The Hamptons Union, March 12, 1925

Hampton News

The next meeting of the Men's club will be March 16, at 7:45, in the Centre school. As it is Ladies' night, each member will come with his wife, daughter or friend. The speaker of the evening, Rev. H. H. Benedict of Seabrook, will have for his topic, "Poland -- My Experiences and Impressions." Solos will be rendered by Mrs. Drew Bernard and Mrs. Harold Noyes. Each member will be assessed 50 cents to cover expenses.

Mr. Harry L. Moore has exchanged his Essex for a new Chrysler.

Ten of the young people who attended the H. T. G. club went to Portsmouth early and had dinner at the Chinese restaurant.

The Monday club will be held Monday afternoon, March 16, with Mrs. Harry Noyes. The subject of the afternoon will be "Timely Topics."

Willard Emery has been confined to his home this week with the grippe.

The fishermen at the North Shore have resumed their work after the winter months and their catches have been quite large.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Batchelder are receiving congratulations on the birth of a young daughter in the Exeter Hospital, on Friday.

Free ice cream at Tobey's Drug Store, Saturday and Sunday next. See their adv. elsewhere.

A delegation of Hampton citizens were in Portsmouth, Tuesday evening, visiting Revermouth Chapter, O. E. E. A turkey supper, the Shubert quartet, and fine degree work made the evening very enjoyable. Included in party were: Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ross, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Teague, Mrs. Lottie Bryant, Mrs. Fred Perkins, Mrs. Eugene Leavitt, Mrs. A. M. Fernald, Mrs. J. P. Myers and Miss Mabel Brooks.

Owing to Good Friday falling on April 10, the date of the New Hampshire University Glee club entertainment, under auspices of Ocean Side Grange will be held on April 17.

A surprise party was tendered Miss Caroline M. Philbrook at her home on High Street, by ten of her friends and classmates, Wednesday evening, on the occasion of her 13th birthday. The party gathered at the home of Miss Isabelle Hobbs and went in a body to Caroline's house completely surprising her. A most enjoyable evening was spent with games, music and refreshments.

The Ladies' Aid of the Congregational church were hostesses at a Silver Tea given in the chapel, Wednesday afternoon. Members of the other churches joined with them in making it a very pleasant affair. Mrs. Emery, Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Staples accompanied by Mrs. Winchester and Miss Mullin sang a number of musical selections, duets and trios. Mrs. Harold Noyes gave a piano logue [sic:?]. Mrs. Mullin in a quaint old black silk gown of past generations, with Mrs. Winchester accompanying her illustrated "Love's Old Sweet Song," and Misses Isabelle Hobbs and Wilma Toppan dressed as grandmother used to dress, sang two duets. The tea tables looked very attractive, decorated with pink candles in the silver sticks. The tables were presided over by Mrs. Hutchins, Mrs. Cash, Mrs. Lamprey and Miss Olive Nudd who poured. (Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Staples, Mrs. Merril, Mrs. Winchester, Mrs. Marvin Youg, Mrs. Scott Noyes and Misses Hazel Brown, Mary Toppan, Wilma Toppan, Isabelle Hobbs and Louise Mullin served.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leavitt gave a dinner for nine guests on Friday night, honoring their brother, Mr. William Leavitt, who has recently come on from Garden City, Kansas. Mr. Leavitt is farm manager of the largest diversified farm ranch in this country. Sugar beets, alfalfa, wheat, corn, potatoes, etc., are raised. This past year 56,000 tons of beets were raised which made 160,000 100-pound sacks of sugar. Most of the 56,000 acres under cultivation are irrigated. Several hundred men are employed permanently and during the beet thinning and weeding season, 800 extra Indian and Mexican boys are employed.

The rumor that Dr. Ward is to leave town is without foundation, as the doctor has no intentions of moving from Hampton.

