The Providence Gazette; and Country Journal
From Saturday, July 28, to Saturday, August 4, 1770

We hear that Yesterday se’nnight, the steeple of the Rev. Mr. Thayer’s meeting-house, at Hampton, was struck by the lightning, and shattered to pieces : The people were just coming out, but none received any hurt.

Boston Post Boy
August 6, 1770

At Greenland, July 14, Departed this Life, in the full Assurance of Hope, in the 31st Year of her Age, Mrs. Sarah Cotton Weeks, the virtuous Consort of Dr. Ichabod Weeks, and youngest Daughter of the late Reverend Ward Cotton of Hampton. Her Remains were decently interred on the Thursday following.

The Boston News-Letter
January 3, 1771

BOSTON. Last Week was married at Hampton, Mr. David Cutler to Mrs. Mary Belknap, both of this Town.

The Boston News-Letter
January 10, 1771

Married at Portsmouth, Mr. Josiah Moulton, of Hampton, to Miss Dorothy Shackford, Daughter to the late Major Shackford of that Place.

Boston Post Boy
December 23, 1771

PORTSMOUTH, Dec. 20. On Tuesday Night the 12th Inst. about one o’Clock, came on and continued most part of the next Day, a violent snow Storm, Wind E.N.E. in which a number of Vessels were cast away, viz. Capt. Mathews, in a Schooner belonging to Marblehead, on Odiorns Point, at the Entrance of this Harbour, having sailed the Day before for the Eastward, but taking the Wind above, put back for the Harbour, but being very thick of Snow, could not make the Light, and came to an Anchor off the Whale’s Back, and rode with both Anchors a Head ’till Day Break, when the Wind increasing, they parted both her Anchors, and drove on Shore as above, and in one Hours time Stove entirely to Pieces, the People saved their Lives in the Boat. — Capt. Tycross, in a Sloop belonging to the Eastward, on Frost’s Point, uncertain yet whether she will be got off again, having her Keel, &c. stove in. — Captain Bell, from Philadelphia, on Hampton Beach, Vessel and Cargo ’tis thought will be saved. — One on York Ledge, Master and Vessel unknown, ’tis thought the People were drowned. — A Sloop at Winter-Harbour, entirely lost, and another cast ashore, but ’tis thought will be got off again.

We fear there are a Number more ashore farther to the Eastward, that we have not yet heard of.

The Boston Gazette, and Country Journal
December 30, 1771

The Schooner Neptune, David Jones Master, arrived at Newbury-Port the 15th Instant, from the West-Indies. The Day she arrived she saw a Schooner between the Isle Shoals and Hampton Beach, overset. She appeared to be about 50 or 60 Tons Burthen, her Foremast standing, and her Mainmast gone. Her Sails were washing about her, and her Boat was seen upon Deck. She had some red Paint upon her Quarters, but no more could be discovered. It is tho’t all on board her perished.

Boston Evening Post
January 20, 1772

From the New-Hampshire Gazette, January 17, 1772

Last Saturday Morning was married at Hampton, by the Rev. Mr. Thayer, Lewis Fabian, Esq; Lieutenant in the Royal Navy, to the amiable and agreeable Miss Sally Ingersol, Daughter of Colonel Joseph Ingersol, of Boston. The Day following they made their Appearance at Queen’s Chapel in this Town, and on Tuesday din’d on board his Majesty’s Ship Swan, where they had a very elegant Entertainment, and spent the Day with great Joy and Happiness, and the Day following return’d to Boston.

Boston Post Boy
March 23, 1772

PORTSMOUTH, March 13. We hear from Hampton, that Mr. Jonathan Dearborn, about sixty Years of Age was found dead on Sunday Morning, at a small distance from his own House, it is supposed he was going to his Daughters, who lived about a Mile from him.

The Boston News-Letter
May 14, 1772

Married at Hampton, Mr. James Duncan of Worcester, Merchant, to Miss Sally Lynds, Daughter of Thomas Lynds, Esq; of Charlestown in Massachusetts Province.

