Balance from last year: $ 180.99
Received from Town: 1,200.00
Currier fund: 70.00
Balance of Currier Fund from last year: 35.00
From Fines: 25.80
From Cards sold: 13.35
From Catalogues sold: +  6.00
Total receipts: $ 1,531.14


Paid for new books: $ 587.22
Fuel: 106.20
Electric lights: 30.20
Binding 63 books: 33.50
Printing 500 gummed labels: 4.00
Periodicals for reading room: 81.60
Salary of Librarian: 360.00
Revolving dictionary stand: 8.73
Printing supplement to catalogue: 125.00
Mowing lawn, 7 times: 8.00
New funnel & repairs on furnace: 28.81
Electric lamps, 6: 1.62
500 cloth labels: 2.70
Extra labor on supplement to catalogue: 25.00
Removing two loads of ashes: 2.00
Paid Ink, pens and pencils: .99
Repairs on lawn mower: 1.00
Stationery: 1.48
Setting glass, to Edgar Howe: 1.25
Glue: 1.20
Freight on books: .50
Dust Bane: .55
Money Order & postage: +  2.42
Total expenditures: -$ 1,413.97
Balance on hand: $ 117.17



The past year the circulation of books largely exceeded that of either of the two preceding years. The reading room also has been well patronized, especially by the young people.

The generous increased appropriation made by the town has made possible the addition of many desirable volumes of reference and non-fiction.

Number of volumes added to the library for the year ending January 30, 1926:  
By purchase: 360
By gift: 13
Total: 373
Number books replaced: 7
Number of books catalogued: 7,391
The number of books purchased in each class
with the cost of the same is given below:
Fiction, 148 volumes: $191.74
Juvenile, 120 volumes: 157.00
History, Biography & Travel, 47 volumes: 126.13
Miscellaneous, 45 volumes: 108.05
Replaced, 7 volumes: 4.30

Number of books issued for February, 754; for March 816; April, 790; May, 603; June, 593; July, 672; August, 788; September, 661; October, 597; November, 846; December, 962; January, 1,108. Magazines loaned, 240, making a total circulation of 9,430. Of this number 8,905 were issued to residents and 525 volumes to non-residents.

Largest number of volumes issued in one day, 165; smallest number, 50. Average per day, 91.

Number of different borrowers: resident, 280; non- resident, 91. Total number of borrowers, 371.

Visitors will find on the tables of the reading room the following periodicals:
Harpers, Century, National Geographic, World’s Work, Current History, Review of Reviews, Outlook, Granite Monthly, Life, American Magazine, Ladies’ Home Journal, McCall’s, Woman’s Home Companion, Good Housekeeping, Literary Digest, Good Health, American Botanist, Christian Endeavor World, Radio Broadcast, Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, Scientific American, St. Nicholas, Youth’s Companion, American Boy, Bird Lore, National Sportsman, Rural New-Yorker, New England Homestead, Country Gentleman, Nature Magazine, Photo-Era Magazine, Exeter News-Letter.

The following periodicals have been presented: The Dearborn Independent, The Hamptons Union, Union Signal, New Hampshire Issue, Red Cross Courrier, Telephone Quarterly and Telephone Topics.
