The Hamptons Union, July 9, 1925

Hampton News

NOTE: The left-hand edge of the first column on page 1 is over-impressed making the type very difficult to read. As a result, some names may be spelled incorrectly herein.

Thursday evening, July 2nd, Mr. Byron E. Feeney and Miss Ada Look, both of Lynn, Mass., were united in marriage at the Baptist parsonage by Rev. Edward E. Eno.

Friday evening, July 3rd, the Baptist parsonage, Rev. Edward E. Eno joined in marriage Mr. Percy Merchant and Miss Alice Carlsen, both of Gloucester, Mass.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Lane entertained Mrs. Leon A. Provandie and her sister, Miss Sylvia Cushman at dinner on July 3rd.

Mrs. Mary G. Chipman and Miss Martha Chipman of Somerville, Mass., are guests of their daughter and sister, Mrs. Arthur Ward. They came down on Friday to be present at Miss Barbara Ward's birthday party.

Mr. and Mrs. Byron Smith and little daughter, of Wollaston, were weekend guests in town.

Mr. Richard Allen of Chicago, and Lake Forest, Ill., made the trip from the West to spend the Fourth with his friend Miss Sylvia Cushman, who is at the Ashworth for the season. The young westerner was greatly [?] and made many friends in Hampton. Miss Cushman is the sister of Mrs. Leon A. Provandie who acted as chaperone.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hyde and little daughter of Watertown, were holiday guests of the aunt, Mrs. Carrie Scott.

Mr. Cyrus Clark motored to his home at Bristol, N. H., to spend the weekend.

The friends of Miss Ianthe Hawbolt will be pleased to hear she is convalescing after being serious [sic] ill with diphtheria in Bridgeport, Conn.

Judge Howard Lamprey's two daughters, Mrs. Marion Penniman and Miss Helen Lamprey were badly injured Saturday night. They were watching an accident when a machine coming from the beach and trying to avoid one of the stalled cars ran in to them. No bones were broken, but they both received a number of cuts and bruises.

Mrs. Harry A. Penniman of Cambridge, Mass., Mrs. Mabel Fittz and her daughter, and lady friend of Boston, Mass., were the week-end guests of Mrs. Sara E. Rose, at her home, the "Rose Cottage", Beach road.

The Ladies' Aid of the Congregational church are making plans for a lawn party to be held on Tuesday, August 4. Further particulars later.

The roof of the Advent church is being reshingled this week.

The postponed picnic of the Mother's Circle will be held on Wednesday, July 29th, with the same plans being carried out.

Miss Isabelle Thompson has been one of four young couples, who were house guests for a week of Miss Helen Beach of Winchester, one of her class mates at Laselle, at the Beach cottage. The young people spent a happy time playing tennis, golf, swimming and doing the amusements along the beach.

Miss Dorothy Eldridge, our district nurse, is spending her vacation with her people at Eastport, Me.

Wednesday evening, thirty-five friends of Mr. Chester Grady were guests at the Creighmore, to wish him "Bon Voyage" and present to him the gift of a traveling case. Sunday he left for New York and early Tuesday morning started for Germany, on the S. S. Columbus. He will remain in Berlin for six months of study, then will go to Italy and France. Mr. John Creighton went to New York with him to see him off, returning Tuesday morning. The good wishes of the whole community goes [sic] with Mr. Grady.

Miss Barbara Ward entertained nine little friends at a birthday dinner party Friday noon, it being her seventh birthday. The little ladies enjoyed their dinners as well as grown-ups and all made merry with their red and white caps. The birthday cake was decorated with seven red candles and small silk flags. The afternoon was spent playing games and the wonder of watching the Shenandoah fly over the town. Miss Barbara received many pretty gifts and the good wishes of all.

The first band concert given from the new band stand in the Depot Yard, Monday evening was a decided success. There was a large attendance, many from adjoining towns and from the Beach being present. The concert, which was given by McDonald's [ie McDonnell's] band of Lawrence, Mass., playing at Hampton Beach for the season, was an exceptionally fine one and thoroughly enjoyed by all who heard it. There was one regrettable feature in connection with the concert which is hoped will be absent at succeeding ones-the injury to the shrubbery and grass surrounding the band stand by children viewing about unrestrained. Those who bring their children to these concerts are earnestly requested by those having the affair in charge to see that the children do not step upon the grass or break off branches of shrubbery. The officers on duty will be instructed to prevent this trespass.

The night before the Fourth, except for the ringing of the Academy bells was very quiet. At midnight the big bon-fire, that the boys had spent four days in building, behind the school was touched off and a merry crowd of young people watched the glow light up the sky.

Miss Eleanor Marston left Thursday for Boothbay, Me., where she will spend six weeks of study at the Boothbay studios.

