The Independent Ledger, and the American Advertiser (Boston)
January 3, 1780
On Wednesday the 17 of November last, the Rev. Mr. Jeremiah Shaw of Hampton, was ordained to the pastoral care of the church and congregation at Moultonborough.
The Massachusetts Spy; Or, American Oracle of Liberty (Worcester, MA)
July 12, 1781
Boston, July 5. Last Monday afternoon, a severe thunder storm happened at Hampton, when the Meeting-House was struck with lightening and greatly damaged.
The Independent Chronicle and the Universal Advertiser (Boston)
March 7, 1782
New Lands for Sale.
Whereas Jonathan Moulton, of Hampton, in the State of New-Hampshire, has for several years been much engaged in settling the towns of Orford, Piermont, Moultonborough, Tamworth, and New Hampton, the settlement of which he has so far advanced, that they do not so immediately require his particular attention ; and having by experience found that his settling new towns, and improving new lands, has not only added to his estate, but has been beneficial to the public, and to many individuals in particular, who formerly could scarcely get their bread, which have, by their own industry in working on new lands, in a few years possessed themselves of large and good farms, now under good improvement, which induces the said Moulton once more to offer to the industrious young farmer and others, an opportunity of making an estate, by offering for sale. Sixty 100 acre lots of unimproved land, thirty of which lies in the town of Eaton, adjoining to the east line of Tamworth, and on the north line of Mason’s-Patent (so called.) — The other thirty lots lies in the town of Burton, which is bounded on the north line of said Tamworth. Said towns contain an excellent tract of choice land, the apparent goodness of which induced a considerable number of families to move thereon last year, build mills, &c. and begin improvements. Said Moulton owning more interest in Tamworth, (the town adjoining) than he can put under improvement, and being anxious that uncultivated land may be made beneficial to the public, is a motive of parting with the aforesaid sixty lots, for which, and the desire he ever had to encourage industry and agriculture, he will sell at a very low price.
And being desirious of still further promoting the interest of the new towns, would sell, if applied for soon, Several lots of unimproved land in the town of Moultonborough. Also, any person inclining to purchase farms on which some improvement is already made, can be accommodated at so low a price as he thinks must be agreeable.
The scarcity of cash at present may discourage some from purchasing ; but to remove that obstacle, he will not only sell at a very low rate (any of the aforesaid lands) but will take the public security of Massachusetts or New-Hampshire States, or such pay as may by industry be raised on the land, and will give long credit.
ALSO to be let, on hire or on shares, for a number of years, Two large farms, lying in Tamworth aforesaid, containing six hundred acres each, one of which is called the Great Interval farm, has convenience for four families, having on it four dwelling-houses, a store, and three barns, one of which is ninety-two feet long, thirty-two feet wide, and sixteen feet posts, was compleatly filled with good English hay, that grew on said Farm the last season, it lies on the main-road, leading from Fryesburgh and Conway, or Pigwacket (so called) to Moultonborough, Concord or Penicook (so called) and Boston, which will make it very convenient to have a good tavern kept on some part of it ; any person incling to keep a tavern on said farm, may be supplied with necessary stores, &c. at a reasonable price. —- The other farm, called the Great-Vineyard-Hill Farm, being excellent upland, convenient for two families, will be prepared in season, with cows, a dairy house, &c. to keep a large dairy.
ALSO to be LET, Several farms in Moultonborough, of different dimensions, with convenient buildings thereon, to be entered upon the first day of May next. On some of said farms considerable fields were plowed last fall, for planting the next season, which would make it very convenient for those that may take them. Also would let some of them with a full stock of cattle, or otherwise, as may be most agreeable.
Any person that may purchase any of the aforesaid new land, will find it much to his advantage to take on hire or shares, a farm under improvement, as he may be bringing too a new farm, with the profits of the other, as a method that has been pursued by those that are now men of the greatest estates, in the town of Moultonborough, the advantage that accrues by taking a farm on hire or shares, while a person is bringing new land under improvement, is so great, that none who have ever pursued that method in said towns have failed of making estates speedily to themselves.
ALSO, Wanted to hire, eighteen able-bodied good labourers, to work on three different farms, to enlarge the improvements, &c. six hands on each farm for six months, from the first of May next, one of each of the aforesaid six to be a trustee and overseer of the department he may have the care of, to whom said Moulton will give double wages ; any person that may incline to engage as one of said trustees, and will engage to procure the other five hands, are desired to apply to said Moulton by the 25th of March next, that they may have an opportunity of engaging such labourers as may be to their liking.
ALSO, Wanted to hire for four Months, from the first day of June next, ten good Joiners, to work on finishing sundry buildings, proper provision and accommodations will be made to them.
N.B. Great wages will be given, and payment made, either in produce, new land, or cash, as may be most agreeable.
Hampton, Feb. 27, 1782.
