Report of Librarian

Submitted by Margaret S. Noyes, Librarian

I hereby submit the following report of Hampton Public Library from January 1, 1959 to December 31, 1959:

Adult Fiction: 340
Adult Non-Fiction: 166
Juveniles: +   70
Number of volumes added by purchase: 576
Adult Fiction: 11,024
Adult Non-Fiction: 4,345
Juvenile Fiction: 6,326
Juvenile Non-Fiction: 2,257
Book Circulation: 23,952
Magazine Circulation: + 3,526
Book and Magazine Circulation: 27,478

In this vicinity two area meetings have been held, one in the spring and one in the fall. The spring meeting was held in our Library on the evening of March 26, with Librarians and Trustees from the fifteen libraries in this area in attendance. Many books were on exhibit, the talk being on “Books In General”. At the close of the meeting refreshments were served by the Trustees and Library Staff.

The fall meeting, which my assistant and I attended, was held at the North Hampton Library with a display of outstanding reference books. The subject for discussion, “Reference Books For Your Library”, was ably presented by Miss Margery Stroud, of the State Library. Refreshments were served by the Trustees and Library Staff of the North Hampton Library.

After the close of the fall series of neighborhood meetings, reference books were distributed by the State Library to those librarians who attended the meetings. The book we received is entitled, “Standard Book For Secretaries” by Lois Hutchinson, a useful addition to our collection. Our own addition to reference books is the Americana Encyclopedia, placed in the study room.

National Library Week was observed in March with the display of the poster, “Wake Up and Read”, exhibition of Adult books and bookmarks distributed to the children.

“Go Exploring In Books” was the theme of Children’s Book Week, which was celebrated November 1 to 7. The Poster by Fedor Rojankovsky showed his own daughter’s interest in reading.

The lighted Christmas tree this year was provided by the Library Staff. The unique small Christmas tree, made of 150 pine cones and decorated with many colored balls was made by Mrs. Harry Parr, and placed in the Library during the Holiday Season. The wreath on the door was donated as usual by the Garden Club. The Dried Flower arrangement was given to the Library by Mrs. Louise Batchelder. Other arrangements have been provided by Miss Ruth Stimson for the Garden Club.

The Art Exhibit has been varied and of much interest to the public. Descriptions of these have appeared in Hampton Union. Mr. Arthur Johnson is to be highly commended for his work on the Art Committee for the last two years. Miss Leota Whitcomb is to have charge for the coming year.

The names of many new families have been added to the list of Library Patrons.

Balance of Fine Money: $ 85.71
Fines: 475.87
Necessary Expenses: 196.87
Balance: 364.71