The Hamptons Union, March 13, 1924

Vol. XXVI, No. 11

Hampton News

Town Meeting

Town meeting on Tuesday was attended by a smaller number of voters than any annual meeting since the women voted. Between two and three hundred were present during the day.

The business of the meeting was transacted with little debate and was completed at 11:45 except the election of presidential delegates, the polls for which did not close until three o'clock, by previous vote.

The meeting opened soon after ten o'clock with Moderater Byron E. Redman presiding. After the reading of the warrant prayer was offered by Rev. John Cummings. Article 1 was then taken up and the ballot officers in charge of the State Election for choosing presidential delegates were announced by the Moderater. Howell M. Lamprey as Moderater protem, and Deputy Clerk Charles Francis Adams had charge of the balloting. The ballot clerks were Edward J. Brown, Charles D. Palmer, Mr. Lamprey and Eugene M. Leavitt.

The officers of last year were re-elected and by the casting of a single vote by the clerk for each, except in the election of a Selectman, for three to succeed Joseph B. Brown, deceased. One hundred and forty-nine votes were cast for this officer and Edwin L. Batchelder received them all and was declared unanimously elected.

The result of the election is as follows: Town clerk, Warren H. Hobbs; selectman for three years, Edwin L. Batchelder; treasurer, Chester G. Marston; collector of taxes, William Brown; trustee of trust funds, Kenneth N. Ross; auditors, Simeon A. Shaw, Charles Francis Adams, Howell M. Lamprey; trustee of library, Charles M. Batchelder.

The budget for regular appropriations, having been made by an appropriation committee appointed at the last meeting, was accepted as printed in the annual report. The total amount carried by the budget was $125,500 and this sum was voted on motion of H. L. Tobey. Special appropriations voted under various articles in the warrant makes a total of close to $132,000 about the same as last year.

The various amounts carried in the budget are as follows:

Town Officers $5,000
Election Expenses 250
Municipal court 300
Town hall 1,000
Police Department 5,000
Fire Department 7.000
Moth extermination 200
Health Department 2,500
Cleaning beach 1,000
Highway & Bridges 9,000
Trunk line maintenance 1,000
Street lighting 5,500
Exeter Road 5,000
Libraries 1,200
Town poor 1,000
Memorial day 150
Red Cross 1,000
Parks & Playgrounds 200
Cemeteries 700
Sewer maintenance 1,000
On bonded debt 10,000
Comfort station 1,000
Sidewalk construction 2,000
Breakwater 1,000
Interest on bonds 5,000
Long term notes 1,500
County taxes 16,000
Payments to schools
Street railway 5,000

Article 6. To see if the town will give the Selectmen power to borrow money in anticipation of taxes.

Voted in the affirmative.

Article 7. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate money to buy a Motor Chemical, to be centrally located for use in Hampton Village.

John W. R, Brooks spoke first in behalf of this matter. He gave a description of a motor chemical which other towns in this vicinity are purchasing, and later gave full specifications of the apparatus which costs $2,408. Several others, including Judge Lamprey, Uri Lamprey, Rev. Mr. Christopher, and Rev. Mr. Cummings spoke in favor of this project. L. C. Ring, who knows the difficulties of keeping the tax rate down, suggested that the town wait another year, but the majority were for immediate purchase and a motion to appoint a committee to investigate and report next year was voted down. Final action resulted in a vote constituting the selectmen a committee to investigate with full power to purchase and an appropriation of $2,400 for the purpose. [Web editor's note: A Motor Chemical is a motorized fire vehicle that carries chemical tanks to use for fire suppression.]

Article 8. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,500, to build an outside stairway on rear of Town Hall to be used in case of fire, also to buy new settees for use in Town Hall.

L. C. Ring was opposed to so large an appropriation, as he thought a fire escape could be built for much less. It was finally voted, however, on motion of E. G. Cole that the sum $1,500 be raised and appropriated for a broad stairway at the rear of the town house.

It was also voted under this article on motion of Uri Lamprey that all construction work for the town such as carpentry and painting, exceeding $100 should be by contract.

