The Boston News-Letter
From Monday January 7, to Monday January 14, 1705

Piscataqua, January 11th. On Friday the 4th Currant several Gentlemen went from hence as far as Hampton to meet Mr. Jonathan Belcher Merchant of Boston, where he was met being accompanied by several Gentlemen, and arrived here the said night in order to his Marriage of Tuesday the 8th Instant, being his Birthday, unto Mrs. Mary Partridge Daughter to William Partridge Esq. late Lieutenant Governour of this Province; But at the motion of the Gentlemen that accompanyed him, they were Marryed the same night as he came off his Journey in his Boots: The Wedding was Celebrated on the Tuesday following, where there was a Noble and Splendid Entertainment for the Guests, and honoured with a Discharge of the Great Guns of the Fort, &c.

The Boston News-Letter
From Monday March 4, to Monday March 11, 1705

Hampton, March 8. On Fryday the 1st. Currant a sad accident fell out here, a Man falling a Tree, it fell upon one of his own Sons of about 7 year old, his Fathers darling, and dash’d him to pieces, so that he never spake or stirr’d more.

The Boston New-Letter
From Monday March 11, to Monday March 18, 1705

Hampton, March 15. On Tuesday the 12 Currant, a considerable parcel of very good fresh Oranges, some whole, some broken, were Cast ashore upon our Beach for some miles together, since which is come shore a Cane, and a carved Lion, whereby we are afraid of some Vessel inward bound being Lost.

The Boston News-Letter
From Monday July 29, to Monday August 5, 1706

Hampton, August 1. This day there was a man kill’d near the Falls, and a Lad taken by the Indian Enemy.

We had a Company out in quest of them in 10 minutes after the mischief was done, but the Enemy escap’d & left some things behind them, Major Smith is still out in the Woods with 100 men in search of them.

The Boston News-Letter
From Monday November 11 to Monday November 18, 1706

Hampton, Nov. 15 This day was Buryed here Deacon Page, Aged about 73 Years, who was well on Tuesday the 12th Currant at the Ordination of Mr. Odlin at Exeter.

The New-England Courant
From Monday May 7, to Monday May 14, 1722

Boston, May 14. We hear from the Eastward, that two Women have lately murder’d their Bastard Children, one at Salem, the other at Hampton

The Boston Gazette
From Monday March 2, to Monday March 9, 1724

Portsmouth, March 6. This Week a Boat with Three Men and a Boy going from our River to Hampton were driven off, and one of the Men dyed at Sea with the cold: the other Three on the third day ran on shoar at Hampton-Beach, they lost their Boat, but saved their Lives, tho’ they are much frozen: And yesterday a Man and a Boy were overset in our River, the Boy was drowned, but the Man was saved.

The Boston News-Letter
From Thursday August 18, to Thursday August 25, 1726

Hampton, August 18, 1726. Last Tuesday died here the Mr. Theophilus Cotton, after about three Days Sickness of a Fever, in the 45 Year of his Age : who was this day decently interred at the Charge of his Parish, (to their great commendation be it spoken) as a Testimony of their singular Veneration for & Affection to him. He was descended of an honourable Family, and had a liberal Education : who having well improved himself in Learning & Religion, and being endow’d with singular Gifts & Graces for the work of the Ministry devoted himself to it : about 15 Years agone he was called to and settled in that work in this Town, being Pastor of the Second Church here : in which Station he approv’d himself as a good Christian & a painful & faithful Minister of Jesus Christ : a good Practical Preacher, and of singular Piety & Devotion. He ever manifested an eminent Zeal for promoting the great Interest of Christ’s Kingdom, and the saving good of Men both in his Publick Administrations & Private Applications to the Souls of his Flock upon all proper occasions : in which having a peculiar gift, he was very industrious & successful. He was free & pleasant, inoffensive & exemplary in his Conversation : and notwithstanding the many difficulties he laboured under by reason of his uncommon bodily pains & indispositions, he continued stedfast & unwearied in his great work, and shewed himself a bright Example of Faith & Patience in suffering Affliction to the last.

The Boston News-Letter
From Thursday February 9, to Thursday February 16, 1727

BOSTON, February 16. By a Letter from Hampton in New-Hampshire, of the 2d Instant we are informed, That on Tuesday the 31st of January past was Buried there Mr. Abraham Cole, who died near that Town in the Ninetieth Year of his Age. He was born at Charlstown in this Country.

The Boston New-Letter
From Thursday November 16, to Thursday November 23, 1727

Hampton in New-Hampshire, November 13, 1727. The first shock of the Earthquake on the 29th past was here much as it was in Boston, or perhaps a little stronger. Divers People in this & some Neighbouring Parishes observed just as the Earthquake began, A flash of Light at the Windows: A Young Man of this Town being then standing abroad near his Fathers House, at first heard a small Rumbling Noise; immediately upon which he saw a Flash of Light run along upon the Ground ’till it came to the House, and then began the Shake. It appears that what he said of the flash of Light was not a meer Fancy, by this, That a Dog which was then lying on its Course as the Light came to him gave a sudden yelp and leap, and thereby show’d that he perceiv’d it.

