Report of Librarian

Submitted by Margaret S. Noyes, Librarian

I hereby submit the following report of Hampton Public Library from January 1, 1945 to December 31, 1945:

Several books have been donated.

Adult Fiction: 203
Adult Non-Fiction: 111
Juveniles: +  41
Number of volumes added by purchase: 355
Adult Fiction: 10,409
Adult Non-Fiction: 1,739
Juvenile Fiction: 2,568
Juvenile Non-Fiction: 477
Book Circulation: 15,193
Magazine Circulation: + 2,154
Total Book and Magazine Circulation: 17,347

In June a District Meeting was held at Portsmouth. Mrs. Mary Dondero, Mayor, welcomed assembled Librarians and Trustees, and Miss Jennie Lindquist, Reference Librarian at the Hamilton Library, Durham, gave an interesting talk on current Children’s Books. The annual meeting of the New Hampshire Library Association was held in October at Laconia.

For Book Week, Nov. 11 to 17, last year’s Slogan, “United Through Books,” was again used. As usual there was a display of new Juvenile books and a talk given to a group from the school with instruction about the Card Catalog.

The usual magazines are to be found on the stand. A gift to the Library is the small magazine, “The Ford News” which contains much interesting material.

Balance of Fine Money: $ 31.85
Fines Received: 55.64
Necessary Expenses: 45.20
Balance: 42.29

Respectfully submitted,



Cash on hand January 1, 1945: $ 616.37
Received from Town: 2,000.00
Currier fund: 50.30
Lydia A. Lane fund: 17.50
Ida M. Lane fund +  17.50


Margaret S. Noyes, librarian $ 660.00
Walter S. Noyes, janitor 72.50
Bernice G. Palmer, treasurer 50.00
Books purchased 762.89
Periodicals for Reading Room 150.41
Exeter & Hampton Electric Co. 52.47
F. Wilbur Jewell, fuel oil 125.32
Hampton Water Works Company, water 12.00
Insurance 80.40
William Whitehouse, painting 54.75
Walter S. Noyes, labor on lawn 42.00
Supplies, postage 15.00
Flowers +  13.00
  -$ 2,090.74
Balance on hand, January 1, 1946: $ 610.93
