Balance from last year: $ 94.23
Received from Town: 1,200.00
From Currier Fund: 70.00
From Cards Sold: 8.20
From Fines: 42.60
From Sale of old newspapers:: +  4.00
Total receipts $ 1,419.03


Paid for new books: $ 621.48
Fuel: 107.20
Electric lights: 43.00
Repairs on furnace grate: .90
Cleaning & renovating rooms: 69.00
Salary of Librarian: 360.00
Periodicals for reading room: 80.80
Gummed labels: 4.25
Cloth number labels: 1.80
Library cards: 3.50
Mowing lawn 9 times: 11.50
Electric lamps: 4.20
Extra labor cat. & labeling: 10.00
Money Orders and postage: 3.24
Stationery, ink and pens: 2.12
Lumber, & labor on new shelves: 14.49
Miscellaneous: +  4.27
Total expenditures: -$ 1,341.75
Balance on hand: $ 77.28


The past year has been prosperous. The circulation, both of books and magazines, has exceeded that of any previous year.

All the metal book stacks are now filled with books. One hundred and five feet of new shelves have been erected on the north side of the stack room. Probably there is about that amount of additional space available on the west and south sides. Thus it is very evident that in the near future the citizens of Hampton will have to consider seriously the problem of providing more room, if the library is to continue to grow and meet the needs of the community.

Number of volumes added to the library for the year ending January 31, 1929:  
By purchase: 351
By gift: +   23
Total: 374
Number books replaced: 10
Number of books catalogued: 8,561
The number of books purchased in each class
with the cost of the same is given below:
Fiction, 168 volumes: $251.24
Juvenile, 68 volumes: 81.30
History, Biography & Travels, 65 volumes: 188.17
Miscellaneous, 50 volumes: 97.17
Replaced, 5 volumes: 3.60

Number of books issued for February, 1,044; for March, 1,213; for April, 898; for May, 966; for June, 945; for July, 773; for August, 935; for September, 911; for October, 895; for November, 893; for December, 1,054; for January, 1,290; magazines loaned, 356, making a total circulation of 12,017. Of this number, 11,364 were issued to residents and 653 to non-residents.

Largest number of volumes issued in one day, 154; smallest, 59; average per day, 117.

Number of different borrowers: resident, 411; non- resident, 115. Total number of borrowers, 526 — an increase of 103.

The interest in the reading room was well sustained the past year. Very little change has been made in the reading matter.

Two magazines have been added to the list and two discontinued.

The list of periodicals at the present time is as follows:

Harper’s, National Geographic, World’s Work, Current History, Review of Reviews, Outlook, Literary Digest, Life, American Magazine, Ladies’ Home Journal, Women’s Home Companion, McCall’s, Delineator, Saturday Evening Post, Good Housekeeping, Christian Endeavor World, Zion’s Herald, Radio Broadcast, Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, Scientific American, St. Nicholas, Youth’s Companion, American Boy, Bird Lore, National Sportsman, Baseball Magazine, Nature Magazine, Rural New Yorker, New England Homestead, Country Gentleman, American Fruit Grower, The Flower Grower, American Botantist, Child Life, Exeter News-Letter and Union Signal.

The following periodicals have been presented:
The Hamptons’ Union, New Hampshire Issue, Telephone Topics and Telephone Quarterly.
