Balance from last year [1929]: $ 37.52
From Town: 1,200.00
From Currier fund: 70.00
From fines: 31.55
From Cards Sold: +  5.05
  $ 1,344.12


Paid for new books: 620.39
Fuel: 89.20
Periodicals for reading room: 90.00
Rebinding: 23.70
Electric lights: 53.55
Salary: 360.00
2 Record Books: 3.75
Lawn Mower: 11.75
Stationery and Stamps: 2.99
Curtain: 1.98
Cleaning rooms: 5.40
Cleaning & repairing Clock: 3.00
Library Cards: 3.00
Lamps and labor: 2.60
Mowing lawn: 4.00
Money Orders: 2.83
Janitor’s service: 25.00
Car Fares: 3.12
Pens and Ink: .86
Oil: .55
Miscellaneous: +  9.28
  -$ 1,316.95
Balance on hand, January 1, 1931: $ 27.17


Report of Librarian

Submitted by S. ALBERT SHAW, Librarian

Number of volumes added to the library for the year ending January 31, 1931:

The number of books purchased in each class with cost of same is given below:

By purchase: 408
By binding magazines:: 6
By gift: +  9
Total: 423
Number of books replaced:: 10
Number of books catalogued:: 9,369
Fiction, 212 volumes: $ 245.43
Juvenile, 89 volumes: 69.09
History, Biography & Travels, 71 volumes: 185.94
Miscellaneous, 36 volumes: 112.33
Replaced 10 volumes: 7.60

Number of Books and Magazines issued for February, 938; for March, 961; for April, 993; for May, 850; for June, 751; for July, 918; for August, 850; for September, 785; for October, 915; for November, 1,139; for December, 935; for January, 1,186.

Total circulation, 11,291. Magazines loaned, 211. Of the total circulation, 10,452 volumes were issued to residents and 789 to non-residents.

Largest in one day 164; smallest, 63, average per day, 111.

Number of different borrowers; resident 385, non-resident 117. Total number of different borrowers 502.

The steadily increasing number of visitors to the reading room indicates the interest is being well maintained. Very little change has been made in the reading matter.

On the tables may be found the following list of periodicals for 1931:

Harper’s, National Geographic, World’s Work, Review of Reviews, Outlook, Literary Digest, Life, American Magazine, Ladies’ Home Journal, Woman’s Home Companion, McCall’s Delineator, Collier’s, Good Housekeeping, Mid-Week Pictorial, The Nation, Christian Endeavor World, Zion’s Herald, Radio Broadcast, Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, Scientific American, St. Nicholas, American Boy Bird Lore, National Sportsman, Base Ball Magazine, Nature Magazine, Rural New Yorker, New England Homestead, Country Gentleman, American Fruit Grower, The Flower Grower, American Botanist, Child Life, Exeter News-Letter, Hampton Union and Union Signal.

The following periodicals have been presented: New Hampshire Issue Telephone Topics and Telephone Quarterly.
