For the year ending March 1, 1897

The Library Committee respectfully submits the following report:

From town,   $100.00
Received balance from last year,     13.45
Estate of the late James M. Ballard,   100.00
Charles M. Batchelder,   1.00
Joel Jenkins,   5.00
From sale of cards and catalogues,   .75
Fines,   +1.80
Paid for 124 new books, $136.78  
freight, stationery, postage,       2.20  
assistance in delivering books,       8.00  
fuel, oil, mucilage, etc.,       4.00  
covering paper and express,       1.05  
covering 320 books,       3.20  
salary of librarian,     25.00  
extra work opening library on
Saturday afternoons through July,
August and part of September,
Balance on hand,   $39.02

Number of books added by purchase, 124. Presented by a friend, 75 vols.; by Miss Maria Dow, 11 vols.; by Miss Isabel R. Stuart, 4 vols; by State of New Hampshire, 5 vols.; city of Boston, 1 vol.; Dr. S. M. Ward, 1 vol.; making the total number of volumes added for the year, 219. Total number of books on catalogue, 2,227. Number of volumes issued during the year 2,420. Largest number on any one evening, 70. Least number on any one evening, 13. Average per evening, 42.

It is with pleasure that your committee report that the interest in the library has been well sustained through the past year, more books being issued than in any one year for several years.

By request the library was opened on Saturday afternoons through July, August and a part of September, which proved to be quite popular, especially with summer visitors, and those who did not care to go out evenings.

Through the generosity of friends your committee have been able to purchase a number of valuable reference books for the library, which heretofore have been very much called for, the most important being a fine set of Chamber’s Encyclopedia. Many thanks are also due those friends who have generously remembered our library with gifts of valuable books.


Library Committee.