Essex Gazette (Salem, MA)
From Tuesday, September 1 to Tuesday, September 8, 1772

SALEM, September 8. We hear from Hampton, that a Person, named Nason, fell from a Cherry-Tree, last Friday, and was killed on the Spot.

Boston Post Boy
March 29, 1773

Married at Hampton last Wednesday, by the Rev. Mr. Bass, of Newbury-Port, Patrick Tracy, Esq; to Mrs. Mary Dalton both of Newbury-Port, Widow of Michael Dalton, Esq; deceas’d.

The Massachusetts Spy or, Thomas’s Boston Journal
April 29, 1773

MARRIED. At Hampton, Mr. Moses Bass, of this town, to Miss Margaret Sprague, daughter of Mr. John Sprague of Hingham.

Boston Post Boy
October 4, 1773

Married. At Hampton, Mr. Ezekiel Russell, Printer, to Miss Sally Hood, both of this town.

Boston Post Boy
October 4, 1773

BOSTON, October 11. Last Saturday se’nnight a Sloop belonging to Scituate, bound from Kennebeck to South-Shore, loaded with Lumber, was stranded on Hampton Beech, when two Persons were washed of the Deck, the Captain and three Hands took to the Boat, two of whom with the Captain were lost, one Man and a Boy by keeping on the Wreck, were saved. The Names of the unhappy People lost, were William Wilson, the Master; Messierurs John Todd and John Cunningham, two of the Hands; Mr. James Lewis and Abigail Lewis, Passengers.

Boston Post Boy
November 22, 1773

MARRIED. At Hampton, Mr. John Handy, to Miss Desire Potter, both of Newport.

Boston Post Boy
February 28, 1774

MARRIED. At Hampton, Mr. William Dudley, of Roxbury, to Miss Patty Williams, Daughter of Joseph Williams, Esq; of the same Place.

Boston Post Boy
July 25, 1774

MARRIED. At Hampton, Doctor M. B. Goldthwait, of Boston, to Miss Nabby Langdon, Daughter of Capt. John Langdon, of Portsmouth.

Essex Gazette (Salem, MA)
From Tuesday, August 2, to Tuesday, August 9, 1774

MARRIED. At Hampton, last Saturday, Capt. John Hay, to Miss Catherine Farnham, third Daughter of Daniel Farnham, Esq; of Newbury-Port.

Essex Journal (Salem, MA)
August 3, 1774

MARRIED. At Hampton, Samuel Mather, Esq; Deputy Secretary to the Board of Commissioners, to Miss Peggy Gerrish, of Salem.

Essex Journal (Salem, MA)
August 17, 1774

MARRIED) At Hampton, Capt. Anthony Smith, to Mrs. Sarah Tearbox, [sic] widow of the late Capt. John Teardox, [sic] of this Town. [Editor’s note: Sarah’s maiden name was likely Tarbox.]

Boston Post Boy
August 22, 1774

MARRIED.] At Hampton, Mr. Ebenezer Hall, of Salem, Printer, to Miss Polly Orne, of the same Place.

Essex Gazette (Salem, MA)
From Tuesday, August 23, to Tuesday, August 30, 1774

MARRIED.] At Hampton, last Friday, Mr. John Williams of Deerfield, to Miss Betsey Orne, Daughter of the late Capt. Jonathan Orne, of this Town.

Essex Journal (Salem, MA)
December 21, 1774

MARRIED.) Mr. Joseph Woodley [Wadleigh], of Kingstown, aged 77, to Mrs. Easter Dearben, widow, of Hampton, aged 78. [Editor’s note: This was Esther (Fogg) Dearborn, daughter of Seth Fogg and widow of Henry Dearborn.

Boston Post Boy
January 23, 1775

MARRIED.] At Hampton, Mr. Andrew Newell, of this Town, to Miss Olive Haskell, of Charlestown.

