The Hamptons Union, January 10, 1924

Vol. XXVI, No. 2

Hampton News

Miss Leonore Lane, returned to school on Wednesday.

Mrs. John Janvrin is confined to her home with a very severe cold.

Mrs. William Cash was called to Lynn on Wednesday by the illness of her father.

The engagement of Miss Lottie Lamprey, formerly of Hampton, daughter of Mrs. Howard Lamprey, to Mr. Frank Fisher, of Somerville. Mass., is announced.

The Women's Relief Corps held a pleasant meeting on Wednesday, and the officers were installed by Mrs. Alfie L. Godfrey. It was voted to hold the next meeting February 13.

Miss Gladys L. Jordan, who teaches the sixth grade in the Centre school, entertained over the week end, her sister, Miss Edith Jordan of Hartford, Conn.

Mr. and Mrs. George E. Chadwick of Passaic, New Jersey, announce the engagement of their daughter Hilda, to Mr. Ernest C. Roberts, of Wollaston, Mass.

Worthy State Master, Herbert N. Sawyer will install officers of Ocean Side Grange on Friday evening, January 18. A full attendance is urgently requested.

Mrs. Ethel Lantz is so far recovered that she can be discharged from the Exeter hospital when the road is sufficiently broken for travel between Exeter and Hampton.

The school has been in session all the week, the pupils doing well to reach there in the bad travelling. All teachers have been present except Miss Marston, on Monday, as she lives so far away.

The snow storm on Saturday evening, which was the largest fall in the same length of time in fifty years, the old inhabitants claim, prevented service in all the churches last Sunday which was regrettable as it was communion Sunday.

Fifteen young men went to Exeter Saturday evening to attend the movies, but when the theater was over the snow was so deep, they could not get home. They went to the Swampscott Hotel for the night and returned home on Sunday by way of Boston.

Mrs. Blanche Damsell is now caring for Mrs. Austin Weare, who has been quite ill but is now recovering. Her niece, Mrs. Mary Bartlett, who was with her last week, returned to her home in Marblehead, Mass., on Sunday.

Mr. J. N. Pringle of Concord, Dept. Com. of Education will speak at the Parent Teachers meeting on Monday evening. It will be the only opportunity of the year to hear Mr. Pringle, and it is hoped a good number will avail themselves of the privilege. The program will include singing by Mr. Grady; and there will be refreshments served at the close. Effort has been spared to make this meeting a very helpful and attractive one.

John H. Page died Jan. 4th in his 64th year. He was born in Hampton, Feb. 5, 1860. One of the most cordial citizens of our community. Always greeting man, women and child cheerfully with the time of day. Mr. Page was a natural born musician and derived much comfort from his natural gift. A person of remarkable memory, beyond comprehension, whom without hesitation, could tell the day and date of the birth, of every person born in the town of Hampton, up to 1892. Thus passes to Eternity, one of our life long citizens, John H. Page, a profound advocate of the Golden Rule.

Great credit is due the committee in charge, Mrs. Palmer, and Mrs. Munsey, for one of the brilliant social events of the winter, viz., the Gentleman's Night given by the H. G. Club in Mrs. Hobb's tea room on Thursday evening. One of Mrs. Hobbs' famous dinners was served at 7 o'clock and whist was enjoyed from 9 to 11 p.m. Favors were awarded to Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Munsey, Miss Toppan, Mr. Moore, Mr. Cash,and Mr. Leavitt. Dancing was indulged in until 12 p.m, opening with the Virginia Reel. Mr. Grady and Mr. Creighton, then furnished a most enjoyable program. The guests were Mr. Harry Munsey, Mr. Charles Palmer, Mr. Frank Brooks, Mr. John Brooks, Miss Bradbury, Mr. Everett Nudd, Mr. William Ross, Mr. William Brooks, Mr. Randle Young, Mr. Frank Leavitt, Mr John Janvrin, Mr. William Cash, Mr, Wallace Day, Mr. Stevens, Mr. Chester Grady, Mr. John Creighton, and Mr. Thomas Moore. The next meeting will be entertained by Mrs. Belle Dearborn.

