Cash on hand Feb. 1, 1933: $ 415.17
Received from Town: 1,800.00
Currier fund: 70.00
Lydia A. Lane fund: +  11.94
  $ 2,297.11


Margaret S. Noyes, Salary as Librarian $ 365.00
Walter S. Noyes, Janitor 52.00
Edgar Warren, Treasurer 25.00
Paid for new books 665.66
Cherry Hill Nurseries 53.02
Oil for heating 59.03
Electric Lights 66.67
Tobey & Merrill, insurance 108.00
Edward S. Batchelder, painting 90.16
Willard M. Emery, plants and labor 15.50
Walter S. Noyes, mowing lawn 8.00
Walter S. Noyes, carpenter work 7.50
Sarah M. Lane, paid out for labor 12.90
Membership State Library Ass’n 3.00
Hampton Publishing Company 2.00
Periodicals for Reading Room 66.75
Cards and Card Envelopes 7.10
John A. Janvrin, door and door set 36.45
Loma for lawn 4.76
E. G. Cole Co., shades for windows 16.76
W. A. Young, hardware 10.40
Miscellaneous 10.00
Letter files and postage 2.21
C. H. Brown, fertilizer 10.50
John P. Kimball, oil heater +  345.00
Total: -$ 2,043.37
Balance on hand: $ 253.74


The Treasurer’s report has been examined, checked and approved by Sanford G. York, public accountant.


“Our Starving Libraries” is the name of a book just published by the Houghton, Mifflin Company, and is an account of first-hand investigation of public libraries in ten representative cities of the United States. In only one of these cities, Springfield, Mass., has the library been adequately maintained. Boston has dropped to such an unimportant place that it is not even listed. It must be a matter of pride to every citizen of Hampton that our Public Library has been well kept up during these distressing years and is now in better condition than ever before.

During the year that is past many improvements have been made in the physical property. Ornamental shrubs and flowering plants have been set out in the grounds about the Library, and in a few years will furnish a framework of verdant beauty. The entrance to the Library building has been made more dignified by a new door, and the interior of the building has been thoroughly cleaned, the floors shellacked, the walls and ceilings morescoed. New shades have been hung at all the windows. Oil heating has been introduced. The great advantage of oil heating for a library is that the amount of dust that comes up through the floors and the registers is reduced to a minimum and the books better protected. The Library property is adequately insured.

The Librarian’s report will show that nearly four hundred volumes have been purchased. during the year. More books have been taken out than ever before. While this is gratifying, it means increased wear and tear for the books and the need of constant replacement. Like everything else, books have advanced in price. Books that formerly cost $1.50 to $2.00 now cost from $2.00 to $2.50, and higher priced books in proportion. Still, if the town will keep up the present appropriation of $1,800 a year, the trustees are confident they can maintain the present high standing of the Library.



Submitted by Margaret S. Noyes, Librarian

It is my privilege to give the following report of Hampton Public Library from February 1, 1933 to January 31, 1934:

Number of volumes added:  
By purchase: 383
By gift: +      31
Number of volumes added: 414


Feb. 1,113 162 288 125 1,688
Mar. 1,264 189 334 120 1,907
Apr. 1,143 139 309 106 1,697
May 842 123 348 81 1,394
June 721 83 222 49 1,075
July 1,133 120 262 43 1,558
Aug 1,109 123 284 59 1,575
Sept. 952 127 234 73 1,386
Oct. 876 99 316 78 1,369
Nov. 1,215 132 440 98 1,885
Dec. 1,255 148 332 71 1,806
Jan. 1,240 191 348 76 1,855
Totals: 12,863 1,636 3,717 979 19,195

Magazine Circulation: 625
Largest number books in one day: 266
Smallest number in one day: 100

The reading room is patronized even more than last year, both in the afternoon and evening. It was opened on Sunday afternoons during the month of December, but as few availed themselves of the opportunity, it was thought best not to continue the plan.

I am grateful to those who contributed flowers for the reading room during the Summer and Fall. I wish it were possible to have them all the year. They add the touch of color and beauty that makes the room more attractive.

The list of periodicals is as follows: American Magazine. American Boy, Atlantic Monthly, Baseball, Better Homes and Gardens, Bird Lore, Child Life, Christian Century, Christian Herald, Current History, Delineator, Exeter News-Letter, Flower Grower, Forum, Good Housekeeping, Harper’s, Life, Literary DigEst, Nation, National Geographic, New England Poultryman, New Outlook, Popular Mechanics, Popular Science, Radioland, Reader’s Digest, Rural New Yorker, Review of Reviews, Scientific American, Hampton Union, Union Signal.

Feb. 1, 1933:  
Balance of Fine Money: $ 22.08
Received for fines: 60.85
I have spent for necessary supplies: 50.33
Leaving a balance of: 32.60

Respectfully submitted,