The Hamptons Union, December 31, 1925

Hampton News

Dean Merrill spent the week end with his parents in Milton.

Contractor Harry I. Noyes is laying a new floor in Greenman's shoe shop.

The Whatsoever Circle will be entertained on Saturday by Miss Thelma Page.

Curtis Donnell was at home from Springfield, Mass., a few hours on Christmas day.

Oscar Garland has returned to his school in Brookfield, after a pleasant vacation in town.

Mrs. Annie Lamprey is ill with an attack of erysipelas and is under the care of Dr. Fernald.

Mrs. Helen Lamprey is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. Arthur Penniman, in Lynn.

Mr. Wheaton Lane is spending a few days of his vacation with his grandmother, Mrs. Lydia Lane.

Mrs. Willard Emery received a crate of oranges and grapefruit from Mr. Emery who is in Daytona, Fla.

Mrs. Rebecca Leavitt has been suffering with a severe cold. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery.

Friday Miss Toppan entertains the H. T. G. club. A Christmas tree will celebrate the 15th anniversary of the club.

Mrs. Everett Nudd with Mrs. Frank Dennett and Mrs. Charles Palmer spent Tuesday in town, shopping.

Miss Edith Carlisle of Amesbury, Mass. is spending her Christmas vacation with her sister, Mrs. Willard Emery.

Katherine Janvrin, Donald Munsey, Russell True, Evelyn Shaw, Isabelle Thompson are among those who are spending the holidays at home.

The engine house bridge parties are being well attended. This week the party is in Seaview with proprietor, Horace Bragg, and Fred Lorenz as hosts.

Judge Howell M. Lamprey was the host to his daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Penniman and little granddaughter, Anne, of Lynn, over the Christmas holidays.

The Jr. O. U. A. M. will hold a public installation next Tuesday evening, January 5. All members are earnestly requested to be present and bring their wives, daughters, and friends. Refreshments served.

Whist parties at the Jr. O. U. A. M. hall every Thursday evening after this week. The management hopes there will not be anything Thursday nights but our whist, as we need the people. Come and get the big prize. Two big ones, two small ones and a booby prize. Only 25c admission. Come one and all.

Guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bonser at Christmas dinner were Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Brown, of Sanbornville; Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Brown and son Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stitt and children, Richard and Rachel, all of Lynn Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Maltby of Portsmouth, and Mr. Ralph Mapps of Charlestown, Mass.

Christmas at the Baptist church was observed by the children with a musicale under the direction of Mrs. Fred Perkins, Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Miss Frances Drew accompanied at the piano. The story entitled "Elsie's Christmas Party" was read by Miss Alzina Leavitt, the children representing the different characters. This was followed by a Christmas tree which was thoroughly enjoyed by the children.

A peculiar light believed to have been a falling meteor, but having a tail approximately a mile and a half long, was seen in the sky at six o'clock Tuesday night. An off season for meteors, the spectacle was unusual, and especially because of the peculiarities which accompanied it. It was described as being as large as the sun, and left a bright red tail hanging in the sky that attracted the attention of residents in many southern New Hampshire towns. Persons who saw the phenomenon declared that it was as bright as lightning and that the long tail was irregular. It lasted more than 10 minutes before it vanished.

A complete new lighting system has been installed at the Baptist church, the work being done by Mr. Fifield of Exeter.

Roscoe Palmer and his family have returned to their home on Lafayette road, after having been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Palmer for several weeks.

The Monday Club will meet next Monday afternoon with Mrs. Russell Leavitt. A roll call of New Year's resolutions is to be part of the program and it is hoped that every member will respond.

Miss Isabelle Thompson is spending part of her vacation from Leland Powers School of Dramatic Art with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. Henry Thompson. Tuesday she went to Winchester for a house party with her friend, Miss Helen Beach.

The Mothers' Circle play "Three Pegs" is to be presented at the Hampton Town hall tonight at eight o'clock. The cast includes Mesdames Edgar Warren, Scott Noyes, Everett Nudd, Marvin Young, Harold Noyes, Harry Munsey, Frank Dennett, John Elliot and Edgar Howe. The play has many clever lines and many a good laugh awaits the audience.

The Farragut-Stoneleigh Co., Inc., organized to take over hotel properties in New Hampshire, has filed with the Secretary of State in Concord, a proposal to issue 1000 shares of preferred stock, in consideration of the real estate and personal property of the Stoneleigh Manor at Rye Beach. M. L. Powell of Burlington, Vt., and others are interested in the project.

Monday evening at 8 o'clock, the Exeter chapter D. A. R. is to hold an open meeting in Unity hall in observance of the Sesqui-Centennial anniversary of the establishment of independent government in New Hampshire on January 6, 1776, and the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress at Philadelphia on July 4th, of the same year. Dr. James A. Tufts is to be the speaker of the evening. Tableaux pertaining to colonial incidents and people of note of the period are to be posed.

A meeting of the Hampton Committee appointed to raise this town's quota of the $50,000 subscription State advertising fund was held in the selectmen's room Tuesday evening. Dr. Neal of Portsmouth, head of the county committee and Lee H. Brow, secretary of the Portsmouth chamber of commerce, were present and greatly interested the members as they told of the reasons for raising this money. A good deal of enthusiasm was manifest and it was the unanimous opinion of those present that $1500, the town's quota, although large, would undoubtedly be raised in the spring when our Beach people, now absent, return. Mr. Lemuel C. Ring was chosen chairman of the committee and George Ashworth chairman of the soliciting committee. Several of the gentlemen present promised $100 each if the entire amount is raised. These men are the true boosters of the town, and show their faith in its future with their pocket books.

