The Hamptons Union, December 6, 1923

Hampton News

The Mother's Circle will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Frank Dennett, Wednesday evening, Dec. 12.

Winnicummet Lodge of American Mechanics are now rehearsing for a minstrel show by local talent. The black faces will be both male and female and there will be lots of fun. Friday, Dec. 14, is the date decided upon. Dancing after the show. Good music.

C. F. Adams and family spent Thanksgiving in Sherborn, Mass.

National Biscuit Week, full line, fresh stock lowest prices. Co-op.

If those who have occasion to drive autos on the Centre school building grounds, would keep upon the drives so as not to cut up the grass plots it would be much appreciated by the authorities. Mr. Batchelder, the janitor, has taken much pains to improve the surroundings of the building and it is especially annoying to him to have it cut up by the tires of autos.

Sealect Evaporated Milk, large can 10c. Co-op.

Rev. John Cummings spent Thanksgiving at his former home in Webster, Mass.

Louis Ewer is now located in his new home at Little River.

The Monday Club has had its Constitution and By-Laws reprinted.

Some of those who recently went from Hampton to Florida are reported as about to return, preferring to take their chances for employment in Hampton rather than in Florida.

White House Cakes, Orange, Maple, Pineapple, Mocha Chocolate and Cocoa-nut. Large size 25c Co-op.

Dr. Henry Godfrey, of Auburndale, and Chester N. Godfrey, of Wollaston, spent last week Wednesday in town in honor of their father's birthday.

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hobbs spent last week with a sister, Mrs. Walter Goodwin, of New Haven. During the week their son, who is a teacher in Cornwallis, N. Y., joined them to observe the 25th anniversary of their marriage.

Peas. Yellow Split 8c. Whole Green 9c. Bulk Rice 7-1/2c. Co-op.

Grapefruit, 5 for 25c. Oranges, 29c. a dozen. Co-op.

Walter Clark has accepted the position of chauffeur for Dr. E. H. Thompson for the winter.

Leonore Lane entertained two of her classmates from Dana Hall over the Thanksgiving recess. They are the Misses Dorothy Thomas of Oklahoma and Barbara Noyes of Michigan.

Beans, N. Y. Pea 8c. Cal. Pea 8-1//2c. Real Kidney 10c. Yellow Eye10c. Lima 7c. Co-op.

The meeting of the Parent Teacher's Association will be Monday evening Dec. 10. A large attendance is desired. Every member ought to have a share in the contest.

A program of interest to all has been planned which it is expected will include a speaker of prominence in educational work.

Big reduction in prices every Saturday at the Co-op.

The W. C. T. U. will hold a food and apron sale in Lane's Block on Friday afternoon this week at 3 o'clock.

Miss Dorothy Hobbs went to Mansfield, Mass., to spend Thanksgiving with her cousin, Perry Hobbs.

Great Savings. Half dozen food sale now going on. Co-op.

Evaporated Apricots 15c. Bulk Prunes 8-1/2c & 14-1/2c. Co-op.

A very pleasant evening was spent by the Epworth League at the home of Edgar Howe on Tuesday. About twenty of the young people gathered for a party. After the cobweb was untangled the young people sang and played games. Ice cream and cake were served, and Mr. and Mrs. Howe were pronounced excellent hosts.

Mr. and Mrs. Gookin entertained their daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Holland of Milton, over the holiday season. They all dined with another daughter, Mrs. Joseph Smith in Smithtown on Thanksgiving Day.

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Young entertained a large dinner party on Thanksgiving Day. Among the number being Mrs. Abbott Young, Mr. and Mrs. John Snider and son Allston, Mr. Randle Young and Mr. and Mrs. James D. Janvrin.

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hobbs returned home on Sunday after a most enjoyable visit to West Haven, Conn. and New York City. They found the season much later there so that they picked violets on Thanksgiving day.

Friends Pea Beans 23c. Kidney and Yellow Eye 24c. Brown Bread 16c. Mince Meat 25c. Co-op.

There were quite a number of visitors in town over the Thanksgiving season. Among them were Miss Eloise Lane, Miss Mable (sic) Perkins, Mr. Charles Pressey and family and Miss Leonore Lane with two school friends.

Friday, Dec. 19, is the date of the sale of fancy articles, aprons and candy, at the Congregational Church. Sale begins at four-thirty. You may find here just what you need to complete your Christmas list. The meat-pie supper will be held at five-thirty on same date in supper room. We expect to have chicken pies in good number so that all who wish may be served, but we are to have other meat pies as well. This sale and supper is under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid. Price of supper 40c for adults; 20c for children and under.

Don't forget the public whist party to be given by the P. N. G. Club in I. O. O. F. Hall Dec. 12. Admission 25 cents including refreshments, public invited.

The Monday Club will observe their annual musical this year, by engaging an entertainer who is a professional artist, and will come on Monday evening, Dec. 17.

