Received balance from last year: $39.21
From Town: 250.00
From Fines: 2.10
From Library Cards: +    .75
Total receipts: $292.06
Paid for new books: $129.11
Salary of Librarian: 66.00
Extra services of Librarian from Jan 7 to Feb. 15, 1911
— 6 afternoons and 28 evenings:
Binding 48 books for 1909: 18.10
Binding 47 books for 1910: 13.10
Express and freight: 2.55
Printing 4 placards: .50
300 gummed labels: 1.50
190 library cards: .85
9 yds. curtain goods: 1.12
Postage and Money Orders: 1.30
Stationery .50, record book .25: .75
Janitor’s services: 2.00
Fuel: 1.50
Paid for 23 temporary binders for reading room: 14.85
1 day’s work moving books: +  1.50
Total expenditures: -$274.73
Balance on hand: $17.33


We have this day examined the foregoing account of S. A. Shaw, Librarian, and find it well vouched and correctly cast with a balance on hand of $ 17.33.

  Hampton, February 21, 1911.

Number of volumes added by purchase, 117; number of volumes replaced, 7; number of volumes rebound, 47.

34 bound volumes have been presented as follows:
Mrs. C. R. Beare, 3 volumes; Miss Irene Trefethen and lady visitors at Elmwood Farm, 1 volume; Mrs. Hawkins, 1 volume; Peleg 0. Harrison, 1 volume; Smithsonian Institution, 1 volume; Interstate Commerce Commission, 1 volume; Miss Etta Nudd, 16 volumes; Henry J. Perkins, 8 volumes Harper’s magazine, unbound; and 2 volumes of McClure’s, also unbound.

141 volumes have been added to the catalogue, making the number 3,629.

Number of books issued for year ending Feb. 15, 1911, 6,049, exceeding the issue of last year by 1,240.

Average number of books issued per day 104.

For a number of years the friends and patrons of the Library had been impressed with the fact that larger and better accommodations were very much needed.

It is with great pleasure we can report this need has been fully met in the new Memorial library building, the generous gift of Mr. Howard G. Lane, in memory of his father, Joshua A. Lane.

The dedication and presentation to the town occurred on Dec. 14, 1910. On Dec. 29th, the books were transferred from the room in the town hall they had occupied for nearly half a century, to the commodious, convenient and well lighted room provided for them.

The last annual appropriation was not sufficient to meet all necessary additional expenses. However, through the interest and co-operation of the selectmen, it was possible to open the library for the issuing of books on every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon and evening, and the reading room on every week day evening, and on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons.

On the tables in the reading room have been placed the following magazines and newspapers:
Century, McClure’s, Munsey’s, Harper’s Monthly, Scribners, Review of Reviews, World’s Work, National Sportsman, Outing, St. Nicholas, Bird Lore, Popular Electricity, Popular Mechanics, Granite State Magazine, Punch, Life, Youth’s Companion, Ladies’ Home Journal, Scientific American. Ills. London News, Literary Digest, Exeter News-Letter, Hamptons Union, Newburyport Daily News, Boston Record and Boston Globe.

That the opportunities presented by the reading room, with its pleasant and attractive surroundings, is being appreciated by the public, may be judged by the fact that notwithstanding much unfavorable weather and traveling, the number of visitors availing themselves of its privileges from Jan. 7 to Feb. 15, numbered 365, making the average number per day 11. The largest number of visitors on any one day being 37.
