The Hamptons Union, April 17, 1924

Vol. XXVI, No. 16

Hampton News

Mrs. Harold Winchester is enjoying a visit this week from her sister, Mrs. Dunn of West Newbury.

Miss Anna May Cole has in bloom in her greenhouse ready for Easter season sales several colors of Lady Washington Geraniums.

Arthur Brown has completed the placing of a bathroom in the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hobbs, a gift from their son, Estow.

Friday evening, April 11, a large audience filled the town hall to witness the performance of "Miss Fearless and Co." given by the Mother's Circle.

Mrs. Wilson Olney, as Miss Margaret Henley, the heiress and her three friends, Misses Bettie Cameron, Marion Reynolds and Barbara Livingston, parts taken respectively by Mrs. Francis Dennett, Mrs. Harry Moore and Mrs. Harry Munsey, were all typical college girls. Mrs. Marvin Young, as Katie O'Connor, gave many a bright bit of Irish wisdom. Mrs. Edgar Warren, portrayed in a very accomplished way, an elderly, oversensitive, sentimental maiden. Mrs. Everett Nudd, as Sarah Jane Lovejoy, from the Lost Nation, who feared neither man nor ghost, made an amusing entrance with her cat, basket, Saratoga bag, band box and cage with "Necessity" the hen. Later, when she put on her apron with "Rock of Ages" crocheted in the lace, it called forth a burst of applause. Her costumes, all the fashion of a generation ago, were kindly loaned by Mrs. Olney and Mrs. Smith and added greatly to the part she so well portrayed. Miss Alias and Miss Alibi, the dumb sisters were well pantomimed by Mrs. Edgar Howe and Mrs. John Elliot. Miss Wilma Toppan, as "Just Lizzie" was a very good little ghost.

The H. T. G. club presented their two members of the cast Mrs. Harry Munsey and Mrs. Everett Nudd with beautiful bouquets of jonquils.

Between the acts Mr. William Elliot sang a number of selections. After the play dancing was enjoyed with then Berkmier's orchestra furnishing the music. Each gentleman was requested to buy a green crepe paper hat and with it was given a white one for the lady.

Mrs. Jasper Myers, the club president, with Mrs. Christopher Toppan and Mrs. Edward Brown, past president, acted as matrons.

Mrs. Irving Leavitt, Mrs. Fred Perkins and Mrs. Warren Clark had charge of the candy. Mrs. Emma Young, Mrs. Bernice Palmer, as the decorating committee, made the hall very attractive, using the club colors, in green and white crepe paper.

The sale planned by the Ladies' Aid for April 23, is postponed until April 30. The next meeting of the Ladies' Aid will be entertained by Mrs. Cash, April 29.

The Monday club extends to the Whist club, the Mother's Circle, the West End club and all honorary gentlemen member, that is husbands of members, a cordial invitation to be present at their meeting Monday afternoon April 21, in the Centre school building. Mr. Richard Shelton will address the meeting. Each member may invite one guest.

The Redman shoe shop opened up April 1, which was a welcome innovation to many who have been without work for several months.

The demonstration of how to cane chairs will be held on Friday May 2, instead of May 1, as previously planned.

The Hampton associates have received title to the Warren Lane property in the Square and on Lafayette road and have a surveyor at work this week. The property is to be highly developed in the near future.

Mrs. Mattie Dow entered the Exeter hospital Monday of last week and was operated on Monday evening for two cases of hernia.

Miss Priscilla York, daughter of Mrs. John W. York of Kensington, who for several months has been touring through Europe, started to sail home on the steamer Paris, April 12. In her European travels Miss York has procured several rare pieces of luster ware. These, added to a tea set of the same ware which was an heirloom, will make her collection one of value.

There will be a meeting of the Church Green Memorial Park Association in the Congregational chapel next Tuesday evening, April 22, at 7:30 o'clock. All who are interested in erecting a suitable memorial for the founders of one of the oldest settlements in New Hampshire should be present. A large attendance is hoped for and expected.

Details on the contemplated tablet on the old Academy Green will be discussed, and suggestions will be welcomed.

The success of any venture of this kind rests with the people of the town. It is a worthy project. Let's go!

Although owing to the many other meetings on the same day, the W. C. T. U. convention in Exeter last week was smaller than usual in numbers, it was a very fine meeting, enthused by Mrs. Abbott, state president and five of the Exeter pastors who were all very much alive to the affairs on the program.

William Gilpatrick arrived home from Florida last night with most of the party which has been employed by Amos Guyon on sidewalk construction in St. Petersburg.

Mr. and Mrs. Austin Perry are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son, Kendall Austin Perry, born last Friday morning.

An interesting topic of the town: A musical evening given by Mr. Chester Grady at Hampton Town Hall, April 25, at 8 o'clock. Price: thirty-five cents for adults; twenty-five cents for children. It is a topic worth remembering and the best way is to buy a ticket now. Mrs. William Cash has charge of the tickets and can be reached by phone for information.

The next meeting of the Men's club will be held in the Congregational chapel next Monday evening. The subject to be discussed will be the development of Hampton Farms for the Beach Market under the co-operative marketing plan. The speaker will be Mr. Farmer of Manchester, the head of the Co-operative Marketing Association in that city. It was expected that United States Senator Keyes would speak to the club at this meeting, but at the last moment he notified the committee that he could not leave Washington at this time, but would be glad to come later in the season.

Much sympathy is felt for Mr. G. Plummer Mace in the loss of his son Leon. He has greatly afflicted having lost his wife and both sons and daughter, within a few years. Leon's health and brain having been gradually breaking down and no one can understand the suffering he might have endured if he had lived longer, so for father and friends his passing may be a relief from much anxiety in the future. Leon was born December 5, 1881. He leaves daughter Beatrice and a little son Leon. Funeral is from his father's house on Thursday afternoon.

There seems to be a difference of opinion about where the first church in Hampton was located. This seems strange as in the Town History it plainly states that it was voted to accept from the town the place where the former meeting house stood, (then and since called first Meeting House and Academy Green) and to erect upon the spot, a suitable school building, which was done in 1810.

In 1881 the Academy Alumni Association was formed and has flourished, meeting year after year with increasing interest. In 1910 it being the 100th anniversary of Hampton Academy, a Tablet was erected on Academy and old church green with fitting ceremonies. Both church and academy are commemorated on the tablet, on the spot where they both stood, it seems rather unnecessary to erect another. Mrs. Lucy A. Marston has much of Dea. Dow's material for his town history and remains of his library and having always had a great interest in the early history of the town thru study and from ancestors' tales and has become an authority on many of the early doings of the town.

There is no question but what the old academy stood where the first log meeting house stood and the site is marked for both church and school.