Grafton Toppan:

On Tuesday the seventh was held the funeral of Christopher Grafton Toppan, the thirteen year old son of Christopher S. Toppan. It was very largely attended. The large house being filled nearly to its capacity, attested the regard in which the little lad was held as well as the sincere sympathy of neighbors, friends extended to Mr. and Mrs. Toppan in their bereavement. The service was in charge of their pastor, Rev. John Cummings of the Congregational church, who got up from a sick bed to attend the funeral. Rev. Mr. Cummings conducted the service most beautifully, speaking words of hope, sympathy to the bereaved relatives, parents, and pointing the younger members of the family to the fact that although Grafton has gone before, the circle of brothers and sisters is not really broken, for he still lives in another place, having simply passed to another room of the eternal habitation. Undertaker William Brown officiated. The bearers were six of Grafton's young playmates, Roger James, Richard Munsey, Myrle Bristol, Arthur Noyes, Raymond Brown and Albert Devlin. The Pioneers, a junior order of the Y. M. C. A. organization, of which Grafton was a member and his class in school headed by his teacher Miss Pherson marched behind the hearse and in front of the rest of the procession past the school building with its flag standing at half mast, to the cemetery. The whole service was most impressive.

In the passing of little Grafton Toppan to the land of the Great Beyond, we have another of the tragedies incident to our Fourth of July celebrations. Always in delicate health, this was the first year he had been permitted to "stay up and celebrate as the other boys do." He was particularly happy in this experience, for he was unusually free from the strength sapping asthma with which he was so much of the time afflicted, and he was doing that which his more vigorous playmates did.

It seems particularly pathetic that at this time of unusual joyousness, the premature explosion of a fire cracker in his hand should in so short a time lead to the end of his earthly career.

The whole community is saddened by his loss. Everybody knew him, everybody liked him and all those who knew him well loved him. He was an unusually likeable little lad and thoughtful beyond his years of the feelings of others. His thoughtfulness of others when he himself was suffering extreme pain is a lesson by which the older and stronger may well profit.

Perhaps it was this quality which made him a favorite among his boy friends although he was never able to mingle in their more vigorous sports. This regard was demonstrated during the last school year when on account of a severe illness in the early winter he was obliged to remain out of school. Each week by regular arrangement he was taken some different specific token of their regard.

The unselfishness of his character was often shown in the care of his mother. Often when suffering extremely, in answer to some solicitous question as to his comfort he would say "I'm all right mother, you get some rest now, I'm all right."

He was also especially steadfast in his devotion to his Aunt Mary and always anxious to make some return for the love she has lavished on him since his infancy. He was nearer to her than any of the others probably on account of his frailty.

Grafton was also quite a little business man, and every duty he undertook and every contract he made was carried out with a punctuality and thoroughness which is rarely seen in a boy of his age even when in most vigorous health.

He recently became a member of the Pioneers, one of the junior organizations affiliated with the Y.M.C.A., and his sturdy attachment to its moral and religious principles was simply another attestation of his inherent manliness.

He was fond of everything that grows and his love of flowers amounted to a passion. It was therefore fitting that in his death he should be so completely surrounded by them. The room seemed to be full of the most beautiful floral tokens, brought by young friends and older ones.

In many ways his thirteen short years seemed to expand away beyond their bounds. After all is life measured by years? Is it not true that the character built up and the influence exerted are all that really count? "In the measureless realm of time how brief is our earthly life, yet how momentous and eternal its issues."

A life of cheerful helpfulness and consideration of others under so great a handicap as little Grafton's must teach a lesson which shall survive.

"The pictures of the past remain; man's work shall follow him."

Hampton Beach:

Bishop William E. Anderson of the Boston area, now acting as president of Boston University, delivered the sermon at the dedication of the Community church, Friday. Representatives of all denominations of the Protestant faith attended. The service was in charge of Rev. Robert S. Barker, who was chairman of the campaign for the new church. The order of service was as follows:

Prelude by the Rosemary trio, composed of Miss Evelyn M. Nason, Miss Eleanor G. Nason and Dorothy Cotton; anthem by a Boston quartet; opening sentences of the ritual; hymn, invocation by the Rev. E. A. Dunham of Haverhill, Mass., superintendent of the southern New England divisions; scripture by Rev. E. A. Miller of Manchester; notices and offering; statements by Howard G. Lane, treasurer, and by Rev. James M. Gage, for the directors; selection by quartette; dedication sermon Bishop William F. Anderson of Boston; anthem by quartette; Psalm 121 read responsively; presentation of building by Rev. Robert S. Barker to Lemuel C. Ring, who received it in behalf of the trustees; declaration of dedication by a representative of the Presbyterian church; hymn; benediction; postlude.

