The Hamptons Union, October 29, 1925

Hampton News

Hampton Treasures

The following poem was written by Mrs. Elizabeth Folsom of Exeter who, though not a Hamptonion, fully appreciates the beauties of our town.

We who have felt The Magic Majesty
Of the Sea,--
At Hampton,
Who have sat
In the sands draping the shore
And wondered
At the life-power of grasses
Lodged deep
In the crystal piles,--
We who have walked
Close along the ocean's edge,
Have carefully stepped
Upon her weed-covered
And barnacle-crusted rocks,--
Can we ever
Cease to marvel
At the beauty and grandeur
Of Hampton's shore?
We who have walked
Across her marsh
Can we forget the thrill
Of stepping on that vast floor
Of tide-fed grass land?
And from that marsh
Have looked upon those
Gently sloping uplands
To cosey homes,
Towering shade trees,
Orchards, and e'en to the
Steeple of the
Meeting house
Can we forget?
We who have known
The shape of hay-stack,--
Have watched the sun set
On the pools,
And around those pools,
In autumn
Been refreshed
With joyous red,--
Have loved
The rich, deep browns
Spreading o'er that vast
Sheet of grass
Like a rug
Of softest, richest tone,
With upland walls
Of oak and pine,
Can we forget?
Back along those
Far-stretched years
Those were the
Of the first-comers,--
The Sea!
The Dunes!
The Great Salt Marsh!
Even as they
Are ours, today!
The sea will last;
The dunes are going fast,--
Where the sand peeps play
And the gulls hold sway,--
And roads
Into the marsh
Are finding a way.
We who have known
The grandeur of old
Speak of those blessings
Out bold.
Progress is come!
Thy will be done.
We thank God
For it all!

-- Elizabeth K. Folsom


Lemuel C. Ring has torn down the old Thompson house on High Street, formerly occupied by Harry Cleveland, and will erect on its site a four-tenement flat.

Next Friday, November 6, will be the regular meeting night of Ocean Side Grange. Plan to be there.

Mrs. Lawrence Hackett returned from the Exeter Hospital on Monday with her little daughter, Ruth Elizabeth.

Mrs. Everett Nudd spent last Friday and Saturday with friends at the Devereaux mansion, Devereaux, Mass., and Salem.

Mr. and Mrs. Robbins of Martha's Vineyard were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Cash.

On Monday evening at the Methodist church a National lecturer from Worcester, Mass., will lecture women. All protestant women are invited.

The meeting of the Baptist Womans' Missionary Society at the Parsonage, Wednesday P. M. at 3"o'clock. As this is the first meeting after the summer season, a full attendance is desired.

The Busy Bee Class of the Congregational Sunday School met at the home of Miss Louise Mullen this week. Plans for a future party were discussed and a good time had by all.

Hearing for Hampton bus line at Concord next Tuesday.

The monthly meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held at the home of Mrs. Lucy A. Marston Friday, October 30, at 2:30 P. M. Mrs. Carrie Fifield, County President, will be present and give a report of the recent state convention. All the members are urged to be present. Also anyone interested in the work is cordially invited to be present.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Lane arrived home from Washington on Tuesday where they had been for ten days attending the National Council of Congregational churches.

The Annual Thank Offering Meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Congregational Church will be held in the chapel on Wednesday, November 4, at 3 P. M. All ladies of the parish have a cordial invitation to be present.

This is our barber's vacation time. Mr. George T. Lindsey, who has had the month of October enjoying his annual visit to Chicago returns to duty next Monday, Nov 2nd. Chester Marston's party of hunter's leave the same date for three weeks in the north woods. Mr. Marston will postpone his going until the following week so as to give his customers a chance to get their hair cut that may need it about that time, as he has been unable to get a barber to help Mr. Lindsey while away. He will leave November 11 and return the 21st.

Reciprocity Day of the Monday Club will be held next Monday afternoon in the Centre School at 3 P. M. Mrs. Harry W. Smith of Durham, District Chairman, and Rev. John Cummings are to be the speakers.

The Junior Endeavor society of the Baptist church is to hold a Halloween social in the vestry, Saturday evening, October 31st, at 6 o'clock. All members are to be present in costume and bring a friend. Refreshments will be served.

