Report of Librarian

Submitted by Margaret S. Noyes, Librarian

I hereby submit the following report of Hampton Public Library from January 1, 1958 to December 31, 1958:

Adult Fiction: 302
Adult Non-Fiction: 177
Juveniles: +   76
Number of volumes added by purchase: 555
Adult Fiction: 10,437
Adult Non-Fiction: 3,880
Juvenile Fiction: 6,837
Juvenile Non-Fiction: 1,939
Book Circulation: 23,093
Magazine Circulation: + 3,224
Book and Magazine Circulation: 26,317

The newly renovated Library and the addition were dedicated on Sunday, January 5, 1958 with appropriate exercises, after which refreshments were served by a caterer.

On January 6, after a closing of four months, the usual days of opening were resumed until after the town meeting, when an increase in appropriation made it possible to have the Library open every weekday at the same hours, 2:30 to 5:00 in the afternoon and 7:00 to 9:00 in the evening.

On March 16, at a meeting of The Friends of The Library, a silk flag was presented to the Library by the American Legion, the presentation being made by Commander George Barwick and accepted by the chairman of the Board of Trustees, Dr. Harold Pierson.

Hampton Public Library entertained the New Hampshire Library Association for the Fall Workshop session on Thursday, September 25. The meeting was held in the Goody Cole Room of Lamies Tavern, with registration at 9:30 A.M. Nearly 100 were in attendance. The session was under the direction of William Weitzel, President, and greetings were given by Dr. Pierson, chairman of the Trustees and Mrs. Helen Hayden, Town Clerk, for the town officials. Films, under the direction of Miss Marjorie Stroud, were shown during the morning. Luncheon was served at 1:00 o’clock. The speaker for the afternoon was Dr. Lowell A. Martin, Dean, Graduate School of Library Service, Rutgers University. His theme was State-Wide Library Action. At 4:30 Open House was held at the Library and light refreshments were served by The Friends of the Library.

Book Week was observed from November 2 to 8 with a display of new Juveniles. The Poster bore the slogan, “Let’s Explore With Books.” This year marks the 40th anniversary of Book Week.

Books have been loaned to teachers for use in the classrooms and the Bookmobile has left collections at the Library. We thank the donors for several gifts of books.

The displays on the Peg Board and in the display cases have been under the direction of Arthur Johnson, Chairman of the Art Committee of The Friends of the Library, who has spent considerable time, thought and energy on planning and arranging the displays. These displays, which are changed every month, have been varied and of much interest to the public. Descriptions of them have appeared in Hampton Union. Many thanks are due to Mr. Johnson for his untiring effort.

The Reading Room and the Teen-Age Room for study are a decided improvement and the separate Children’s Room is much appreciated both by the children and the Library staff. Many new residents are enrolled among the patrons of the Library.

The attractive Christmas Tree was donated by Mr. Johnson and decorated by Girl Scouts. The Christmas Wreath was given by the Garden Club.

We are grateful for the enlarged space provided by the addition, for the excellent lighting system and the overall improved appearance of the Library. Many thanks are due to Mr. Wheaton Lane and to the Town of Hampton for their interest and generosity.

Balance of Fine Money: $ 20.37
Fines: 324.44
Necessary Expenses: 259.10
Balance: 85.71