Monday evening the Parent-Teachers association held its regular meeting at the Centre school. After the business meeting conducted by the president Mrs. Olney, the speaker Miss Bolles, of Boston, was introduced. Her subject was "The Origin and Development of the Folk and Country Dances." Miss Cunningham played the music to which the different figures were danced. Both Mrs. Bolles and Miss Cunningham have attended schools of the Morris Dancers in England, and also classes that have been formed in this country. The meeting closed with her teaching twenty of the young couples one of the country dances. The music of the evening was furnished by the Mandolin club.

The selections were splendidly played and all appreciated the work Mr. Sears had done in working up the club. Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Nudd, Mrs. Roscoe Palmer, Mrs. Langley and Mrs. King were on the refreshment committee and served cake and coffee. Seventy members and guests were present.

The Ladies' Aid of the Congregational church met at Mrs. Arthur Ward's Tuesday afternoon. Sixteen members were present and with the pleasant company the work progressed rapidly. Many aprons were finished and others started in preparation for the sale to be held in the chapel, Wednesday afternoon, March 25th. A number of squares of the quilt the Ladies' Aid are making for the new dormitory of the International College at Springfield, were brought to the meeting.

The H. T. G. club was entertained on Thursday by Mrs. Frank Brooks of Portsmouth. The Hampton members all had a jolly trip down in the machines and the afternoon was very enjoyably spent. Mr. William Cash, Mrs. Wallace Day of Exeter and Mrs. Ella Moore were the prize winners. The delicious refreshments were served most graciously by the hostess.

Mr. Oliver Godfrey has been given the cane that has been passed down through the line of the oldest deacons of the Congregational church. The cane is marked with a tag reading "This cane was the everyday cane of Rev. Ebenezer Thayer, pastor of the Congregational church, from 1766 to 1792, the date of his death." The cane has an ivory top that is beautifully tinted with age, and those who see it think of the hands that have held and treasured it through the past century and a half as the honor of being senior deacon has come to them.

Dr. and Mrs. Frank M. Adams of Providence, R. I., were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Ward, from Thursday to Sunday. Friday afternoon Mrs. Ward gave an informal tea for Mrs. Adams.

Mr. and Mrs. Warren Clark are the happy parents of a little daughter, born Sunday morning in Exeter Hospital.

Town Meeting

Hampton had a quiet town meeting Tuesday, with only one contest, that for town clerk. The Australian ballot for the election of officers was used for the first time and worked very smoothly. Insuring a much larger vote for the major officers than would have obtained under the old method.

The polls were opened at 10 o'clock. After reading of the warrant, prayer was offered by the Rev. John Cummings of the Congregational church.

Moderator Byron E. Redman then oto [sic] up articles 1,2 and 3 and appointed the officers to have charge of the Australian balloting as follows:

Moderator pro tem, H. M. Lamprey; Deputy town clerk, C. F. Adams; Ernest W. Towle, Frank S. Mason, Eugene Leavitt and Clyde Brown. For the first half hour action under articles in the warrant was suspended, but after that both the voting and the other business went on together.

The election of the trustee of the trust funds, and a member of the library committee was from the floor, as the ordinances do not provide for the election of minor officers on the Australian ballot. The retiring member of each board was re-elected -- Abbott L. Joplin as a trustee, and Sarah M. Lane for the library committee.

Under article 4, to raise money for town purposes, Herbert L. Tobey, moved that the amount in report of the budget committee, which carries a total of $93,890 be raised and appropriated. An amendment was offered to increase the amount by $4,500 to pay the extra cost of hydrant service was adopted and with this amendment Mr. Tobey's motion was voted, making a total appropriation of $98,400, to which was added in special appropriations the sum of $8,400 making a total appropriation of $106,800, not including what school appropriations to be made Thursday evening of about $36,000, which is apportioned as follows:

Town officers' salaries: $5,000.00
Election expenses: 50.00
Municipal court: 350.00
Care of town hall: 1,000.00
Street lighting: 7,000.00
Police department: 5,000.00
Fire department: 9,000.00
Moth extermination: 200.00
Health department: 2,500.00
Cleaning beach 1,000.00
Town's contribution: 1,500.00
Town maintenance: 8,000.00
Libraries: 1,200.00
Town poor 1,000.00
Memorial day and other Celebrations: 150.00
Soldiers' aid and G.A.R. Halls, Red Cross: 1,250.00
Parks and playground: 1,000.00
Cemeteries: 7,000.00
On bonded debt: 9,500.00
Highways and bridges: 7,000.00
Comfort station: 1,000.00
Sidewalk construction: 1,500.00
Break water: 500.00
Bonds: 5,000.00
Long term notes: 1,500.00
County taxes: 16,000.00
Street railway: 5,000.00
Hydrant service: 4,500.00
Total appropriations: $98,400.00

Under article 5, it was voted to deed to the school district a tract of land surrounding the Centre school building as far back as the Freeman Williams land runs, excepting what will be needed for a roadway on the east side of the building.

Blister Rust Agent Barraclough, appeared in behalf of article 6, asking for $400 for the suppression of pine blister. Mr. Barraclough explained the need of carrying on this work in Hampton. A motive to pass over the article was lost. On motion of Rev. John Cummings $400 was voted.

Under article 7, it was voted that the town accept the street known as Highland Avenue, near the shoe shop.

The sum of $2,500 was voted to continue band concerts at the beach, with the provisions that one concert per week be given the square in this village.

In regard to the removal of bath houses, south of the Coast Guard Station, at North Beach, Mr. Frank E. Leavitt very nicely explained the reason for the request. There are 23 of these houses there, many of them old and unsightly, and most of them within the limit of the state highway, and because of them thousands of dollars in real estate are driven away from this section. The town voted to have the selectmen cause their removal. It was also voted that the selectmen be empowered to erect a suitable public bath house with authority to lease it to individuals.

Under article 10, it was voted that $1,000 be expended on the Nook Run road, so called.

Under article 11, the code of town ordinances drafted by a committee and adopted last year, was permanently opted. A motion was first made by Harry I. Noyes to rescind the vote of last year and pass over this article. Several of the town officials who have had a chance to see the working of the code, and found much in them to be retained, spoke in favor of accepting, and the motion was lost. The following motion was then made and carried with only four dissenting votes: "That the town ordinances adopted by the town in annual meeting assembled March 11, 1924, be hereby amended by inserting in article 10, paragraph 1, the words 'Victualer's license, $15.00;' that the said ordinances, so amended, be adopted as the rules and regulations of the town of Hampton and entered upon the records of the town clerk."

Under article 12, $4,500 was voted for the installation of fire alarm boxes in this village under the direction of Chief Whiting.

Under article 13, Rev. I. S. Jones spoke most interestingly on behalf of the work which has been done by the Meeting House Green Memorial association in building a park and memorial. At the close of his remarks, the following vote was passed:

That the town of Hampton is in favor of cooperating with the Memorial Green Association, in the exercises to be held Oct 14, 1925.

Mr. Jones then asked that the following persons be chosen a committee to act for the town with the association:

Frank E. Leavitt, Fred E. Perkins, Edgar Warren, Charles F. Adams, Ernest G. Cole, Mrs. Caroline Shea, Howard G. Lane, Mrs. Emma Young Harry I. Noyes, Mrs. Wilson Olney, William Brown, Mrs. Everett Nudd, George Ashworth, Mrs. Sarah M. Lane, Mrs. Flora E. Lane.

The business of the meeting was finished at one o'clock, but as a previous vote had set the hour for closing the polls of the election at three o'clock the meeting did not adjourn until after the votes had been counted. The result of the vote was as follows:

Town Clerk:
William Brown 186
Warren H. Hobbs 122
Selectman - 3 years:
Harry D. Munsey 226
Uri Lamprey 81
Town Treasurer:
Chester G. Marston 274
Collector of Taxes:
William Brown 285
Charles F. Adams 11
Howell M. Lamprey 8
S. Albert Shaw 7
Oliver W. Hobbs 4
Scattering 18