Mr. Bruce Fall returned to Colby Academy last week after spending a pleasant Christmas vacation at home.

Mr. Nathaniel Batchelder is seriously ill at his home. It is a result of a neglected cold.

Mrs. Bowley, entertained the West End Club at Mrs. J. R Towle's Jan. 3. Although stormy weather, they had a very pleasant time. Refreshments were served by the hostess.

Miss Mabel Emerson, who is employed at the family of Charles Greenman, was brought up from the Beach Monday afternoon in a sleigh. She was taken to the Homeopathic hospital in Newburyport Tuesday morning. Dr. Hines, operated upon her for appendicitis. Her condition is quite serious.

The West End Club was entertained with a Christmas tree at Mrs. Merton James, Dec. 20th, An enjoyable time was had by a good number of grown ups as well as children. Refreshments were served by the hostess.

Mr. Wheaton Lane returned to Princeton, on Saturday after a lengthy Christmas vacation. His sister Miss Leonore, returned to Dana Hall, in Wellesley on Wednesday. Her mother accompanied her to Boston.

Word is received from Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cogger that they are having a wonderful time in St. Petersburg, Florida with the thermometer 85 degrees. They are boarding in the Hampton hotel which is managed by Mr. Ford of Hampton Beach. Mr. Cogger, has purchased three building lots, upon one of which is a fine cottage.

Are you having trouble with your help? Then see "The Colonel's Maid" who will be at town hail, Wednesday evening Jan. 23, under the auspices of the Ladies Aid of the Congregational church. She very cleverly solves the Colonel's household troubles and also wins his consent to her marriage with his son. The tickets are in charge of Mrs. Keene, and Mrs. Dennett. Any child who sells ten tickets will receive one free. Tickets may be had from either of the above mentioned ladies.

The Winnacunnet Rebekah Lodge held its installation on Wednesday evening and was greatly enjoyed by all guests present. Miss A. Kerman, certainly excelled as Grand Deputy Installing Officer as did Mrs. Frank Stevens, as Deputy Grand Marshal, both having much to remember. Miss Mary Toppan, was installed as Noble Grand, Miss Jessie Moulton, as Vice Noble Grand, Mrs. Hutchings, as financial secretary and Mrs Cole, as treasurer. Dainty refreshments were served. Owing to the illness of the secretary Mrs. Belle Dearborn, her installation had to be postponed.

The Monday Club was delightfully entertained this week by Mrs. Hutchings, assisted by Mrs. Young. A program of "a look backward into 1923, and a look forward into 1924," was furnished, each member recalling some past event. Music was furnished by Miss Leonore Lane. It was announced by the chairman of the entertainment committee that Gentlemen's night would be observed at Hotel Echo on Jan. 28, to the pleasure of all. Very generous refreshments were served by the hostesses. The next meeting will be entertained by Mrs. Cash assisted by Mrs. Noyes, upon Jan. 21.

Mr. and Mrs. William Cash, and family motored to Portsmouth Saturday evening to attend the movies, starting home about 9:30 p. m. On their way, Brooks, trying ito start his machine in front of Mr. Smith's and stopped to assist him, a chain had come off the wheel of each machine and before they could get them repaired both engines refused to act so they had to leave them in the road and seek shelter, in Mr. Smith's for the night, returning home by train Sunday. [sic]



There will be services in the Baptist church next Lord's day as usual. A sermon at 10:30. Subject, "The Importance of the Seemingly Unimportant" Ps. 11:3. Col. 1:27.

Church school 11:45.

Evening service 7. Subject, "Safety First." Matt. 6:33.

The Subject for the next midweek meeting will be "Moses, and the Deliverance from Egyptian Bondage." Ex. 1:1-12.


Morning service at 10:30 a.m. "The Making of Man."

Church school at 11:45 a. m.

Christian Endeavor, 6:00 p.m.

Evening service at 7:00. Subject "The Nature of Salvation."

The Mid-week services are being held at various homes throughout the parish. Announcement will be made from the pulpit of this service.


"Claiming the Power of Christ." will be the theme of the morning service at 10:30.

Sunday school will be at noon.

Epworth League will meet at 6 p.m. Subject, "Youth and the Family."

Evening service at 7.