The New-Hampshire Gazette; or State Journal and General Advertiser (Portsmouth)
December 21, 1782
Jonathan Moulton, of Hampton. Notwithstanding his late advertisement, desiring all persons having accompts open with him to close them – particularly those who live in the counties of Strafford and Grafton ; he thinks it necessary to offer something further, and as it’s probable it will be acceptable and beneficial to many who are indebted to him, either by note or otherwise, and perhaps to others ; he hopes to have the indulgence of the public for taking up so much of this paper again by an advertisement.
He is fully sensible of the great difficulty there is at this time in making payments in general, owing to the great scarcity of cash; but the exceeding large taxes he pays, and the demands his business frequently obliges him to remit ; has, and still forces him to call on his debtors for some pay. — And as there was good and plentiful crops in the counties aforesaid, (expecially in the county of Grafton) where a principal part of the money due to him, lies ; he is induced for their ease, and encouragement to pay as far as they are able, to make them certain proposals, or offers, which he does the more particularly at this time, as they have most of their produce now by them, and this being the season for transportation to Senter-Harbour, which will the better enable him to forward and quickly execute his design and plan for a town for trading and manufacturing at that place, as mentioned in his last advertisement.
His proposals, or offers, are as follows, viz. That he will receive payment of any person indebted to him by note or bond given for specie, (instead thereof) corn, wheat, rye, peas, and any sort of neat cattle, (very old and poor excepted) at their full value, to be appraised by indifferent men, if we can’t agree without ; the cattle to be deliver’d at Hampton or Senter-Harbour.
That on notes, or bonds of more than two years standing, he will give in two years interest, if they are paid in three months ‘ or if they pay only one half, or any sum amounting to more than half and not the whole to allow the interest in proportion to the sum paid.
That on notes, or bonds of a later date, if paid within said time, he will make a deduction of twelve per cent, on the amount of principal and interest ; and in proportion as payments may be made, from one half to the whole to allow as aforesaid.
That to those persons who gave their notes, or bonds for corn, or grain, and will pay the money in lieu thereof, he will allow twenty per cent or one one fifth part of the whole amount of principal and interest due, to be computed according to the current price at the place of delivery.
And whereas those in the county of Rockingham, who are indebted to said Moulton, by reason of the smallness of the crops in said county in general, cannot equally avail themselves of the benefit of paying in produce ; yet such as can, shall have the same allowances and deductions in every respect : the scarcity does make the prices in proportion, and he is ready to receive any of the above articles, or beef, pork, poultry, or merchantable pine boards, delivered at Hampton in two months, at their current prices as sold at Portsmouth, or Newbury-Port.
Said Moulton, hopes from the advantageous offers he makes to those indebted to him — the peculiar circumstances of his business — and the beneficial design for which he asks a larger sum than his common business would require, will wholly take off the edge of the common reflection on persons, who request their debts in these difficult times, and hopes and expects, for the same reasons, that all who are indebted to him will do the best they can.
He would inform them and the public in general, That Mess. Parker, and Co., have now their store opened, and are in actual business on the spot at Senter Harbour ; an event that he cannot but renew and express his satisfaction in. — Every person of discernment, that wishes to promote the interest and welfare of this State, will surely encourage and cherish it’s infancy ; and a decent and just respect obliges him to mention that person of the first character and fortune, emulated by the promising prospect, have already done it to a generous degree.
It must evidently appear to all that have a proper idea of the situation of that place, that if the stores there are sufficiently furnished with supplies, the most of the articles for exportation raised and manufactured in that part of this State, which is most likely to furnish with such articles, may be drawn to and exported from the metropolis of this State, and by that current of trade connected with the rest, all necessary supplies for this State, may be imported into it ; and by the advantage of a much easier, and shorter distance of transformation, the upper country, as we call it, will be supplied at that place, more convenient, and at a cheaper rate, than any other way.
Therefore considering the rapid increase of the country, he humbly offers it as a matter deserving not only of great, but immediate consideration of the public ; because if this channel of trade is not seasonably introduced and supported, the principal part of this trade will inevitably go off through other courses, and both individuals, and this State at large, will lose the important profits and advantages of it.
Said Moulton is sensible, that much has already been said of the advantageous situation of Senter-Harbour ; but he supposed that it would not be considered improper at this period to suggest what he has in hopes, that it might excite some new attention of all classes, the sage politician not excepted ; and that some able pen, capable of doing the subject justice, would send its generous efforts to the same end.
The New-Hampshire Gazette; or State Journal, and General ADvertiser (Portsmouth)
September 28, 1786
State of New-Hampshire September 19, 1786. The Captain General will review the third regiment at Hampton, Monday the ninth day of October next… ; And all officers and soldiers of the militia are to take notice and govern themselves accordingly.
As the season will be too far advanced to review the other regiments this fall, the reviewing of them will be the ensuing spring. As firings of different kinds will be performed by each battalion ; the soldiers are earnestly requested not to waste their ammunition in loose firing ; single guns fired at such times must degrade a soldier, and disgust every good officer.
Such detachments of artillery and light horse, and such of the alarm companies as can attend the reviews near them, are requested to attend ; but it is not expected that they put themselves to the trouble of attending at any considerable distance.
