The Hamptons Union, March 6, 1924

Vol. XXVI, No. 10

Hampton News

Mrs. Cora Perkins, who has been visiting Mrs. Fred Perkins and Mrs. F. E. James has returned to Beverly Mass.

Mrs. Harry Cleveland had the misfortune of falling and break- [remainder omitted by error]

Lunch will be served at Town meeting by the ladies representing the nursing committee of the Red Cross. Anyone caring to donate doughnuts will find them much appreciated by the committee.

Washington-Lincoln Banquet:

On Feb. 22, the evening of Washington's birthday, was held at Hotel Echo, the most successful social event of the season in Hampton. A banquet was served to the Masons of the Hamptons and their ladies, in honor of George Washington, the Mason, and Abraham Lincoln.

At about seven-thirty o'clock the guests began to arrive at the hotel where they were received by the genial host and members of the reception committee with the utmost cordiality.

After a social half hour before the open fire in the attractive parlors, the guests to the number of nearly eighty were ushered into the dining room which was beautifully decorated with the national colors, with engravings of Washington and Lincoln hung in conspicuous places on the walls. The tables were decorated with attractive patriotic favors.

A bountiful turkey banquet was served in the manner so well understood by Mr. and Mrs. Jacobson the proprietors of the house, while excellent music was furnished by Miller's five piece orchestra. This orchestra aided by the National Trio of male voices furnished music during the entire evening.

A radio set was installed for the occasion and during the banquet the guests also listened to a speech delivered by President Coolidge in Washington, followed by a selection by the Marine Band concluding with the Star-Spangled Banner.

At the conclusion of the banquet Mr. E. G. Cole, chairman of the committee of arrangements, introduced Rev. I. S. Jones in whose brain the idea of this celebration originated. Mr. Jones, who had spent much time and enthusiastic thought on the matter, moved the fellowship be continued by the formation of a club to be known as the Square and Compass club. The future aim of the association as conceived by Mr. Jones was briefly outlined and most heartily and enthusiastically received and adopted by all present.

The following organization was adopted: Honorary President, Rev. I. S. Jones, President, Ernest G. Cole, Vice-President, William H. Cash, Secretary-treasurer, John W. R. Brooks.

The chairman then introduced as speaker of the evening Rev. Victor M. Haughton, Rector of Grace Episcopal Church in Exeter, as one whom these Hampton people have learned to appreciate as an able speaker, honor as a man and love as a Mason.

A splendid address followed in which the speaker alluded to Washington and Lincoln as the outstanding figures in all history. Paying tribute to both heroes he dwelt on Valley Forge as the spot above all others in the world, consecrated to the cause of liberty.

In closing, Mr. Haughton called attention to the splendid personal character of those two men as well as other less noted of our national heroes, in contrast to many foreign lands, to be pointed to with pride as examples for youth of our land.

The guests then repaired to the parlors enjoying another half hour of sociability interspersed with music by the orchestra and trio, and on adjournment all agreed that honoring in this way the two great national heroes to whom we owe so much of our present enjoyment, is a happy suggestion and one which should be perpetuated for years to come.

A Father and Son Banquet:

A father and son banquet was given at the Centre School on Saturday evening March 1. Mrs. Teague was chairman of the committee of arrangements and was assisted by the ladies of the churches. There were present a representative number of fathers and sons. They met in the auditorium and marched to the basement where a bountiful supply of food was served which all seemed to enjoy.

Mr. Robinson, Principal of Centre school, acted as toast master. He introduced Mr. Jewell of Exeter, County Y. M. C. A. secretary, who made some announcements.

Mr. McBride was then introduced and led in singing of appropriate songs.

Mr. Teague was then introduced and responded to the toast "What should a father expect of a son". The three principal points of his address were honesty, cleanliness, patriotism as the outstanding things every father had a right to expect of his son. Robert Elliot followed in response to the toast "What should a son expect of a father". He remarked that a son should be able to receive from a father the highest ideals and an example that would command respect and be an inspiration to the development of greatest usefulness. Both toasts were heartily appreciated by all.