Article 9. To see if the town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to make a contract with the Exeter and Hampton Electric Co. for a term of 5 years, in regard to Street Lighting.

Article 10. To see if the town will vote to have all night lighting service for streets, and appropriate money for same.

Article 9 and 10 were taken up together. After an explanation by Harry D. Munsey, giving the cost, number and candle power of the lights, etc, it was voted to authorize the selectmen to make the 5 year contract. It will increase the appropriation for the lights $1,000 to $6,500.

After a recess of half an hour during which a lunch was served by the women, the business was proceeded with.

Article 11. To see if the town will vote that the Town Hall shall be of free use to our churches, and school benefits, (Except to pay the janitor a normal sum for his service.) and have sum recorded in the Town Records for an indefinite time.

As there was some years ago a vote of similar nature passed, the matter was left to the discretion of the selectmen.

Article 12. To see if the town will will vote to pay the Estate of Joseph B. Brown, the sum of $500 in recognition of the services rendered the Town of Hampton.

On motion of H. L Tobey the article was passed over.

Article 13. To see if the town will appoint a Committee to investigate the feasibility of establishing a Town forest and make recommendations at the regular Town Meeting in March, 1925.

This article was passed over, as Judge Lamprey said it was a policy of the forestry commission intended more especially for other parts of the state.

Article 14. Te see what action the town will take in regard to buying two (2) traffic beacons, one to be placed at "Lane's Corner" and one at "Whittier's Corner."

L. C. Ring said that two of these beacons were brought here by the Manufacturing Co. in December for trial, but weather conditions had prevented setting them up. He and others advocated purchasing and it was voted to purhase three, the third to be near Elmwood Farm, at a cost of $265 cash.

Article 15. To see if the town will vote to give the Selectmen power to buy a new gravel pit, and to sell any old gravel pits now owned by the Town.

Full authority to the selectmen was voted.

Article 16. To pass any other vote that may legally come before this meeting.

Under this article Rev. I. S. Jones made an eloquent plea for some of the cemetery appropriations to be used in the care of the three old cemeteries of the town.

Mr. Jones is a member of the Hampton cemetery association and has for many years been interested in the better care of the older burial places of the town.

It was plain that in his remarks he voiced the sentiment of the meeting. It was voted that $300 of the regular cemetery appropriation should be expended under the auspices of the selectmen in the care of Pine Grove, South and Landing cemeteries.

Rev. Edgar Warren, chairman of the appropriation committee, reported the work of that committee as printed in the Union last week. There was some discussion over the section devoted to the building laws. Rev. Mr Christopher moved that the committee's report be accepted and the committee discharged, which was voted. Harry D. Munsey moved the adoption of the ordinance for one year which was carried without a dissenting vote. The ordinances as drafted went into effect immediately.

Under this article H. L Tobey brought up the subject of parking space at the beach. It was voted that the selectmen be authorized to provide parking space at some centrally located spot at the beach and to make rules and regulations for the operation of the same.

This part of the meeting then adjourned, but it was necessary to keep open the polls for the presidential delegates another hour. The polls were closed at three o'clock. One hundred and one votes were counted. Ten of them were for Democratic delegates and 91 for the Republicans. U. S. Senator George H. Moses, the unpledged candidate, received the smallest vote and Albert O. Brown the highest. The two women candidates received the same number each and were second and third choice of the Hampton voters. The Republican vote was as follows:

Delegates at Large:-  
Albert Hislop 60
George H. Moses 54
Nellie Day Parker 61
Mary L. C. Schofield 61
Albert O. Brown 68
Frank H. Challis 57
Fred W. Estabrook 63
Dwight Hall 58
Perley R. Bugbee 61
William J. Cater 61
Jessie E. Donahue 54
John G. M. Glessner
Fred S. Roberts 56
Norma C. Snow 57
John R. Spring 60
Distdrict Delegates:-  
Benjamin F. Greer 46
Cyrus H. Little 54
Sewall W. Abbott 37
James S. Chamberlin 61
Arthur S, Healy 55

Hampton News

Miss Maria Perkins and Mrs. Martha P. Locke are visiting she latter's daughter in New Bedford, Mass.