Time not permitting the officers and soldiers to equip themselves in the manner they would wish, it is not expected that they will give themselves pain on that account. The commander in chief is fully convinced that everything will be done, that is in the compass of their power, and more ought not to be requred. As the business of review days is, to instruct soldiers in the use of arms, the Captain-General most earnestly intreats the officers to avoid every appearance of feasting and expensive entertainments, as being destructive to the purpose for which the troops are called together. Officers and soldiers that cannot content themselves with such refreshment as will not interfere with the duties of the day, will give but slender evidence of their being qualified to take the field in defence of their country.
Given at Exeter, the 19th day of September, A. D. 1786
JOHN SULLIVAN, Captain General.
Essex Journal (Newburyport, MA)
October 11, 1786
NEWBURY-PORT, October 11. Last Monday being Training at Hampton, according to appointment, the several companies of Horse and Foot were reviewed by Major General Sullivan — they went through the several military manoeuvres to admiration, and made a most noble and martial appearance. — Many spectators from different parts were present, who retired in the evening, highly pleased with the exercises of the day.
The New-York Journal
November 16, 1786
In New-Hampshire, — by accounts from Boston, his Excellency JOHN SULLIVAN, Esq. is now upon a military tour through the state of New-Hampshire, reviewing the regiments of militia, in every quarter, all which, under the direction of that honorable and active officer, are completely organized and disciplined. On Monday the 9th ult. he reviewed the third regiment, and troop of horse at Hampton, who acquitted themselves with the highest military honors, in the regularity of their movements, their soldier-like appearance, and martial subordination. Major-General TITCOMB, of the second division of this state, with his suit, and a number of officers of the Newbury-Port regiment, notified General SULLIVAN, of their intention to attend at the review, when he ordered the troop of horse to escort them ; and received them with every military honor and distinction, becoming their rank.
The New-Hampshire Gazette; or State Journal, and General Advertiser (Portsmouth)
December 9, 1786
PORTSMOUTH, December 9. Last Saturday a genteel house just finishing at Dover, the property of Capt. William Horn, took fire and was consumed ; the fire communicated to a building belonging to Gen. Moulton, which was also consumed, beside other property. It is said the above misfortune was occasioned by leaving shavings near the fire place, while the workmen went to breakfast. It is a pity so many buildings should be destroyed in the country for want of means to extinguish fires, when Engines for that purpose are made in this town for the small sum of fifteen dollars, with which two persons will throw water over the ridge pole of any common three story building, and discharge from half a barrel to a barrel per minute.
New-Hampshire Gazette, and General Advertiser (Portsmouth)
February 17, 1787
Portsmouth, Feb. 21. We hear from Hampton, that about six o’clock on the morning of Sunday the 11 inst. the stable belonging to General Moulton, near his dwelling house, was consumed by fire, owing to the carelessness of a boy who carried a candle into it when he went to sodder the horses ; by the alacrity of some of the family the horses were soon relieved, and the carriages, &c. seasonably got out ; providentially it was then very calm, and by the exertions of a great number of people who quickly assembled, his mansion house happily escaped, which, under less favourable circumstances must have shared the same fate. — This may serve as a caution to persons against their carring candles into stables, or barns, without lanterns.
We also hear that the people of Hampton are freely of their own accord collecting timber, &c. in order to erect another immediately, without any expence to General Moulton, saving necessary refreshments while at work. — An example worthy of imitation in similar cases.
New-Hampshire Gazette, and General Advertiser (Portsmouth)
September 22, 1787
PORTSMOUTH, Sept. 22. This morning departed this life, the hon. John Sparhawk, Esq. of this town, late speaker to the hon. House of Representatives ; — and since our last, Brigadier General Jonathan Moulton, of Hampton, and a child of Mr. Samuel Hill, of this town.
New-Hampshire Gazette, and General Advertiser (Portsmouth)
January 13, 1790
By Licence of Judge of Probate.
To be sold at Public Auction, on Tuesday the 26th of January next, at 10 o’clock A. M. precisely, at the late mansion house of Jonathan Moulton, Esq. deceased, in Hampton, the following personal and real estate of said deceased, viz. —
The Household Furniture, consisting of Tables, Chairs, Beds, an elegant Chime Clock, and a variety of other articles — Also the Farming Utensils — A Pair of Horses, Curricle, &c.
A valuable Farm in Hampstead, containing one hundred and twenty Acres, with House and Barn, pleasantly situated, and only twelve Miles from Haverhill.
About sixteen Acres of cultivated Land in Rumney, late in possession of Colonel Craige.
About 150 Acres in Piermont, partly improved — A small Farm in said Piermont, containing sixty Acres with the Buildings — About fourteen Acres in said Piermont under cultivation, late belonging to Fentor — Six common shares or undivided Rights in said Piermont.
Also all the Buildings at Senter Harbour so called in New-Hampton, on Land not owned by said deceased.
Also Lands in Gilmantown and other Towns, lately advertised and not sold.
Conditions of Sale known at time and place.
THOMAS LEAVITT, One of the Executors of said Moulton’s last Will. Hampton, December 21, 1789