The company then adjourned to the auditorium and were entertained by the High School Orchestra, Mrs. Coombs leader.

Mr. McBride led in more singing. Mr. Jewell was again introduced to take charge of the meeting and after pointed remarks introduced Mr. Morrison, secretary of the Citizens Association of Portsmouth, N.H. Mr. Morrison gave a very helpful address which was spiced with enough humor to make it effective. His points were very sharp and the fathers must have been impressed to consider their sons their greatest asset and to treat them as affording opportunities far in excess of any material consideration. He proved himself to be a great friend of boys and was given a rising note of thanks for his contribution to the evening.

Great credit is due to the ladies who persisted in working under difficulty to make the evening a success.

The Ladies Aid of Congregational church has been postponed from Tuesday, March 11, to Wednesday, March 12, and will be entertained by Mrs. Ardenia Hobbs.

The auxiliary was pleased to welcome several young people, among them, Miss Maud Nudd, Miss Hazel Brown and Miss Louise Mullen. Mrs. Edgar Batchelder of Newburyport was also a welcome guest. Anyone wishing information in regard to our missionaries can procure it from Mrs. A. H. Johnson, Elin St. Manchester, the secretary of foreign work.

Mrs. Arthur Ward and daughter Barbara are visiting her mother, Mrs. Chipman in Somerville.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown are receiving congratulations upon the birth of an eight and a half pound baby girl, Betty Jane. Both mother and baby are doing well in Exeter hospital.

The Congregational church felt very grateful to Mr. Ambrose Swasey for the magnificent gift of $25.000. Mr. Swasey also presented the Baptist church in Exeter with a like gift, the interest to be used for current expense. The church is also grateful to Mr. Harry Noyes for his splendid offer to shingle the chapel with other carpenters, whom he knows are willing to give their work.

The West End club was entertained by Mrs. J. R. Towle at two different times recently. A social time was enjoyed by those present, the refreshments were served by the hostess.

Mrs. M. M. James entertained the West End club Feb. 21. Being the day before Washington's birthday a program was carried out to that effect. A social hour was held and refreshments were served by the hostess.

Miss Mary Toppan with Annie Akerman as assistant hostess entertained the Missionary Auxiliary on Wednesday with thirty two ladies present. The program was in charge of Mrs. Marion Leavitt who always prepares it with care and this one was very interesting. The singing by Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Staples with Miss Louise Mullen accompanist was much enjoyed.

Do not forget that we have a Christian Endeavor Society at the Congregational Church. We meet on Sunday evening at 6 o'clock. Come visit us. Leader Anna Ayers. Topic, "Dangers of Trifling with Life, God and the Souls."

The W. R. Corps will hold a 12 [sic], and the president Addie B. Brown has sent word that she plans to be present.

The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Greeley has been very ill during the week and was in the Exeter hospital a while under the supervision of Dr. Ward. It is now somewhat improved.

The Supervisors of the check list met Tuesday evening and will meet again Saturday afternoon and Monday evening.

Mrs. Frank Ireland attended a surprise party in the home of her sister in Newburyport Monday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Deal of Salisbury, Mass. spent Tuesday with their brother, Mr. Austin Weare.

Mr. Henry Hobbs has had a large number of trees felled on his wood lot and sawed into lumber.

Mrs. Josephine Coffey has been spending several weeks in Boston with her daughter who is ill but is now at home with Mrs. Rebecca Leavitt.

Mr. E. B. Towle is having his old furnace taken out and the furnace from Brooks garage put in its place.

Miss Blanche Weare who has been very ill during past two weeks remains about the same.

The Champlain Stock Co. is producing very good plays at the theater in Portsmouth. And many are going from Hampton.

Miss Barbara Leadbetter of Boston is visiting Mrs. Charlotte Bryant.

Mrs. C. S. Toppan and daughter Wilma spent Saturday in Boston.

Mrs. Charles Henry Palmer and son Richard are spending this week in Boston with relatives.

The Ladies' Aid of the Congregational church will hold a Food Sale in E. G. Cole periodical store on Friday afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock.