Report of Librarian

Submitted by Margaret S. Noyes, Librarian

I hereby submit the following report of Hampton Public Library from February 1, 1944 to December 31, 1944:

Adult Fiction: 245
Adult Non-Fiction: 106
Juveniles: +  56
Number of volumes added by purchase: 407
Gifts 2
Circulation for eleven months:  
Adult Fiction: 8,846
Adult Non-Fiction: 1,699
Juvenile Fiction: 2,013
Juvenile Non-Fiction: 431
Book Circulation: 13,089
Magazine Circulation: + 1,507
Total Book and Magazine Circulation: 14,596

The New Hampshire Library Association held its annual meeting this year on June 12-13 at St. Paul’s School, Concord, N.H. I regret that I was unable to attend. Due again to transportation difficulties, no district meeting was planned.

The Slogan for Book Week, November 12-18, was “United Through Books”. The occasion was observed by an exhibit of new juvenile books and the children from Miss Pauline Whitney’s 5th Grade room and Miss Ada Perkins’ 3rd Grade room were welcomed at the Library and were given information on the arrangement of books and the use of the Card Catalog. This year marked the two hundredth anniversary of the publication of the first book for children and a facsimile copy of this — A Little Pretty Pocket Book, first published by John Newbery in London in 1744 — was ordered and has just been received.

The use of the Reference Books ins the Library by the students at the [Hampton] Academy shows a marked increase this year. I have borrowed books from the State Library for patrons when requested.

Balance of Fine Money: $ 38.73
Fines Received: 39.60
Necessary Expenses: 46.48
Balance: 31.85

Respectfully submitted,



Cash on hand February 1, 1944: $ 391.58
Received from Town: 2,000.00
Currier fund: 50.30
Lydia A. Lane fund: 8.75
Ida M. Lane fund +  8.75
  $ 2,459.38


Margaret S. Noyes, librarian $ 550.00
Walter S. Noyes, janitor 72.50
Bernice G. Palmer, treasurer 50.00
Books purchased 806.34
Periodicals for Reading Room 144.45
Binding Books and Magazines 5.69
Exeter & Hampton Electric Co. 42.41
F. Wilbur Jewell, fuel oil 103.64
Repairs 10.00
Walter S. Noyes, labor on lawn 37.00
Hampton Water Works Company 12.00
Postage, stationery, etc. 8.98
Hampton Water Works Company +  12.00
  -$ 1,843.01
Balance on hand, January 1, 1945: $ 616.37