Mrs. Jessie M. Moulton:

Mrs. Jessie M. Moulton, wife of Orice J. Moulton, died Sunday at her home on Atlantic avenue, North Hampton. Mrs. Moulton was born in North Hampton June 1, 1860, the daughter of Edwin O. and Hannah K. (Batchelder) Marston and is survived by her husband and one daughter, Mrs. Emma Leonard, also one sister, Miss Emma O. Marston, a brother, Edward G. Marston and a grandson.

Mrs. Elizabeth A. Batchelder:

Mrs. Elizabeth A. Batchelder, widow of Samuel C. Batchelder, long a prominent resident of Hampton, died at the Rockingham county hospital at Brentwood, in her 101st year, Thursday.

Mrs. Batchelder was one of the few centenarians in this section, and observed her100th birthday anniversary March 17, 1925.

For many years her husband conducted the "Penobscomuk" house, later the Penobscot house at Hampton Beach, which was one of the leading hostelries in the days when the beach was a small local resort, but both she and her husband were well known to the many visitors there.

Mrs. Batchelder was from an old Epping family, where she was born March 17, 1825, her maiden name being Elizabeth Cawley. She was married to Mr. Batchelder in 1856, who was from a Northwood family.

For 60 years they conducted the Penobscot House at Hampton Beach, and for a time lived in West Newbury, Mass.

The nearest survivor is a cousin, Mrs. Mary E. Weeks of Concord.

The body was taken to West Newbury and buried in the family lot alongside of her husband.

David R. Clark:

On Tuesday, December 22, occurred the death of David R. Clark at the Exeter hospital, where he has been confined for several weeks. Mr. Clark has been an invalid for the past six years and previous to that time had served many years as district manager for the C. C. Harvey Piano Co., Boston. Mr. Clark was 63 years old. He is survived by one sister, Mrs. John C. Davis of Hampton, and one brother, Mr. Benjamin C. Clark of Roxbury, Mass. Funeral services were held Thursday, December 24, at the Baptist church. Burial was in the Hampton cemetery.

Unhappy Christmas and Happy New Year

Christmas was not a particularly happy day to Miss Jennie Hanson who lives with her sister, Mrs. Winthrop D. Blake on the Little River road, because she was mourning the loss of a pocket book containing five ten dollar bills. Wednesday morning just before starting out with her husband and her sister on a shopping trip, she had laid her pocket book on the running board of the automobile for a few minutes and then in the excitement of starting forgot all about it. When she reached the city, and was about to make her purchases, she was horrified to find her money gone. It might be anywhere on the road from Hampton to Haverhill.

Meanwhile, George Carberry had started out for Dover, where he was to spend Christmas with his mother, and when he approached the residence of J. G. Mace on the Mace road saw the pocket book in the road and picked it up. Upon his return from Dover on Saturday he went to the post-office to see if any notice of the lost article had been put up there, and then purchased a Hamptons Union to see if a lost pocket book had been advertised. Here he found what he was looking for, and was soon able to restore the pocket book to its rightful owner.

Moral: Don't leave your pocket book on the running board of your automobile. If you lose anything, advertise in the Union. Be glad that there are honest men in the world like George Carberry.

A group of carol singers visited Mr. David Asbury Marston, Christmas night. He was especially glad to welcome them for it was the 54th anniversary of his marriage.

Saturday afternoon Hector and William Colwell and Edmund Suck of Hyde Park, Mass., made the trip to Hampton by automobile. Suck is staying with his friend, William Elliot, for a few days. The other two boys, brothers of Mrs. Robert Elliot, retuned home Saturday evening.

On Sunday evening the Community cantata was held in Town hall, despite the cold snap. It was well attended considering the weather.

The T. S. G. club met with Mrs. Floyd Gale Monday afternoon.

Miss Jean MacKenzie of New York state has been a guest in the home of Mrs. Wilma Ware for the past few days.

Marguerite Moaratty recently hopped off her front porch in perfect flying style. Her flight was good, too, but of short duration for she landed upside down. No injuries of a serious nature were sustained.

Tuesday evening, at their regular choir rehearsal, the girls of the M. E. church had a party. Only four of the male gender were present, unfortunately.

Clifton Marston tracked a buck deer ("with tracks as big as a cow's") from daylight until dark Saturday. Kink said the deer's hind legs were dragging before he left the trail. He wouldn't admit to being tired himself, though.

Incidentally, Morris Lane and a couple of cronies shot a doe in town recently that weighed 120 pounds.

Of course you know that the Mothers' Circle play, "Three Pegs" is to be given tonight.

The cantata which was given at North Hampton last Thursday, under the direction of Norman Leavitt, will be repeated this coming Sunday night in the Methodist church at eight o'clock. Some of the choir from this church are in the company and the collection will be donated to their organ fund. A very fine orchestra will furnish music. Everyone should attend.

We understand that those who were in Norman Leavitt's cantata, at North Hampton last week, are to celebrate, Saturday night, by having a regular "blow out" at Portsmouth.

Don't forget the meeting of Ocean Side Grange Friday night.

The whist parties, that are to be held in Mechanics' hall, Thursday evenings, should be a decided success with nothing competing excepting mid-week prayer meeting. Of course, no church member would play whist anyway.