The H. T. G. club are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brooks in Portsmouth today.

The selectmen have appointed Charles F. Adams deputy town clerk for the ensuing year.

Mr. and Mrs. Clinton H. Durant are receiving congratulations upon the birth of a nine and a half pound baby girl, named Martha Affie, born Feb. 29. Mother and baby are doing fine.

Watch our windows for our big weekly sales. Co-op.

The Epworth League of the Methodist church will give a supper and social at the Vestry Wednesday evening, March 19 The price of admission will be 35c. Everone is invited to come.

The regular monthly meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held at the home of Mrs. Charles Teague, Thursday, March 20, with Mrs. Cleveland and Mrs. Teague as hostesses. Please notice change of date.

The Ladies' Aid of the Congregational church are to serve a supper, in the church dining room March 19, 1924; six o'clock. Price, including entertainment, 35c for adults, 25c for children under 12. At this time the ladies of the aid will tell how they earned their dollar.

Big Price Reduction Sales every Saturday. Co-op.

The meeting of the Parent-Teachers Association had to he postponed because of a conflict with the caucus. It will be held on Tuesday, March 25 and will be a banquet furnished by the losing side in the recent contest. Let every one remember the date.

On Friday, March 21, at ten o'clock in the Baptist vestry, Miss Williamson and Miss Pulsifer of the Home Demonstration Department of the Farm Bureau will be glad to meet the women of Hampton. Millinery and the making of a dress in an hour will be taught. Some frames for the hats and material in black will be brought by Miss Pulsifer, but each one may bring her own material if she wishes, also material for the dress. The committee of this meeting request the women to bring contributions of food for the dinner. It is hoped many women will come to this meeting.

The Missionary Auxiliary of the Baptist church had a very pleasant and profitable meeting at the Parsonage on Thursday P. M. Miss Florence Doe, a returned missionary from Assam [India], gave an interesting talk on her work, showing some wonderful charts and maps drawn by the native girls. She also showed some very fine needle work done by the women. After the meeting an oyster supper was served with fancy pies and coffee. In the evening a stereopticon lecture was given in the vestry by Miss Doe, giving us an idea of the great work done by our missionaries in foreign countries. They surely need our help and encouragement. There was not time to pack the bbl. for the Southern school that we had planned for, but enough clothing was brought to more than fill it.

Christian Endeavor

Where are you going on Sunday evening?

Christian Endeavor.

What is that?

Haven't you heard about it? Why, Christian Endeavor is an organization for young people 13 years and over.

Leader -- Warren E. Clark.

Topic, "The Bible in all the world: How it is Sent Forth, and What it Does."

Come on, Let's go.



There will be service in the Baptist church next Lord's day as usual, a sermon at 10:30.

Subject, "Foundation Principle in The Development, and Growth of Christian Character."

Church school 11:45.

There will be a Union meeting at the Methodist Vestry at 7.

The Thursday evening meeting will be announced later.


Morning service at 10:30 a.m.

Subject, "Jesus the Friend."

Church school at 11:45 a.m.

Christian Endeavor, 6:00 p.m.

Evening service at 7:00 p.m.

Stereoptican Lecture, "Tennessee Mountians."

Mid-week service to be announced.

Jesus reached the heart of mankind as no man before or since. A friend of publican and sinner he made both realize a new life. He supplied an innate hungering and thirsting for fellowship with a friendly God. This new relationship brought out new manhood and womanhood. It reached the conscience of the Woman of Samaria, of Zacheus, the tax-gatherer, and hosts of others. That same power is revealed today through christian friendship.


Sunday morning at 10:45

Subject, "Man's Failure, God's Success."

Sunday school at noon.

Epworth League will meet at 6 p. m. Subject, "The Farthest Reach of Divine Love." Leader, Wilmot Teague.

Evening service at 7:00.

Subject, "Three Vital Questions."

Thursday evening service at M. E. Parsonage.