Boston Evening Post
January 30, 1775

MARRIED.] At Hampton, Mr. Francis Moore, jun. of Cambridge, to Miss Phebe Preston, of Boston : – The Marriage of Dr. Warland, mentioned in our last, we are told is a mistake, they have only attended the above Couple.

Essex Journal (Salem, MA)
July 7, 1775

NEWBURY-PORT, July 7. This week two excellent Field-pieces, [?] pounders, and two twenty-four pounders, passed throuh the town from Hampton, for the New Hampshire troops at Head-quarters.

New England Chronicle (Boston)
From Thursday, August 17, to Thursday, August 24, 1775

Messrs. Halls,
As the method of manufacturing Salt-petre is now become an object of serious inquiry in these united colonies, it may be agreeable to your readers to see, that the same thing was thought worthy of legislative attention by our wife and provident forefathers, more than a century ago. The anecdote was communicated to me by a worthy Clergyman in New-Hampshire Colony. The following is an extract of his letter.

“Agreeable to your desire I have looked into the minutes of the General Court, which I have had copied out for a particular use ; and find the following entries upon which I ground my conjecture, that Salt-petre houses were anciently established by law in each town.

“12th 4th Month 1644.
“It is conceived fit the order established about Salt-petre should be observed by Salisbury.”

“Hampton is remitted their fine of 20S. they being to prepare their Salt-petre houses for time to come.”

“You will see there is reference here to some prior order, which I suppose may be found by an inspection of the records in the Secretary’s office.”

“Such an institution now would be very salutary.”

Several methods of manufacturing salt-petre (and there are perhaps fifty ways of making it) have been lately published in America. The following observations upon the nature of salt-petre, and the manner of making it, are somewhat different from any I have yet seen in our public prints. They are taken from authors of reputation, and chiefly from a Paper inserted, by Mr. Theophilus Sigismond Gruner, in the collection of memoirs, respecting rural economy, for the year 1761, by a society established at Berne in Switzerland. Mr. Gruner assures his readers, that the good success of the method, here pointed out, has been verified by his own experience.

That many of my fellow countrymen may be stimulated, by the example of our worthy forefathers, the advice and encouragement of the Continental Congress, and the assurance of success, immediately to set upon the manufacture of this important article, is the sincere wish of               S. SEWALL.

The New Hampshire Gazette, and Historical Chronicle (Portsmouth)
October 3, 1775

HAMPTON, September 26, 1775.
On Thursday last, the 21st. Instant departed this Life in the 48th Year of her Age, Mrs. ABIGAIL MOULTON the Amiable and Virtuous Consort of Col. JONA’ MOULTON of this Town. An exceeding kind, and hospitable Disposition gained her the Esteem and Respect of a large, and extensive Acquaintance & greatly endeared her to her Relations, & Friends — In her Death, her sorrowful Husband, Children, and Family are left to lament the heavy Loss, of a discreet, prudent, and agreeable Wife : —– a tender and affectionate Mother ; — and a kind indulgent Mistress : as well her numerous Friends, and Acquaintance a sincere and constant Friend ;

She was a Pattern of Industry, Diligence, and Frugality ; nor was she less exemplary in her Acts of Charity and Hospitality — Notwithstanding her last Sickness was very tedious, and painful ; yet she endured with a steady Patience and Submission to the DIVINE WILL ; and met her approaching Dissolution with the Calmness, Fortitude, and Resignation of a CHRISTIAN.

“The sweet Remembrance of the just,
Shall flourish when they sleep in Dust.”

The New-Hampshire Gazette, and Historical Chronicle (Portsmouth)
December 5, 1775

