The Hamptons Union, July 30, 1925

Hampton News

Miss Olive King of Richmond, Me., is spending the week with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hobbs.

Lieut. Hubbard F. Goodwin of Annapolis, spent last week with his Uncle and Aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hobbs.

Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hobbs are spending two weeks in the mountains.

The Busy Bee Class of the Congregational Sunday School will hold a food sale at Cole's Periodical store, Saturday, August 1st, from 1:30 to 5:30 p. m. Don't cook Saturday, but come and purchase good eats.

Quick work on the part of Officer Clint Durant, stationed at Whittier's corner was responsible for apprehending Samuel Aceto of 376 Warren avenue, Portland, who was wanted by the Newburyport police for driving away following an accident. Massachusetts State Inspector Edwin French telephoned Chief Harry Munsey, who in turn notified Officer Durant to be on the lookout for the car described to be driven by Aceto. Within five minutes the machine came along and Officer Durant took the party in charge.

The committee in charge of the Congregational Sunday School picnic has decided to hold it at Leavitt's grove, North Beach, where it has been held in some previous years. A special car will take all who wish to attend, and will leave the Congregational church at 10:30 a.m., Friday, July 31. Dinner will be on the usual basket picnic plan with lemonade provided by the committee. Every member of the Sunday school is urged to attend.

Chester G. Marston was very much surprised, and most agreeably so, too, last week when his old chum, Everett Shepard, who has been in the South for nearly twenty years, dropped in on him without warning. Mr. Shepard will remain in town for a while visiting friends of long ago.

Mr. and Mrs. John Cummings took Mrs. Carrie Perkins and her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Pray for a ride Friday afternoon. Mrs. Pray is 94 years old, but is very keen of mind and thoroughly interested in current happenings so she greatly enjoyed the afternoon spent in the motor car.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sears, after a month's vacation at Dalton, Mass., have returned to their home in Mr. Joplin's house.

Mr. Harry L. Moore, superintendent of the schools left on Friday for his home in Whitefield, where he will spend a short vacation before attending the summer conference at Keene, N. H.

Mrs. Milton J. Adams of Rensselaer, N. Y., with her three children, has been spending the last week with her sister, Mrs. Christopher Toppan.

Miss Martha T. Chipman visited with her sister, Mrs. Arthur Ward, Monday, motoring down from Somerville, Mass. with Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Wass of Melrose, Mass.

Mrs. S. B. Lane and friend, Miss G. A. Lamprey spent Thursday at Marblehead, having a view of the President's yacht there.

Mrs. Addie Brown was a dinner guest of Mrs. Amelia Noyes and Mrs. Marion Gates on Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sparks, who have been visiting their mother, Mrs. Jennie Bennett, for the past few weeks, have taken a cottage on Buzzards Bay for the month of August.

Little Abbott Young is quite ill and his happy little face running about town is missed.

Mrs. Martha Blake and her daughter, Augusta, have taken Harold Noyes' house for the summer: Harold Noyes and his family are living in Mr. John Elliot's home.

A very unusual sight was observed on Tuesday night, when the moon shone in all its glory during the severe thunder storm that passed over town.

Miss Isabelle Thompson is entertaining her friend classmate of Laselle, Miss Elizabeth Irish for a week.

Mrs. A. W. Waite of Wollaston is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Russell Leavitt.

Mrs. Mary Chipman spent Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. Lucy Marston.

The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church will hold their lawn party on Mrs. Teague's green, Monday evening, August 10th, from 6:00 to 9:00. Candy, aprons, home-cooked food, ice cream and domestic articles will be on sale.

The Mothers' Circle held its annual picnic at North Beach, on Wednesday with forty members and their young children present. The ideal day passed without a mishap, except for a few painful sunburns acquired. The water was delightful and everyone enjoyed the bathing. The president, Mrs. Everett Nudd, conducted by short meeting after the lunches, committees for the coming year were appointed and the program mapped out. The happy youngsters were brought home about five, after a splendid day of fun.

The blue berries are very plentiful this year and many preserve shelves are being filled with jars of the berries, picked by a large number of energetic townspeople who have been out gathering them.

A much needed convenience has been provided the public by Chester G. Marston, who has set up at his barber shop, a scissor-grinding machine, and will grind shears for anyone at 25 cents each. This opportunity to get first class sharpening will be appreciated by a great many.