On last Friday evening, October 23, Alpha Chi Omega Sorority of New Hampshire University came to the Echo Hotel for their Rush Party. A Treasure Hunt was the main feature of the evening. This was held in the barn belonging to Mr. Toppan across the street from his residence. Miss Dorothy Hobbs of this town is pledged to this sorority. The party returned to Durham by a bus and private automobiles.

Monday afternoon the Monday Club was entertained by Mrs. H. P. Wells with Mrs. Addie Brown assisting. The business was conducted by the President, Mrs. James Hutchings as briefly as could be done to give more time to the program. Mrs. Wells introduced her friend, Mrs. Elmer of Portsmouth, who sang a number of selections to her own accompaniment. Mrs. Robert Brown gave a very clear and interesting book review of "Soundings" by Arthur Hamilton Gibbs, followed more songs by Mrs. Elmer. Sandwiches and coffee were served by the hostesses and everyone enjoyed the social time.

Wednesday evening twenty friends of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hobbs tendered them a surprise in honor of their twentieth anniversary. Three beautiful pieces of china were presented to the couple by Rev. Edgar Warren in behalf of the friends. Both Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs were greatly taken by surprise but accepted the gifts and kind wishes of their friends most graciously. The evening was spent with games and songs after which ice cream and cake were served. The anniversary cake was made and decorated by Mrs. Delano of North Hampton. The evening passed all too quickly and at eleven the party separated with continued wishes of happiness to the couple.

Mrs. Charles Teague broke two bones in her ankle last Wednesday when she was stepping from the automobile. Although she was taken to the Portsmouth Hospital for treatment she was able to return to her home afterwards, the swelling having gone down considerably and a plaster cast having been placed on the injured member.

Mrs. Alice Barker, who was a delegate to the State W. C. T. U. convention at Keene last week, will give her report to the meeting which will be held on the 30th with Mrs. Lucy Marston. This meeting which should have come on the 16th was postponed to the later date on account of the Chautauqua.

The regular November meeting of the Parent-Teachers' Association will be held in the Centre School building on Monday evening, November 9. The subject of the meeting will be "Music", with interpretations in various forms, including selections from the school orchestra. Full particulars next week.

Mr. and Mrs. Cummings who motored to Washington are expected to arrive home on Monday.

Hallo-e'en [Halloween] is to be celebrated by a party, entertainment, and evening of wholesale fun at the Methodist vestry this Saturday night. With uncanny gatherings going on, in preparation for the event it promises to live up to all that even the least superstitious could desire. Around a boiling pot the choir girls are stewing a terrible dose for their victims. Horribles, goblins, and living pumpkin people will be there to alarm you. Ghosts and witches, black cats and all; weird noises-boo! It is desired that you come in costume if possible. Anyhow, bring twenty-five cents or you will be haunted the rest of your very short life.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ladd left on Thursday for Miami. They are motoring all the way with a chauffeur.

Wednesday evening fifty members and twelve guests of the Mothers' Circle met at Mrs. Irving Leavitt's for their regular meeting. The committee announced that a new lounging chair had been purchased for the Hampton room at the Exeter hospital and it was voted to buy the curtains and over-drapes. It is hoped that the town and other organizations will complete the refurnishing of the room in keeping with the new addition. The play committee announced that as the High School had selected December 4th as their date every support should be given them. The Mothers' Circle play will come December 31. The girl's mandolin club played two selections, Mrs. Fred Perkins sang "Sonny" and Mrs. Harold Noyes gave a number of clever pianologues. The paper of the evening was read by Mrs. Alice Barker entitled "Relations of Parents and the Pre-School Child". Everyone was interested and many helpful suggestions were given. The hostesses: Mrs. Agnes Leavitt, Mrs. Ruth Palmer and Mrs. Gladys Blake served delicious refreshments, during which time everyone enjoyed the neighborly get acquainted chats.

Nathaniel Batchelder's home in the West End of Hampton was the scene of a real old fashioned husking bee, last Saturday night. In eager quest of the rewards attached to the finding of red ears, the party made merry, during the first part of the evening, in the big barn. Followed a period of dancing and games, and then, the supper. Salads, cold meats, and beans, pies, cakes, and brimming coffee cups were spread before the huskers, to vanish with surprising rapidity. To many of the young folks this was a unique party in that it was the first husking bee they had ever attended. Everyone agreed that the boys and girls of yesterday knew how to create a rollicking good time, if they were to judge by this revival of ye olden days.