To Be Sold,

By Jonathan Moulton,

of Hampton,

About sixty Tons of HAY, one half English, the other half salt — If any Person inclines to purchase the whole, may have it ten per cent, cheaper than to purchase it by single Tons — Those who incline to purchase, are desir’d to apply soon, as said Moulton intends a Journey up to his New Plantation about the 25th of this Instant, and perhaps may be absent five for six Weeks. — Said Moulton intends to open his New Stores at his Plantation at Moultonborough on the second day of January next, who has to sell for ready Cash at a reasonaable Price, sundry Articles, which perhaps will be very agreeable to those settled or settling in the new Towns, some of which perhaps are not to be bought in the lower Towns, viz. 20d, 10d, 8, 6, 4d Nails — Also, Shoe Nails, and sundry sizes of Brads, a few Bars of the best of German Steel — 6 by 8, 7 by 9, 8 by 10 Glass by the square; also Puttey to set it. — No. 4 Pins, Indigo by the pound or smaller Quantity, Sheeps Wool, Cards, Mill’d Caps and Woollen Gloves, Flax, West-India Rum, Molasses, a few Loaves of loaf Sugar, brown dit. 7 l, 8, 9 pewter plates, porringers, Quart and pint pots, Teapots and spoons, Warming-pans, a few pots and kettles, Frying plans, Beaver Traps, shoe and knee buckles, Devonshire spades and digging dit. iron shovels, narrow Axes, drawing shaves, several sorts of Case Knives and Forks, JackKnives by the dozen or single, Allum, Chalk, Brimstone, spanish White by the hundred or smaller quantity, 6, 7, and 8 qr. Blanketts, duffell dit. coarse broad Cloths, Forrest Cloths, Ratteens, Serge, Kerseys, red Baizes, Buckram, blue brown, scarlet, black and light colour’d Shalloons, black, blue, and red Calamanco, brown Persian, Linnen, coarse and fine Buttons, Mohair, Thread and Silk, Mens & Boys Castor & Felt Hats, shoe binding, Gartering, Quality, silk Ferret, Fans, worsted Mitts, black Gauze Handkerchiefs, Thimbles, sewing and knitting Needles Scissars, Snuffers, Candlesticks, Compasses, Iron Boxes,
Flynts, Shot by the hundred or smaller quantity, Salt by the hogshead or bushel, and sundry other Articles.

New England Chronicle (Boston)
From Thursday, January 18, to Thursday, January 25, 1776


RUN AWAY from Col. Jonathan Moulton of Hampton in the colony of New Hampshire, in October last, a negro boy named Cato, about 18 years old, and about 5 feet and an half high, or something more; a more likely strait limb’d, well built and active a boy is seldom to be seen, and plays well on a fife ; he is very apt to scowl, or knit his brows, and has had the small-pox by inoculation, which he shows but little in his face, but the place on his arm where he was inoculated is plain to be discovered. Since he ran away he was taken up at Durham, and in conveying him to his master he made his escape ; since that he was at headquarters, and offered to inlist, but not meeting with success, he went from thence to Lexington, where he offered his service to Mr. John Buckman, innholder in that town, and called himself Elijah Bartlet, and said that he was free born ; Mr. Buckman suspecting him to be a runaway, which the boy perceiving, he stopped but a few days, and went off privately, which was some time in November last, and his master has had no intelligence of him since. He had on when he went away, a blue duffel round jacket, with cuff, and without lining, a blue large jacket, both almost new, and a pair of leather breeches, and carried with him 3 check shirts, 2 of which were cotton & woolen, and the other linen, with large checks, &c, but it appears he has exchanged some of his outside cloaths for other of another colour.

Whoever will take him said runaway and convey him to his master, or secure him in any way of the colony goals, so that his master can have him again, shall have fifteen dollars, and all necessary charges paid by                JONA. MOULTON.

Hampton, January 1, 1776

N. B. As the boy was born at New-York, and from some other reasons it’s likely he is thence making his way ; but it’s more likely he will offer himself to work by the month or year, in some part of the colony of Massachusetts Bay or Connecticut, and whoever may have the opportunity of taking up said runaway is cautioned to take particular care lest he makes his escape again as he is so artful and cunning a boy.

Essex Journal (Newburyport, MA)
October 4, 1776

NEWBURY-PORT, October 4. We hear from Hampton, that last Monday the Rev. Mr. Samuel Pearley, was dismissed from his Pastoral relation to his Church and Congregation. — That yesterday he preached his farewell sermon, from Luke, 4. 43.