Balance from last year: $ 136.84
Received from Town: 979.98
Currier fund: 70.00
Fines: 1685
Cards sold: +  1.50
Total receipts $ 1,205.17


Paid for new books: $ 361.33
16,680 lbs. coal: 142.09
Salary of Librarian: 350.00
Electric lights: 24.30
Furnace grate and labor: 19.70
Periodicals for reading room: 80.78
Mowing lawn, six times: 6.00
Clearing library building: 12.50
Axe: 2.00
Lawn mower and grass shears: 12.85
Rebinding 79 books: 35.55
Record book: 1.37
Housing 2 cords wood: 1.50
500 book cards: 3.00
400 gummed labels: 3.50
Postage and money orders: 4.53
16 electric lamps: 4.20
Freight on box books: .50
Miscellaneous expenses: +  9.09
Total expenditures: -$ 1,074.79
Balance on hand: $ 130.38


Hampton, N.H., Feb. 15, 1924.
We have this day examined the foregoing account of S. Shaw, Librarian of the Public Library and find them well vouched for and correctly cast.



Number of volumes added to the library for the year ending Jan. 31, l924 — By purchase, 244; by gift, 2; a total of 246.

Number of books replaced, 11.

Number of books catalogued (?); 79 volumes were rebound.

Below is given the number of books purchased in each class, and the cost of same:

Fiction, 105 volumes: $ 137.25
Young people, 83 volumes: 71.97
History, Biography & Travels, 36 volumes: 92.94
Miscellaneous, 20 volumes: 40.36
Replaced, 25 volumes: 18.81

Number of books issued to residents, 8,217; to non- residents, 502; magazines loaned, 295; making a total circulation of 9,014.

Largest number of volumes issued in one day, 185; smallest number, 12. Average per day, 87.

Number of different borrowers: residents, 210; non- residents, 46; total number of borrowers, 256.

On th6 tables in the reading room may be found 35 magazines as follows:

Popular Science, Radio News, Popular Mechanics, National Sportsman, Science and Invention, Harper’s Magazine, Century, Current History, Review of Reviews, Outlook, Literary Digest, World’s Work, National Geographic Magazine, Photo-Era Magazine, Woman’s Home Companion, McCall’s, Today’s Housewife, Life, Granite Monthly, St. Nicholas, Youth’s Companion, American Boy, Scientific American, American Magazine, American Botanist, Good Health, N. E. Homestead, American Fruit Grower, Bird Lore, American Child, The Union Signal, New Hampshire Issue, Exeter News-Letter, The Hampton’s Union, Telephone Topics and The Near East.

The back numbers of several magazines were given to the reading room and library of the Grammar School.

A letter of appreciation and thanks was received from the librarians.