Another thing among us which seems worth our Notice is, A Spring of Water which (as the Owner says) has run freely there Fourscore Years is now, upon the Earthquake very considerably Sunk, so that they were oblig’d to dig it out, and tho’ the digging has rais’d the Water something, yet not to its former height. But what is, it may be, yet more remarkable is, That this Spring which was never known to Freeze before, now Freezes like any standing Water.

It seems nothing has been perceiv’d at Boston since the first Night, but it has been otherwise here; not a Day since but that the sound has been heard, and oftentimes it has been so as to give some Jarr to our Houses.

The New England Weekly Journal (Boston)
May 19, 1729

(Extract of a Letter from New-Hampshire, May 10, 1729)
Sir, I have here inserted the Account of a Vote past in the House of Representatives at Portsmouth, wherein they Voted to his Excellency Governour Burnet, for the space of Three Years, or during his Government Two Hundred Pounds Sterling, or Six Hundred Pounds in Bills of Credit for his Annual Support, etc. It was Voted, by the Majority of Votes, as followeth: there being Fifteen Members besides the Speaker, whereas Seven held up their hands for Settling the Salary: and when the Contra was put to Vote there was Seven held up against it, and One Declared he would neither Vote for it, nor against it; the Names of the Members for and against, and Towns to which they belong, are as follows, viz.

Against Settling the Salary: Nath. Waire, Joshua Winget, John Samborn, Hampton; George Walker, Ephraim Denit, Portsmouth; Francis Mathews, Dover; Bartholomew Thing, Exeter.

For Settling the Salary: Joshua Peirce, Portsmouth; Theodore Atkinson, New Castle; Richard Jennis, Rye; Paul Gerrish, Samuel Tibits, Dover; John Dowing, Newington; James Mackcain, Londonderry.

Ebenezer Stevens of Kingstown, who declared he would not Vote either for against, makes up the Fifteen, besides the Speaker.

The Boston Gazette
From Monday December 7, to Monday December 14, 1730

BOSTON, Dec 14. By a Letter from Hampton Dated, Nov. 30, we are informed, that on the 5th of that Month a Lad in that Town, being at play by a Sled which was set up on it’s side, the Sled fell upon him, and kill’d him outright.

The Boston News-Letter
From Thursday March 4, to Thursday March 11, 1731

Hampton, February 26, 1730,1. On Monday last died here very suddenly Mr. Josiah Moulton, of this Place, an Ancient Man, he had indeed been indisposed for some Months, but not so, but that for the most part, he was able to walk abroad; and on the Day of his Death, he had been to visit one of his Neighbours, and returned home as he was sitting in his Chair, hearing his Son read to him in a Book which he had borrowed, and making some Remarks on what he heard, he gave a Sudden Start, and fell down and died (as ’tis thought) in One Minute.

The Boston News-Letter
From Thursday May 20, to Thursday May 27, 1731

Hampton, May 21st, 1731. The last Lord’s Day about Six o’Clock in the Afternoon, we had here a very violent Tempest of Wind, accompanied with Thunder, Lightning, Rain, and some very large Hail. The Wind tore up by the Roots, or broke off in the Stocks a vast number of Trees; it much shattered many Buildings, and quite overset Three or Four Barns, and one small dwelling House; In the dwelling House there was no Body but an Ancient Woman, who was in Bed, some of the Timber fell upon her, but it pleased G O D in His Mercy so to order it, as that she did not receive much hurt.

The Weekly Rehearsal (Boston)
June 8, 1732

Hampton, June 8, 1732, Lieutenant Col. Joseph Sherburn and Ant. Reynolds, Esq; were sworn Justices of the Peace for this Province by a special Commission from his Excellency Governour BELCHER.

On Tuesday last at our General Session at Hampton, the Kings Attorney laid an Information before the grand Inquest against John Tibbits and Tamsen his Wife for counterfeiting & uttering the Publick Bills of Credit of this & the Province of the Massachusetts Bay. The Jury could not find a Bill against ’em, and they were dismissed paying Cost.

On Wednesday was try’d John M’Vickers for forging and uttering counterfeit bills of Credit on this and the Neighbouring Province, was found guilty, sentenced to pay a fine of 7 Pounds to the King, to be pillory’d at Hampton for one hour, to have one of his Ears cut off, to suffer one whole Year’s Imprisonment without Bail, to pay Costs and stand Committed till Sentence be perform’d. On Thursday he stood in the pillory, and one of his Ears was cut off according to Sentence.

