The Hamptons Union, May 20, 1926

Hampton News

There seems to be quite a lot of illness on Lafayette Road. Mr. Charles Batchelder has a very bad cold; Mr. Prescott is confined to his bed most of the time; Mrs. Asbury Marston not very well; Mrs. Lucy A. Marston practically confined to the house for a month; Miss Abbie Towle very poorly and Arnold Godfrey quite ill. It is rather an unfortunate neighborhood. Mrs. Kierstead is also among those laid aside for a while.

George T. Lindsey, barber in Chester G. Marston's shop is absent for several days on vacation.

The Memorial exercises at the Centre School on Friday P. M., next week, are part of the regular school work and the attendance of the G. A. R. is by invitation of the school. The W.R.C. attends as auxiliary to the Post to all of their meetings.

Rev. and Mrs. Cummings and Miss Annie Akerman are attending the Council of Congregational Churches in Newport this week. Some others of the church were present at part of the session.

Chester G. Marston is again welcomed by patrons of his barber shop after having undergone an operation at the Exeter Cottage Hospital.

Harry I. Noyes has sold the house in process of construction on Lafayette road to a Newburyport party, for a home. Mr. Noyes expects soon to erect another house nearby.

A ladies' hair dressing and bobbing shop has been opened by Mrs. Cate and her sister at their home on Exeter road, near the bridge. Mrs. Cate is an experienced ladies' barber and she and her sister hope to do well in their new venture. If it proves successful a regular shop on this side of the bridge will be opened.

Tax bills are about ready to mail to property owners in Hampton. The rate this year is $30 on $1,000, a raise of $2.00 over last year.

Ernest G. Cole and John W. R. Brooks attended the annual Meeting of the Grand Lodge A. F. and A. M. at Concord Wednesday.

Forrest Blake is soon to occupy tenement on High street, formerly occupied by the late N. J. Norton.

F. P. Ayers of Manchester, Mass., proprietor of the former Lewis Perkins estate on Beach road, was in town Tuesday.

John A. Thompson of Orlando, Fla., has returned from the South. He is spending a week in Portsmouth and will then take up his residence at the beach for the summer.

The annual visitation of Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge No. 26, took place at its last regular meeting with Sister Falvey, President of Rebekah Assembly, in attendance. The meeting was preceded by a delightful supper and the committee in charge certainly deserve hearty thanks. Sister Farley spoke words of praise of the officers, members of degree staff and degree master. At the close of her remarks she was presented a beautiful cut glass dish. Also Annie L. Johnson was remembered with a bouquet of pinks for her splendid work as Noble Grand. Committees were appointed for a Memorial service at the next meeting also to place flags in the Rebekah markers on graves of deceased members for Memorial Day. Guests were present from Exeter, Portsmouth, Haverhill, Mass., and Maine. The Past Noble Grand's Club will serve a supper before the next Rebekah meeting, May 25. As this is for a worthy cause let us attend and make it a financial success.

A mistake in printing one of the four Honorable Mention in the baby show held May first in the Centre School, should read Caroline W. Pierce instead of Caroline Perkins. Baby Pierce weighed 21½ pounds at 13 months of age. She is the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Pierce of Five Corners in this town.

Mrs. Ernest L. Pierce had her father, W. J. Pennington of Pawtucket, R. I., as a welcome guest at her home recently, for a few days.

The Third Clean-Up and Paint-Up campaign was successfully carried out in town with the cooperation of everybody concerned. The children of the Centre School found a ready sale for the clean-up stamps. Prizes of books were awarded to two children, Margaret Clough and Dana Stenstream. Plans are being formulated for another year, covering a still broader field of activity.

Wednesday evening, the 26th, the Mothers' Circle will have the Home Demonstration Agent from Exeter at the Centre School hall for a demonstration of salad making. Everybody welcome.

Mr. Richard B. Shelton received congratulations on his recent birthday. Not very aged yet!

Beach and Village Organize:

An interesting meeting was held Tuesday evening at the Precinct Fire Station hall, Hampton Beach, Tuesday evening, to organize a Chamber of Commerce. There was a fairly large attendance present and an even fifty of them signed an agreement to become members of the new organization after the report of the committee had been accepted and the set of by-laws presented had been adopted.

The meeting was called to order by George Ashworth and C. F. Adams, chosen secretary for the meeting.

A temporary organization was chosen for the Chamber of Commerce with J. Frank James of Lawrence president; Leon S. McComb of Rochester, secretary; J. C. White of Hampton, Treasurer; Ernest G. Cole, Hampton, first vice president; Edward J. Uhlig, Manchester, second vice president; and the following board of directors: Mrs. Ethel P. Uhlig, Mrs. D. A. Munsey, Mrs. C. H. Moody, John Coleman, Kenneth Ross, Armos Guyon, W. E. Lamb, and Frank E. Leavitt all of Hampton Beach, Harry D. Munsey, John Carberry, John W. R. Brooks and William Brown of Hampton.

A motion was made to make the foregoing officers permanent officials of the chamber of commerce, but after a somewhat heated discussion the motion was withdrawn and the permanent officers will be selected in the method prescribed by the by-laws.

In the meantime the present officials will put the by-laws into effect as far as possible and make a canvass to increase the membership. The permanent directors are to be nominated by the members by mail. The election committee sends to each one a ballot and a list of members with instructions to indicate his preference for nominees equal to twice the number of directors to be elected-twenty-four, and mail the ballot back to the election committee. The twenty-four who receive the highest number of votes will be the nominees from whom twelve will be chosen at the election-six of which are to be for two years. The election will be at the first annual meeting June 14.

The directors thus chosen will appoint the permanent president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and the various committees.

It was voted that the annual dues be $5.00 for each individual member.

A rising vote of thanks was given the officers of the old Board of Trade for their work in behalf of the Beach last year and also to Mr. George Ashworth for his services in organizing the new chamber of commerce.

The name given the new organization by the committee that reported the by-laws is the Hampton Beach and Hampton Chamber of Commerce and with the adoption of the by-laws this name is the official title. There is, however, much criticism of the name by the members both at the Beach and Village and it is not unlikely that the directors will be authorized to devise a shorter title.

The meeting adjourned to Tuesday, May 25, at 8:00 o'clock

Superior Court:

The case of Stella V. Stanton vs. Ann H. Barker, which was a Hampton land dispute, alleging a breach of warranty, commenced Monday afternoon in the Rockingham County Superior Court and was settled Tuesday out of court, by agreement of both parties. William H. Sleeper of Exeter and Oliver W. Marvin of Portsmouth were counsel for the plaintiff, and Frank A. Batchelder and George R. Scammon, both of Exeter, for the defendant.

Tuesday afternoon, the case of Carolyn M. Read of Exeter vs. James B. Spaulding of Salisbury, Mass., was started, it being an action for personal injuries in which the plaintiff alleges that an awning fell on her at Hampton Beach, caused through negligence.