For the year ending March 1, 1899

The Library Committee respectfully submits the following report:

From town,   $125.00
Received balance from last year,     31.47
Joel Jenkins,   5.00
sale of cards,   .60
Fines,   +1.00
Paid for new books,   $62.52  
freight, stationery, postage,       2.50  
assistance in delivering books,       8.00  
fuel, oil, mucilage, etc.,       3.25  
covering 300 books,       3.50  
salary of Librarian,     25.00
covering paper,       1.65  
150 supplements to library catalogue,,   +44.85  
Balance on hand,   $11.80

Number of books added by purchase, 63. Presented by Thomas L. Perkins, 1 vol.; Record Commissioners of Boston, 1 vol.; James G. Garland, Biddeford, Me., 1 vol.; estate of William A. Richardson, Washington, D.C., 1 vol., James S. DeLancey, 1 vol.; Commissioners of Education, Washington, D. C., 2 vols.; State of New Hampshire, 2 vols.; making a total of 72 volumes added during the year. Total number of books on the catalogue, 2,387.

Number of volumes issued during the year, 2,082. Largest number on any one evening, 65. Least number on any one evening, 4. Average number per evening, 41.

The interest in the Library has been well sustained through another year, and notwithstanding the large number of stormy Wednesday evenings a larger number of volumes were issued than during the preceding year.

The various written supplements have been replaced by a printed one which has added much to the convenience of the patrons of the library.

We believe a policy of a liberal appropriation for our Town Library each year is a wise one, and if wisely expended in good books the Library as an educational factor will scarcely stand second to our public schools.

To the citizens who have kindly remembered us with gifts of money and books we extend our sincere thanks.


Library Committee.