Mrs. M. C. Perkins of Dover will give the entertainment including character sketches, piano-logues and folk songs in costume, scenes from Shakespeare etc. The club are going to put on sale, tickets at the small sum of 25c to help pay expenses as this is something more than the ordinary entertainment. Most of the affairs open to the public through the courtesy of the Monday Club have been free to all as was the lecture on Monday evening but the committee who have this musicale in charge feel this small sum must be charged. We hope those who will appreciate the opportunity of hearing a professional will patronize this entertainment.

Employee's Sale. Sale of Butter, Eggs, Tea & Coffee, at Co-op this week.

The lecture on "The World Crises" by Mrs. Lucia Ames Mead Monday evening, was instructive and listened to with interest by all present. Mrs. Mead has traveled extensively having been abroad fifteen times, visiting the devastated regions caused by the World War so is conversant of conditions and able to speak authoritatively. Mrs. Mead gave a most illuminating address before the High School students Tuesday morning charging them to have as a motto, "I am first humanitarian and then an American." She hoped she had created an interest which would result in study and straight thinking of International problems. Mrs. Mead came under the auspices of the Monday Club. In addition to the lecture, Gertrude Johnson played a pleasing piano solo and Mr. Chester Grady sang beautifully two solos accompanied by Mr. John Creighton which added to the pleasure of the evening. The club has secured an impersonator for their next meeting which will probably be held in the Center school and an admission will be charged.

Rich Mild Cheese 33c, Y. A. Cheese 35c. Full line of package cheese. Co-op.

Red Cross Drive:

The number of annual subscriptions to the American Red Cross collected during the past week is two hundred and seventy, and the amount of money donated for local Red Cross work is twenty-one dollars and thirty-five cents. All who have been working on this drive have tried most conscientiously to call at every door. If, however, there is anyone else ready to give money to this cause Mrs. Lucy Redman will gladly receive all subscriptions and donations. The pupils at the Center school, with the help and interest of the teachers, raised fifteen dollars, thereby showing the loyalty and enthusiasm with which they support Miss Chadwick and her health work in the school.

The recess lunch is an innovation that has been most successful and it is well worth a visit to the school to see the sixty or seventy children file into the basement, hand in their milk tickets, quietly take their seats at the tables and drink through straws their half pint bottles of milk, while the older girls pass the cookies for which they collect pennies.

The work that has been accomplished by Dr. Bowen, the visiting dentist, is far reaching in every way. For 14 days, 7-1/2 hours a day he has worked with Miss Chadwick in constant attendance. About eighty pupils have had their teeth attended to. The fact that this clinic has brought within easy reach of every child in Hampton a chance to have his or her teeth attended to at a minimum expense is a great step in the right direction. Teeth are so very important, and it has been discovered that their improper care is responsible for so many of the aches and pains of later life that we cannot begin at too early an age to impress these facts upon our children.

George D. Brown:

The funeral of George Dana Brown of North Hampton was held yesterday afternoon from his home on Woodland road, that town. Rev. Alvin Amazeen of the Christian church conducted the services. The bearers were Irving W. Brown, Emmons T. Brown, Amos K. Blake and Walter J. Palmer. Burial was in the Christian church cemetery under the direction of Undertaker J. Verne Wood of Portsmouth.

John Page still remains very critically ill.

The H. T. G. Club is being entertained by Mrs. John Janvrin this Thursday.

It is very much desired that members of the W. R. Corps be present at the meeting next Wednesday, Dec. 12, as this is the time for election of officers and will probably be the only meeting this month.

Mr. and Mrs. Austin Weare had as guests on Sunday Mrs. Howe, Mrs. Beck and two children, Mr. Charles Howe, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Anderson all of Dorchester, Mass. and Mr. and Mrs. Deal of Salisbury.

Mr. and Mrs. Romeo Michilini of Reading, Mass. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William T. Ross on Sunday. Mrs. Everett Coombs, a friend of Mrs. Michilini, accompanied them to Reading.

Mrs. Lizzie Page and grandson, Lawrence Keene, spent the holiday season with her daughter, Mrs. Lois Keene of Portsmouth, N. H.

Mrs. James Hutchings spent last week in Lynn. She expected to go there again this week but is detained at home by a severe cold.

Mr. and Mrs. Abbott Joplin spent two days with their son, William Joplin, in Quincy, Mass. last week.

Joseph Blake has closed his home on Ann's Lane and with his family will spend the winter with Mr. and Mrs. Odiorne in the telephone station.

Cards of invitation have been received by friends for the marriage of Miss Ernestine Cole, only child of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Cole and Mr. James Calvin Wygant Jr. of Marlboro, N. Y., on Tuesday evening, Dec. 11. Miss Cole has always lived in Hampton and by her affability and cheeriness made herself one of its most popular young ladies and all extend to her wishes for the choicest happiness.