Report of Librarian

Submitted by Margaret S. Noyes, Librarian

I hereby submit the following report of Hampton Public Library from January 1, 1947 to December 31, 1947:

Several gift books have been received.

Adult Fiction: 240
Adult Non-Fiction: 101
Juveniles: +  102
Number of volumes added by purchase: 443
Adult Fiction: 10,279
Adult Non-Fiction: 2,080
Juvenile Fiction: 2,133
Juvenile Non-Fiction: 375
Book Circulation: 14,867
Magazine Circulation: + 2,351
Book and Magazine Circulation: 17,218

A valuable and useful addition to the Reference Library is the 15 volume set of the latest edition of Compton’s Pictured Encyclopedia. I would also mention the gift by Mr. James Tucker of two volumes of “American Jews in World War II” by Kaufman and the presentation of a copy of Farrington’s “Railroading from the Rear End” by Boston and Maine Railroad.

Book Week was observed November 16-22 with an exhibit of children’s books, which were later put into circulation. The theme for this year’s poster was “Books for the World of Tomorrow.” The poster was designed by the noted illustrators of children books, Ingri and Edgar Parin D’Aulaire.

Balance of Fine Money: $ 56.25
Fines Received: 95.26
Necessary Expenses: 57.60
Balance: $93.91

Respectfully submitted,



Cash on hand January 1, 1947: $ 567.88
Received from Town: 2,000.00
Currier fund: 50.30
Lydia A. Lane fund: 16.60
Ida M. Lane fund +  16.60
  $ 2,651.38


Margaret S. Noyes, Librarian $ 660.00
Walter S. Noyes, Janitor 72.50
Bernice G. Palmer, Treasurer 50.00
Books purchased 926.64
Periodicals 176.35
Exeter & Hampton Electric Co. 49.95
F. Wilbur Jewell, fuel oil 102.80
Binding Papers and Magazines 8.15
New Hampshire Library Ass’n 3.00
Hampton Water Works Company 12.00
William Gilpatrick, shrubbery care 3.50
Walter S. Noyes, labor on lawn 48.75
Sumner Insurance Agency +  52.50
  -$ 2,166.14
Balance on hand, January 1, 1948: $ 485.24
