Report of Librarian

Submitted by Margaret S. Noyes, Librarian

I hereby submit the following report of Hampton Public Library from February 1, 1943 to January 31, 1944:

Adult Fiction: 222
Adult Non-Fiction: 169
Juveniles: +  76
Number of volumes added by purchase: 467
Gifts 6
Circulation for the year:  
Adult Fiction: 10,353
Adult Non-Fiction: 2,134
Juvenile Fiction: 2,748
Juvenile Non-Fiction: 609
Book Circulation: 15,844
Magazine Circulation: + 2,235
Total Book and Magazine Circulation: 18,079

The Herald Book Fair, held at Symphony hall, Boston in October was a treat this year. It was an inspiration to listen to such authors as Lloyd Douglas, Pierre Van Paassen, Bertha Damon, Robert Frost, Elizabeth Hawes, Marjorie Mills, Jesse Stuart, Louise Rich, Bellamy Partridge and many others.

The annual Book Week held in November was observed as usual with the display of the Poster, “Build the Future With Books”, an exhibition of many new juvenile books and the presentation of book marks to impress upon all alike the importance of taking good care of books.

Balance of Fine Money: $ 32.83
Fines Received: 40.45
Necessary Expenses: 34.55
Balance: 38.73

Respectfully submitted,



Cash on hand February 1, 1943: $ 425.25
Received from Town: 2,000.00
Currier fund: 50.30
Lydia A. Lane fund: 17.50
Ida M. Lane fund +  17.50
  $ 2,510.55


Margaret S. Noyes, librarian $ 600.00
Walter S. Noyes, janitor 71.50
Bernice G. Palmer, treasurer 25.00
Books purchased 980.87
Periodicals for Reading Room 99.44
Binding Books and Magazines 7.43
New Hampshire Library Ass’n 6.00
Insurance 96.74
Exeter & Hampton Electric Co. 49.61
F. Wilbur Jewell, fuel oil 84.09
Repairs on building 20.50
Walter S. Noyes, labor on lawn 37.00
Labor on heater 9.00
Postage, stationery, etc. +  16.29
David F. Colt, Sr.
  -$ 2,115.47
Balance on hand, February 1, 1944: $ 395.08