The service saw the culmination of the dreams and hopes of hundreds of representatives of the Protestant church who come to Hampton Beach each summer. The church with its community house adjoining realizes a great need in this growing resort.

The campaign for this edifice, launched July 6 last year ended ten days later with a sum raised sufficient to build the church and equip it. The officers of the Community Church Association, Inc., were chosen as follows: Rev. Robert S. Baker, chairman; Fred S. Pillsbury, secretary; Howard G. Lane, treasurer; and the following trustees: Howard G. Lane, Hampton; Fred S. Pillsbury, Manchester; George H. Ashworth, Hampton Beach; William F. Thayer, Haverhill, Mass.; Mrs. Frank E. Nason, Haverhill, Mass.; A. J. Morse, Hampton; Mrs. Ethel Powers Uhlig, Hampton Beach; Mrs. Emma Young, Hampton; Mrs. Henry W. Ford, Hampton Beach; Rev. John Cummings, Hampton; Rev. Bernard Christopher, Hampton; Rev. Robert S. Barker, Hampton.

Work was started in August under the direction of Lemuel C. Ring, chairman of the building committee. The church occupies a lot given by General Rufus E. Graves. It is located at the corner of D street and Marsh avenue.

The exterior of the building is of red and white pebbled stucco, fireproof in every respect, while the interior is finished in light gray. The capacity of the main floor of the auditorium is 400, while 150 more can be placed in the balcony. The Sunday school room and community house are so constructed that the doors may be swung open so that 250 more may listen to the services.

The bell was the gift of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Newcomb of Haverhill, Mass., and the electric light of the Exeter and Hampton Electric Light Company.

Heretofore, the thousands of Protestants who have come to Hampton Beach during the last 25 years have either had to go to the village to attend services or have been obliged to worship in a motion picture theatre. A great many have refused to accept this condition and not attended church during their vacation.

Preachers of the various denominations have been secured to supply the pulpit at various times during the summer.

The present board of directors of the Community Church is: Lemuel C. Ring, Howard G. Lane, Rev. Robert S. Barker, Rev. John Cummings, Rev. Bernard Christopher and Mrs. Emma Young, of Hampton; Mrs. Edmund Langley, Mrs. J. S. Harrington, A. J. Morse, George H. Ashworth, Mrs. Henry W. Ford, Mrs. Ethel Powers Uhlig, of Hampton Beach; Charles Seavey, Mrs. Frank E. Nason, and William F. Thayer, of Haverhill, Mass.; J. Frank James of Lawrence, Mass. and Secretary Fred S. Pillsbury, of Manchester.


Mrs. C. H. Moody, and Mrs. Louis Beaudoin, are doing a rushing business with home made pies, fried clams, and other good things to eat.

Mrs. C. H. Moody is entertaining her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. McKellops, and her niece, Miss Elizabeth McKellops, from Athol, Mass.

Visitors at E. A. Page's over the Fourth were Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hunnewell from Auburn, Me., Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Skerritt, Mr. Frank Skerritt, Miss Mae Sloane, Mr. Clarence Landry, and Miss Corinne Landry, from East Boston, Mass., Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hall, from Carlisle, Mass., and Master Wesley Schurman, from Westfield, Mass.

Thorp and Branch, Manchester attorneys, representing the owner or owners of the Hampton Gas company called a public meeting of interested persons who were desirous of forming a stock organization which would own and operate the present gas company.

James E. Quirk of Auburn is at the Tuckaway on the Ocean Front.

A great many of the beach folk as well as citizens of Hampton Falls, South Hampton, Stratham, Rye and North Hampton journeyed to Hampton Village for the first band concert in the new stand in Railroad Square.

Chester Morrs of Pelham, Thomas F. Ingram of Andover and Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Clennan of Belmont are registered at the Belle Villa.

Vacationing at the Malcolm are Mr. and Mrs. Emile Dion of Derry.

Recent arrivals at the Wilbert are Alice Benanger, Carmel Benanger, Ernestine Berube and Normand Berube of Nashua, Bunny Hokensen, Jennette B. Ryan, Helen E. Ryan and Evelyn Brien of Concord.

Lillian Grimes, M. E. Mclin of Dover, and W. J. O'Connell of Newton are staying at the Hunter's Cottage.

Mr. and Mrs. F. L. McAllister, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Barrett, Daniel McKenna, F. J. McHugh, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Fauer of Manchester, Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Johnson, Franklin P. Johnson and Theodore Ellis of Concord, J. E. Richards and A. O. Atair of Dover and Olie B. Stuc of Ashland are among the New Hampshire registrants at Cutler's Sea View House.