The Boston News-Letter
From Thursday June 22, to Thursday June 29, 1732

Hampton, in the Province of New-Hampshire, June 21. We hear from New-Market, in this Province, that on Monday Night the 12th Instant, died there, Mr. —— Perkins, who could not certainly tell his own Age, but this he has often said, That he was 14 Years old when he came into this Country; and that then there were but two or three Houses in Boston: So that we must suppose him to be 114, or perhaps 116 Years old when he died.

The Weekly Rehersal (Boston)
November 6, 1732

Hampton, November 3, 1732. Last Friday Mr. Jeremiah Page, a young Man of this Town, being on a Nut Tree, beating down the Fruit, the Limb on which he stood broke, and he fell, upwards of Twenty Feet. He was very much bruised, but lived, tho’ in great Pain, till Yesterday, and then died.

The Boston News-Letter
From Thursday March 22, to Friday March 30, 1733

Hampton, March 23. Last Lords Day the Widow Leavit, who kept a Tavern upon Portsmouth Road, had her House burnt down. The Fire began in the Time of the publick Worship, so that for want of help, a great part of her Goods were lost. The next Day after the Fire, the Neighbours got together, with eightscore Oxen, as we hear, to draw her Timber for a new House, which is now almost fram’d, and would have been raised this Day, if the Storm Yesterday had not prevented. [Editor’s note: This tavern was in what is now North Hampton.]

The New-York Weekly Journal
January 20, 1734

From Rye (in New-Hampshire). Dec. 20. John Knowles of this Place comming from Portsmouth on the 13th Inst. at 9 a Clock at Night, was met with by 5 Ruffians, about a Mile from the Bank (so called) who assaulted & seized him, and attempted to Rob him, but he crying out for help, and Matthias Fowleof Hampton being then Rideing homeward, and near at hand, arm’d himself with a Stake of the Fence, and doubling his speed quickly rescued Knowles, and dispersed the Pads. ‘Tis supposed these are the same Gang that broke into Capt. Banfields House the Week before and Stole from him to the Value of one Hundred Pounds.

The Boston Gazette
From Monday June 17, to Monday June 24, 1734

Hampton, June 21. On Wednesday last the Rev. Mr. Ward Cotton was Ordained as Colleague with the Rev. Mr. Nathaniel Gookin, over the first Church of Christ here, the Rev. Mr. Allen of Greenland began the Solemnity with Prayer, the Rev. Mr. John Cotton of Newton preach’d from l Thess 1 4. the Rev. Mr. Odlin of Exeter pray’d after Sermon, the Rev. Mr. Cushing of Salisbury gave the Charge, the Rev. Mr. Fitch of Portsmouth gave the Righ Hand of Fellowship, the Rev. Mr. Prat of Stratham concluded with Prayer, and the third pass of the 68th Psalm was sung.

The Boston News-Letter
From Thursday August 29, to Thursday September 5, 1734

Hampton, August 28, 1734. On Lord’s Day Morning the 25th Instant died here the Rev. Mr. Nathaniel Gookin in the 48th Year of his Age, and the 28th of his Ministry, He was the Son of the Rev. Nathaniel Gookin, Minister of Cambridge, and Grandson to the Hon. Major-General Gookin. He had a liberal Education in the School & College at Cambridge: His natural Powers were quick & strong, and his Improvements in Learning and Religion were very remarkable, and by his close Application to his Studies, especially in Divinity, he made an early & bright appearance in the Pulpit 1710. Upon the Death of the venerable Mr. John Cotton our former Pastor, he was called & ordained to the Pastoral Office in this Town, in which Station his natural and acquired Abilities, in conjunction with his sincere Piety, and steady Prudence, Zeal & Faithfulness in his Lord’s Work, rendred him truly great & good; a Star of the first Magnitude, highly esteemed & beloved by all that knew him: He was justly esteemed by the most Judicious, a well accomplish’d Divine, a judicious Casuist, excellently qualified both to feed & guide the Flock of Christ, an eminent Preacher, excelling in the most correct Phrase, clear Method, found scriptural Reasoning, a masculine Stile, manly Voice, grave Utterance, and a lively close Application to his Hearers, with great Affection, and yet free from Affection. The Classis of Ministers to which he belong’d plac’d much of their Glory in him & highly valued his Judgment in all Cases that came before them. He was a zealous Assertor of the civil Rights & religious Liberties of Mankind. His Temper was grave & thoughtful, yet at times chearful and free, and his Conversation very entertaining. In his Conduct he was ever prudent & careful of his Character, both as a Minister and as a Christian. He was much given to Hospitality, and
took great pleasure in entertaining such as he might improve by conversing with: A Gentleman of a generous & catholick Spirit; a hearty Friend to his Country and to our eccleliastical Constitution. And always approved himself a bright Example of those Doctrines and Virtues which he so plainly preacht and earnestly recommended to others. For some time before his Death he was diverted from his beloved Work, by a sore Malady that affected his Throat or Pallate, which deprest his Voice and obstructed his Speech, whereby being taken off from that which was so much his proper Element, he at length fell under the sad impressions of a slow Fever, under which he languisht for 3 or 4 Months, bearing all his Tryals with an admirable Patience and Submission, and at last with great Peace and Comfort resigned his Spirit to GOD that gave it, with him to keep an everlasting Sabbath. He left behind him a sorrowful Widow, the pious and virtuous Daughter of our former Pastor, and 9 Children, 6 Sons & 3 Daughters, many of which are in their tender Infancy, whole Circumstances passionately bespeak the generous Charity of such as abound, and are able to minister to their Support. He was this day honourably Interr’d with great Respect and deep Lamentation, after a Funeral Sermon preacht by the Rev. Mr. Fitch from Acts13.36. And his generous and affectionate People were at the Charge of his Funeral, & unanimously Voted One Hundred Pounds for that end. And as their Liberality has abounded to their venerable Pastor both living and dying, so it is hoped that they will continue their Kindness to the sorrowful Widow and Orphans. During his Confinement, with his free Consent, the Reverend Mr. Ward Cotton was introduced and settled at his Collegue in the Pastoral Office who now survives as his successor, for whom what can we desire better then that the Mantle of the departed Elijah may fall and rest on Elisha.

