The Hamptons Union, April 9, 1925

Hampton News

Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Lucy Marston entertained the Ladies' Aid of the Congregational church. Eighteen members were present and many aprons and patch work squares were finished. Plans were made for two suppers in the near future and the Lawn Party in the summer. Mrs. Marston, with her daughter Miss Adeline and granddaughter, Miss Eleanor, served cucumber sandwiches, doughnuts and coffee.

The promptness kept the grass fire near Mr. Willard Dalton's, last week from doing any serious damage.

Miss Rachael Story of Pigeon Cove, was a week-end guest of her cousin Mrs. Russell Leavitt.

George Ashworth will erect a handsome house this spring on one of his lots west of Mrs. Well's residence which stands on the side of the old Leonia hotel. The other lot will be cleaned up and laid out as a broad lawn.

Charles E. Greenman has purchased the shop of the Hampton Associate, and is making some repairs to the building, including a new loading platform.

Special Easter services at the Baptist church, April 12th, at 10:30 A.M. The pastor Rev. Edward E. Eno will preach from the text "All that are in their Graves shall hear His Voice, and shall come forth." Special Easter music, and a welcome to all. Easter concert in the evening by the Sunday school.

The West End club was entertained by Mrs. Frank E. James, April 1st, at dinner. A quilt was tied in the morning. All did justice to a good dinner. A program was carried out on the afternoon which was enjoyed.

The Hampton Beach Central Fire Station's second annual banquet will be held in the new station with speaking by prominent men of New England. After the speaking there will be dancing with good music, and everything will be done by the committee to provide a good time for all. The tickets, which will be strictly limited, will soon be issued and they can be procured at E. G. Cole's periodical store, at David F. Colt's or of the members of the executive committee, George Ashworth, J. C. White and Atwood Rowe. Prices $1.75 each.

Mr. Lewis Robinson, last year, principal of the Junior High, now at Falmouth, Mass., visited in town Thursday.

The Men's Club of Hampton and their friends have a treat in store for them at their next meeting to be held on April 20th. Mr. George A. Wood, speaker of the New Hampshire House of Representatives has promised to be present and tell of the doings of the present legislature. He will also tell us something of old time politics and politicians in New Hampshire. Some of the incidents Mr. Wood will relate will make us laugh and others will cause us to wonder that they could have been. The committee feel that they have been very fortunate in obtaining Mr. Wood as the speaker at this meeting.

The Senior class of Hampton Academy and High school presented their play "Thirteen Plus" Friday evening at the town hall before a very large and enthusiastic audience. Thayer Edgerly took the part of Philip Channing, a popular writer of fiction. The action of the play was the story he was obliged to write, being under contract. Arnold Jeffery, a government detective was very well portrayed by John White. He, with Judge Kelcy, taken by Forace Tarr try to find the lair of rum runners. Paul Hobbs, as Henry Logan was the genial host and owner of the camp, with his wife, Eleanor, Miss Katherine Gookin, and daughter, Miss Hazel Shaw were typical out door sport loving people. Miss Gookin did exceptionally well, as she took the part on short notice, the original member having been taken ill. Miss Nellie Moulton, in the part of Ethel Kelcy daughter of the Judge tries to help George, a guide, (Charles Brown) and his sweetheart Miriam, (Evelyn Clark) of the clutches of the rum runners. Judge Kelcy is shot and Dr. Wainwright (Ralph Johnson), tell that he has gone, everyone taking it to mean he had died. The words Thirteen Plus are found on a paper which makes Mrs. Wainwright, (Miss Mabel Paige) faint, Ethel Kelsey's mysterious telephone message of Thirteen Plus and Helen Wainwright score of Thirteen Plus keeps things quite in the dark. Mary McIntosh as the Irish maid, "Flora complicates matters with her story of a fictitious person seen around camp Judge Kelcy. With the capture of Marie LeBou the French girl which part was taken by Miss Mildred Thompson, the mysteries were cleared up and morning found the party all ready for their breakfast of ham and eggs. Each part was splendidly taken and the finished performance showed the long hard work of each young student. At the end of the second act, the class presented Mrs. Arthur Ward, who had acted as coach with a beautiful bunch of roses in the heart of which was a five dollar gold piece. Mrs. Vina Jones, Miss Myrtle Grover and Mrs. Arthur Ward were matrons at the dance which followed.

Have you seen our traffic "cop" Marvin Young in his new Easter suit? He got ahead of the ladies this season and is an added attraction at the corner.

Miss Eleanor Marston, who is instructor of drawing at the Pennsylvania State Normal school at Shippensburg, Penn., is spending a few days of her spring vacation with her grandmother, Mrs. Lucy Marston. She will visit with her sister, Mrs. Leonora Wing of Boston, Mass., over the week-end before returning to her school duties.