Roland C. Emery has just completed installing the electric lights for the new band stand in depot yard. His work gave much satisfaction at the concert Monday evening.

Mr. Henry S. Bergeron of Nashua arrived here Monday to unload the equipment that is to be used for the construction of the state boulevard.

Chief Whiting of the fire department has been at work installing the new fire alarm box system on High street this week. He expects to have the system in operation about the 15th of August.

Jean Colt, three years old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David F. Colt, was knocked down and injured at Hampton Beach, Tuesday afternoon by an auto owned by Max E. Choose, and operated by Madge Choose, both of Elliot street, Watertown, Mass. Dr. A. H. Ward was called and is of the opinion that no bones are broken. There may be internal injuries he said.

Mr. George E. Remick and Mr. Burnell Clough left for their home in Bristol, N. H., Monday afternoon. They were the guests of Mr. Cyrus Clark for the past week.

The funeral of Thomas Brackett Shaw was held at his late home on Atlantic avenue, North Hampton, Tuesday afternoon. Rev. William Linsberry, pastor of the Congregational church, conducted the services and the bearers were Arthur Seavey, Andrew Marston, Frank Marston and George Carter. Burial was in the family lot in Central cemetery, North Hampton.

Hampton Beach:

A recent visitor to Hampton Beach was Emil Mollenhauer, conductor of the People's Symphony Orchestra, Boston, Mass., who greeted friends in the bandstand and was presented to Harold McDonnell, conductor.

Miss Sylvia Cushman of the Ashworth entertained Miss Jessie Banan, sister of Harry Banan, cornetist of McDonnell's band, on Saturday, and Mr. Harold L. McDonnell, conductor on Tuesday.

Miss Alice Frost, 20, was married here Monday to Raymond Dickie, 20, by Robert S. Barker, at the Methodist parsonage. The young couple had taken out their intention papers a week ago and Monday called Rev. Mr. Barker on the telephone. After some search they located him at a local garage from where he consented to hurry home and perform the ceremony. Mrs. Dickie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Frost of Newburyport, Mass. Her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Dickie of Salisbury, Mass. They will make their home on High street.

William T. Casey Jr., of 200 Parkway, Mattapan, Mass., was found guilty in the Hampton Municipal court here Monday morning of violating a motor vehicle law and fined $20 and costs. He appealed. Casey is alleged to have failed to bring his machine to a stop so as to allow an electric car to disembark passengers. He struck Joseph Gagnon of Seabrook, as the man was making his way from the car to the other side of the road.

Representatives of the Board of Trade have started work on a beautiful souvenir carnival week program, to be ready for distribution the Sunday before Labor Day.

The many friends of Mr. Lincoln E. Wheeler will be glad to know that he has arrived for his annual visit with his niece, Mrs. E. A. Page. Mr. Wheeler is 82 years young.

Recent visitors at Mrs. C. H. Moody's were her aunt, Mrs. Higgins from Providence, R. I., and her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Smith and daughter from Hingham, Mass.

Mrs. Leon S. Provandie of the Ashworth, entertained Mr. and Mrs. Donald Strand of Worcester, Mass., and Mrs. Strand's father, Mr. Edward Lotz of Malden, Mass.

The Haverhill Kiwanis club held its second ladies' night and banquet here at the Ashworth Tuesday evening with upwards of 90 present. Rev. Roger F. Etz, chaplain of the 182nd Infantry, Massachusetts National Guard and secretary of the Universalist general convention, was the principal speaker. President Archie McFarland presided at the business meeting. The club orchestra, under Wallace Archibald, director, played during the banquet and for the dancing which followed. The arrangements were in charge of Hayden Brown and Herbert Porter.

At the Dance Carnival, Tuesday evening, a Movie Ball was held in which 1,150 participated. As the dancers danced by the stage, the slow movement of the camera took them all in. A beauty contest was held, and twelve pretty maids were chosen, and filmed individually. With perfect lighting effect the movie men claim the picture will be a success. This picture will be shown at the Dance Carnival, this coming Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, for the benefit of those who were there Tuesday evening. This will give them an idea how they would look in the movies. The movie men were from New York City.