The Hamptons Union, January 1, 1925

Hampton News

Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge No. 26 will hold a public installation of officers on Monday evening Jan. 5 at 7:30. Each member can invite one guest. Rockingham Lodge I. O. O. F. has been invited. The degree staff and officers will meet Sat. evening Jan. 3, at 7:30 for a rehearsal of the work.

Mrs. Frances Blanchard was in town this week, having her household goods moved to the tenement vacated by Mrs. McKeen. Mrs. True will stay there for the winter.

Miss Mary Toppan and her niece Miss Wilma, went to Albany, New York, on Friday to spend the rest of the Christmas vacation with relatives.

Mr. A. J. Morse, electrician, has opened a store in Coggers building next door to Fred Sanborn's barber shop.

Mrs. J. P. Blake and daughter Augusta of Norwood, Mass., spent Christmas with Philip N. Blake and family, Mrs. Blake staying for a week or more.

Much credit is due the Fire department at the Beach for the quick response to a call to F. E. Perkin's last Friday night for a slight fire in the garage. In ten minutes after the telephone message fire apparatus was on the spot.

Wentworth Sanborn of New York spend the Christmas holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Sanborn.

At the regular meeting of Oceanside grange next Friday evening the officers for the ensuing year will be installed by General Deputy A. L. Mackle of East Kingston.

The Misses Ethel and Hazel Steadman of West Somerville, Mass. motored down to spend a day with their sister Mrs. Albert Coffin.

The choir of the Methodist church will hold a food sale at the Creasey Electrical store on Saturday at 2 P. M.

The officers of Winnicummet Council, No. 3, Jr. O. U. A. M., will be installed at the regular meting Tuesday evening Jan. 6. All members are urged to be present.

Miss Florence Silverman of Dorchester, Mass., and two of her friends of Boston, are guests at the Elmwood this week.

Mr. Lawrence True was a holiday guest of his mother, Mrs. Annie Mary True.

Mrs. Frances Blanchard has moved into the lower apartment of Mr. Cogger's double house on the Exeter road.

Mr. Chester Grady, who has been spending the holidays in town after a fall spent in New York, started for Florida Thursday morning to remain the rest of the winter.

The Monday Club will meet next Monday afternoon Jan. 5, at Mr. Harry Moore's home on the Beach Road.

"The Rebellion of Youth", the play presented by the Mother's Circle was such a success in town, that by request it is at Centennial Hall Saturday Eve. [Those who were un-]able to see the performance here may avail themselves of this opportunity.

The next meeting of the Parent Teachers Assn. will be held Monday evening Jan. 12th at the school. There will be a supper served for 35c and the speaker of the evening will discuss the Library our children should use and here is a chance for every parent to gain the knowledge to direct their child in the selection of books.

Monday afternoon Mrs. Arthur Ward was hostess at a tea for Mrs. Calvin Wygant of Marlboro, New York, and the Misses Isabelle Thompson, Elinor Marston, Dorothy Hobbs, Eloise and Leonore Lane, who are home from their schools and colleges; Mrs. Ernest Cole, Mrs. E. Henry Thompson, Mrs. Warren Hobbs, Mrs. Howard Lane and Miss Adeline Marston were guests.

The Mother's Circle on Wed. evening at the Center school held one of its most successful meetings. During the business meeting it was voted to give Mr. Moore $25.00 toward the curtain for the stage of the school which is badly needed. The subject of discussion was Thrift. Mrs. H. Lester Tobey read a short article from a magazine. Mr. Moore was called on and he gave a very interesting talk on school banks and a clear explanation of the bank he hopes to start in the Hampton schools. After refreshments of sandwiches and hot chocolate served by the hostesses Mrs. Langley and Mrs. Toppan, the members went up to the Community tree and sang some "Welcome to the New Year" songs.

On returning from the Beach early Sunday evening, E. Langly met with a slight accident. A car, headed for Portsmouth, and operated by P. J. Vauge of Newburyport collided with his at Toppan's Corner. The cars were so damaged that they [were] unable to resume operation. Officer Marvin Young was right on the job when the accident occurred.

The young folks of the M. E. Choir, together with some of the other church members staged a Christmas cantata Sunday evening that far exceeded anything Hampton people have seen for a long time. The group singing was very good and the several solos were especially well rendered. The costumes and stage settings were very effective. But perhaps the one thing that contributed more than any other toward the success of the whole affair was the lighting. Shirley Ware had arranged a just right effect for each scene. The Star of Bethlehem shown down on the wise men, whose face[s] were reflected by the dull glow of their campfire on the desert sands, and in a pathway of light the Angel of the Lord appeared with the Heavenly hosts, praising God. Mrs. Alice Noyes directed the cantata and the church people, young and old cooperated with her to the fullest extent, not only in ably performing their respective parts but also in the preparation of the many and varied costumes. The collection taken is to be used as a nucleus for an organ fund.

Mrs. Albert L. Coffin spent several days in West Somerville recently.

Miss Elsie Carlson of Brooklyn, New York, spent the Christmas holiday at her home.

Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Wygant of Marlboro, New York, are visiting with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cole.