Don't forget the Jubilee Minstrels, April 21, at Hampton town hall, and April 22, at O.U.A.M. hall, Seabrook. It sure will be the scream of the season.

The ladies of the Baptist church will serve a Baked Bean Supper in the vestry, next Tuesday evening, from 6:00 to 7:30. Candy and aprons will be on sale. A social hour will follow.

The Annual Gentlemen's night of the Monday club, was held at the Centre school Monday evening, April sixth. Our president, Mrs. Shea, could not be present on account of the illness of her brother, Judge Lamprey, so the vice-president Mrs. Hutchings, presided. All business was laid on the table until our next meeting, Monday, April 20th. After a few words of welcome to the guests, the entertainment for the evening was left in the hands of our entertainers: Center school, Mandolin club; Mrs. John Rowe, of Exeter, reader; and Miss Eldridge and Mr. Billie Sterns, pianist. For more than an hour, members and guests (numbering between forty-five and fifty) were delightfully entertained. The Mandolin club gave two numbers very pleasingly. Mrs. Rowe furnished three numbers, each finely rendered, and well chosen. Miss Eldridge and Mr. Stevens delighted all, furnishing duets, solos, singing, miscellaneous selections, and leading on community singing until our hostess, Mr. Munsey called us to the banquet hall below, where the tables were found very prettily decorated in pink and white. The donning of the paper cap favors and the music accompanying the opening of same, added to the festivities. Refreshments of creamed chicken, crackers, ice cream, cake and coffee were served. At this hour, Miss Eldridge and Mr. Stevens again entertained, as the company sat around the tables, and another community song brought a successful close to a very pleasant evening. The entertainment committee of the club, Mrs. Cash, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Irving Leavitt, and Mrs. Winchester, had full charge of the evening, and were Mrs. Munsey's assistant hostesses.

Kindly note this change of date. The Ladies' Aid of the Congregational church, are to have a supper in the church supper room, at six o'clock on Thursday evening, April sixteenth, instead of April ninth, as advertised in previous issue. The supper was planned for sometime ago, and by oversight it was not noticed that April ninth was the week before Lent.


Announcement was made here yesterday of a double wedding of Hampton young people at Farmington, last Saturday. The ceremonies were performed by Rev. George W. Clark, former pastor of the Congregational church here.

The contracting parties were Harold Douglas Shaw and Miss Beatrice Batchelder and Carlton J. Edgerly and Miss Hazel I. Shaw. All are from Hampton, with the exception of Mr. Edgerly, who resides in Hampton Falls. The Shaws are brother and sister, the children of Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Shaw.

Harold D. Shaw is employed in a local garage, while Edgerly is a freshman at the University of New Hampshire. His bride is only 17, and was in her senior year at Hampton Academy.

The Parent-Teachers' meeting will be held Monday evening, April 15. The speaker of the evening will be Mr. E. W. Butterfield, State Commissioner of Education. A large attendance desired.

The H. T. G. club was very happily entertained, Thursday afternoon, by Mrs. William Ross, Mrs. William Cash, Mrs. Ella Moore and Mrs. Roscoe Palmer received the favors for the two highest and lowest scores of the afternoon. The hostess served a very delightful luncheon and all enjoyed the social time. Mrs. Harold Winchester will entertain at the next meeting.

Mrs. Howard G. Lane has been very ill with the grippe. Mrs. Zipporah Jenners has been caring for her. Her daughter, Miss Eloise and son Wheaton are both able to be at home, it being their spring vacations.


Ten cottages on the North Beach road, Hampton Beach, were ransacked some time during the week-end, and the police who did not discover the breaks until April 5, are making an attempt to obtain some clew as to the identity of the thieves. It is believed that the breaks have some connection with the robbery of 14 cottages at York Beach, Me., during the past week.

The breaks were discovered when Dr. Fowley of Lawrence, Mass., came to open his cottage for the day. He informed the police. Chief of Police Harry Munsey, visiting nearby cottages, found that breaks hade been made in two small stores, one owned by James W. Alley of Portsmouth, and the other by Juseph Kusiak of Exeter, and also cottages owned by Mrs. Annie W. Marble of Exeter, Prof. Arthur G. Leacock of Philips Exeter Academy, Geo. L. Hamilton of North Andover, Clinton S. Amden, Miss Elizabeth M. Walker and Miss Alice G. Pennock of Manchester.

Although the extent of the losses have not been fully estimated, it is believed that the loss by vandalism in the cottages will prove as large as the loss by theft.