Boston Post-Boy
June 23, 1735

Portsmouth, New-Hampshire, June 13. Th’s Day was Published here, by the Command of his Excellency our Governour, His Majesty’s Order, for Repealing an Act of this Province for removing three of the Courts from Portsmouth to Exeter, Hampton and Dover. The same was performed with all possible Demonstrations of Duty and Obedience…

The Boston Gazette
From Monday November 29, to Monday December 6, 1736

We hear from Hampton that one Marshall a Carpenter fell from off a Meeting House there, has broke his Legg, and otherways much bruised.

We hear also from the same Place that on Thursday Night the 25th ult. a Sloop belonging to one Fletcher of Saco drove ashore on the Beach there & bilged, but they saved the greatest part of her Lading.

Boston Evening-Post
December 6, 1736

Hampton, Decemb. 3. Last Sabbath Day Night the School-House here was wholly consumed with Fire, with Books in it so the Value of Five or Six Pounds, as ’tis thought: And tho it stood near to several Dwelling Houses, yet none of them were much endangered, thro’ the calmness of the Season. It is supposed that it took Fire from a Log which the young Men who meet there on Lord’s Days Evenings left standing up, it being on Fire.

The Boston Gazette
From Monday August 29, to Monday September 5, 1737

We hear from Hampton in the Province of New Hampshire, that His Majesty’s Commissioners appointed to settle the boundary lines between that Province and the Province of the Massachusetts Bay, having met sundry times, and fully heard the Pleas & Proofs of each Party; on Friday last pronounced their Judgment relating to that Controversy, the boundary Line on the Northerly side of New-Hampshire was settled and determined, but as to the Southerly Line of that Province the honourable Commissioners not agreeing in Judgement upon the intent and meaning of the Charters of the said Province of the Massachusetts, and having made a special Point whereon the doubt was, submitted the Consideration thereof to His most sacred Majesty to determine the same according to His Royal Will and Pleasure. This Affair as it has been long controverted, gives each Party Hopes that there will be a final issue thereof, neither of them (as ’tis said) doubting of Success, but what the Event will be, Time must discover.

Boston Evening-Post
November 28, 1737

We hear from Hampton, in the Province of New Hampshire, that Wednesday last the 23d Currant, the Rev. Mr. Jeremy Fogg was ordained Pastor of the Third Church in that Town

The Boston Weekly News-Letter
From Friday March 30, to Thursday April 5, 1739

Hampton, March 30. The awful Distemper in the Throat which some Time ago raged in this Part of the Country, this Month returned again and siezed the Family of Mr. Joseph Batchelder, where were Six Children, and carried off Five of them at the Times and of the Age following, viz.

March 15. A Son aged fourteen Years,
March 17. A Daughter aged sixteen Years; and A Son aged nineteen Years.
March 26. A Daughter aged twenty four; and a Son aged twelve Years.

The only remaining Child a Daughter of about Twenty-one or two Years old has been a considerable Time Ill with the Distemper; but we have some Hopes of her Recovery: The Reflections on this melancholly Providence, we leave to every Ones breast.

Boston Evening-Post
August 27, 1739

Hampton, in N. Hampshire, August 23. This Day a little after Sun rise, a young Man of this Place was struck down with Thunder and Lightning as he stood at the Door, lay an Hour speechless and senseless, but is in a hopeful way of Recovery. The House narrowly escaped being consumed, some Tow taking Fire from the Lightning in the Chamber, but was soon put out.