The Hamptons Union, November 29, 1923

Hampton News

Much of our matter has to be omitted this week to permit printing on Wednesday instead of Thursday as usual.

Do not forget the sale in Lane's store by the W. C. T. U. on Dec. 7. Delicious food will be on sale also aprons and candy. Come and help a good cause.

Mrs. William Butler, who was operated on in the Sacred Heart Hospital in Manchester N. H. has returned home and is recuperating finely. Her daughter, Miss Barbara Cole who is teaching in Manchester, Mass. comes home every week end.

Mr. Jacob P. Godfrey recently passed his 82nd birthday and his brother Oliver H. Godfrey his 80th. Both were remembered by their friends with calls and gifts.

The many friends of Mr. Herbert Whidden are glad to hear that he is able to sit up a part of the time.

The 91st birthday of Mrs. Caroline L. Howe, was quietly observed in her home with her son Edger W. Howe.

Except for being slightly deaf, Mrs. Howe retains her faculties to a remarkable degree, she looks no older than many at 75. He has just enjoyed a visit from friends in the West and took a long auto ride with them. She can see nicely and is a great reader. She is pleased with all the modern improvements, electric lights, telephone and most of all a radio which her son has installed and she enjoys it hugely. We might not wish to live 91 yrs, but if all were as cheerful and happy as Grandma Howe, we might enjoy life more. Many calls were received by her from friends and neighbors.

Mrs. Lucy A. Marston and Miss Adeline C. Marston will spend Thanksgiving in Beverly, Mass.

Mr. and Mrs. George Delaney of Bar Harbor, Me., have been spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Huckins.

A change of time on the Beach end of the E. H. & A. St. Railway went into effect last Monday.

Mrs. Lucia Ames Mead will lecture in the Center School building on Monday evening under the auspices of the Monday Club. The different organizations have been invited and it is earnestly desired that the men and women of the town attend.

At a meeting of the ordinance committee next Thursday evening it is expected that State Chemist Howard will be present to advise the committee in regard to the rules and regulations for garbage disposal. The State Board of Health is much interested in this matter and is anxious to do all it can drafting its ordinance for the health department.

Last Sunday the Sunday schools in town each chose three members to act with the permanent committee in making arrangements for the community Christmas tree this year. The whole committee will be called together soon.

Letters have been received from Miss Helen A. Watson telling of her delightful travels and sojourns in Paris.

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hobbs went to West Haven on Tuesday to visit their sister Mrs. Walter Goodwin and to celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Their son, Eston, will meet them there.

The H. T. G. Club was royally entertained on Thursday by Mrs. Ruth Palmer. Welcome guests were Mrs. Frank Leavitt, Mrs. Winchester, Mrs. Brooks and Miss Sadie Lane. Favors were awarded to Miss Toppan, Miss Sadie Lane and Mrs. Munsey. Generous refreshments were served by the hostess. The next meeting will be entertained by Mrs. John Janvrin.

The Congregational Missionary Auxiliary will meet on Thursday Dec. 6. Notice change in day. The birthday bank will be opened and the thank-offering left open for those who could not be present last month.

Announcement cards have been received by friends of the marriage of Mr. Arthur Penniman and Miss Marion Lamprey, oldest daughter of Mr. Howell M. Lamprey.

The West End Club was pleasantly entertained by Mrs. J. R. Towle Nov. 16. After the business was transacted a social hour was enjoyed and refreshments were served by the hostess.

The West End Club gave a very successful supper to the men and invited guests Nov 23, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Batchelder. All did justice to the sumptuous repast. After which games and Virginia reel was enjoyed and after a later hour all dispersed.

Christmas Seal Sale:

Next week, beginning Dec. 1 is Christmas Seal Sale week. This Seal Sale finances the Tuberculosis Work for 1924.

The amount needed to continue and expand the campaign for the prevention and cure of tuberculosis in the state of New Hampshire during the year 1924 is $50,000.

There are at the present time 36 clinic centers in operation in the state and 11 full time T. B. nurses in the field.

T. B. clinics have reached every section of the state.

There have been 8955 persons examined in the clinics.

5,111 active and suspicious cases have been placed under supervision and treatment.

Thousands of visits have been made by nurses for case finding and follow up service.

The number of Sanatorium beds has been doubled.

A new infirmary has been opened at Glencliff.

643 cases have been arrested.

1915 cases are improving and on the road to recovery.

The number of deaths from T. B. have been cut 40% in the past 5 years.

During this last year alone there have been 6 additional clinic centers opened in N.H. and 1 additional T.B. nurse placed in the field.

216 clinics have been held, 2,225 new persons examined, 1286 additional cases placed under supervision and treatment, and 17,082 visits made by T. B. nurses in this state.

To quote from "The Open Air Messenger":

"Our immediate needs are: further extension of the present T. B. clinic and nursing program, increased sanatorium facilities for children with active lung tuberculosis and T. B. of the bones and joints, and open air schools, fresh air classes and a preventorium for children exposed to T. B. infection."

Do you not think this is a worthy cause?

If so, please give the little seals a hearty welcome when they enter your home next week, and many sufferers from this dread disease will thank you.