysburg are and what a lot of fighting our New Hampshire boys did there. She reports wonderful weather.

The first meeting of the West End Club was entertained by Miss Blanche Williams, Oct. 4th, at her home on Drakeside Road. A very pleasant afternoon was spent. Refreshments of ice cream, cake and tea were served by the hostess.

Plans are being developed for the use of the new picture machine at the Center School on Friday evening, Oct., 26th to which the public is invited.

On this evening the pictures will be free. The purpose is to show pictures once a week for the benefit of the school and the community at a nominal charge consistent with good pictures and good management.

Look for announcement in next week's issue of the Union.

Miss Mary Gookin attended a wedding of her friend at Claremont on Saturday.

Mrs. Lucy Marston, Mrs. Annie True, Mrs. Marvin Leavitt and Mrs. Sarah M. Lane are attending the State W. C. T. U. at Concord this week.

The next meeting of our local W. C. T. U. will be held at the home of Mrs. L. A. Marston, when the reports of the state convention will be given. Every member come and bring a new member.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pressey of Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Blake of Peabody spent the week end with their father, Mr. G. C. Blake. Mr. Blake returns with them for a short visit.

Miss Marion Lamprey and fiancé, Mr. Arthur Penniman were week end visitors with Mr. H. M. Lamprey.

The Misses Helen, Gladys and Dorothy Gilpatrick and Esther Scott attended the Endeavor Convention at Exeter, Friday, Oct. 12.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Towle and Mr. and Mrs. H. Perkins have returned from a trip to the White Mountains.

Herbert Wyman, who has been seriously ill for two weeks at the New England Sanitorium and Hospital, Melrose, Mass., was able to be operated on a week ago for appendicitis. His many friends will be happy to know that he is gaining strength every day. He has for nurse his daughter, Ruby, who is a senior nurse of the training school connected with the hospital.

It is with regret that we learn of the serious illness of Mrs. Josephine Mason with pneumonia in her brother's home in Brookline. Mrs. Marion Dearborn went up to see her on Sunday. The doctor gives hope of her recovery.

The W. R. Corps will meet on Wednesday, Oct. 24. The corps has received an invitation to attend the inspection of the Exeter Corps Wednesday evening Oct. 24.

Mr. and Mrs. John Branch Jr. of St. Albans are visiting Mrs. Edwin Batchelder.

Miss Mary Toppan visited Mr. Wyman in Melrose, Mass., on Sunday with Mrs. Wyman.

Quite a number of ladies attended the Harvest Supper at the Baptist Church, Hampton Falls, on Wednesday evening. After supper an entertainment was given.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Quimby leave for Florida on Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Woods and Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Palmer and family are planning to go about Nov.1st.

The Monday Club was pleasantly entertained this week by Mrs. Helen Brown with Mrs. Gertrude Johnson assistant hostess. A large number was present and three new members were added. A fine report was given by the Secretary. Instruction in parliamentary law was well presented by Mrs. Lane, Mrs. Tobey and Mrs. Thompson. Dainty refreshments were served. The executive committee of the club is invited to an all day meeting in Rye on Oct. 30.

Miss Martha Chipman of Somerville was a welcome guest in town over the week end.

Visitors at the Congregational parsonage Sunday were Miss Florence Cummings of Webster, Mass., Leslie Cummings of Univ. of New Hampshire, Miss Ethel Skoog, Miss Lila Foster, Miss Blanche Wicker, Mr. Stanley Greene, Mr. Edward Turner all of Boston.

High Grade Creamery Butter at the Co-op, Best Tub 51c Lb. Best Print 52c Lb.

A very delightful tea was given by the Friendly Class at the Congregational Webster Chapel on Wednesday afternoon, which was greatly enjoyed by all. The Cradle Roll which is in charge of Mrs. Toppan, was entertained at the same time, also some of the younger classes in the Sunday School. A very pleasant entertainment was given by the little ones dressed in fancy crepe paper dresses. A motion song by Miss Akerman's class, a piano solo by Virginia Dennett, recitations by Robert Nudd, Elizabeth Toppan, vocal solo by Barbara Ward, duet by Edith Emery and Virginia Dennett, and a little farce was given entitled "The Three Bears". All did well and the guests were delighted.

Federal Game and Fish Warden Smith is the guest of Mr. Howell M. Lamprey this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer King, Jr., and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hobbs will motor to Richmond, Maine, on Friday to spend the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer King, Sr.

Men's Club:

The October meeting of the Men's Club in the Congregational church Monday night was a most interesting one. It was "Men's Club Night," and the program was made up of remarks by members and a discussion of future work. The president, Warren H. Hobbs, presided. David Hamilton, an ex-president of the club, was first called upon for remarks. He set the ball rolling by a general outline of the Club's opportunities. About twenty members followed with remarks all suggesting ways by which the influence of the Club can be felt in the community. George W. Shilbrook suggested that an entertainment of some sort be given as a means of raising money. The same idea was seconded by other speakers, including Oliver W. Hobbs, M. W. Dunbar, Warren Clark and others, and before the meeting was over, definite action was taken, and it was voted to present a mock trial in the near future, and a committee composed of George W. Shilbrook, Warren Clark and M. W. Dunbar was chosen to have charge of the arrangements.

H. L. Moore, Supt. of Schools, spoke most interestingly, principally upon two points -- moving pictures in the school building and development of a municipal park from the land in the rear of the school building. W. Scott Noyes favored the idea of having an entertainment to raise money in the treasury for use in the purchases of gifts for sick members. Ernest G. Cole strongly seconded Mr. Moore in the park project, as did Rev. Bernard Christopher, who went a little farther and advocated the erection of a gymnasium as one feature of the project. Rev. R. S. Barker thought we should have a definite object in view, and see that it is accomplished. He also spoke in favor of securing Prof. Dauber of Boston University for the next meeting, and it was voted that the committee in charge of the November meeting ask the assistance of Mr. Barker in securing Prof. Dauber. Warren Clark started a bit of propaganda for better national defence, and then seconded the movement for a public entertainment, and on his motion it was voted that the first $100 accruing to the Club be laid aside and at the proper time be devoted to the use of developing the park. William T. Ross, John H. Elliot, Edward J. Brown, Mr. Coombs, and other members spoke briefly. The President then called upon Dr. Arthur Ward, a visitor, for remarks, and the doctor responded with a suggestion that the Club use its influence in behalf of the young men of the town. Later on the doctor was voted a member of the Club.

A light supper closed the evening's entertainment.

The committee in charge was Oliver W. Hobbs, Warren Clark, William T. Ross, Roscoe Palmer.

The next meeting will be "Lecture Night," on Nov. 19. The committee in charge is Warren H. Hobbs, John H. Elliot, William Cash, Harold Noyes, Richard B. Shelton, William Stevens.

H. T. G. Club was entertained by Mrs. Eugene Leavitt on Thursday. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. C. M. Batchelder, Miss Campbell and Mrs. William Cash. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess. The next meeting is with Mrs. Harry Munsey.