Submitted by Margaret S. Noyes, Librarian

I hereby submit the following report of Hampton Public Library from January 1, 1960 to December 31, 1960:

1960 Circulation

Adult Fiction: 334
Adult Non-Fiction: 163
Juveniles: + 100
Total added by purchase: 597
Gifts: 11
Adult Fiction: 10,441
Adult Non-Fiction: 4,406
Juvenile Fiction 5,879
Juvenile Non-Fiction: 1,777
Book Circulation: 22,503
Magazine Circulation: +  4,515
Total Circulation: 27,018

The Spring and Fall area meetings were held at the branch office of the State Library, the Bookmobile Center, in Exeter. As usual there were books for all ages on exhibit. The subject for discussion at the Spring meeting was “Books For Children”, conducted by Miss Margery Stroud of the State Library. The Fall meeting was under the supervision of Mr. Emil Allen, assistant librarian of the State Library. His topic was “Books For Teenagers”. Juvenile books were distributed to the librarians who attended these meetings. My assistant and I were present at both sessions.

National Library Week was observed in April with a display of Posters bearing the slogan, “Wake Up and Read”, and an exhibit of new books. Bookmarks were given to the children. May I suggest that bookmarks of some sort be used by all to avoid turning down the corners of the pages.

November 13-19 marked the 42nd celebration of National Children’s Book Week, which took as its slogan the phrase, “Hurray For Books!“. The full-color poster was designed by Maurice Sendak. The bookmarks for this occasion carry the poem by Elizabeth Coatsworth.

Hurray For Books!

You can look at a book
And better still, read it.
A book is a friend
When you happen to need it.
And when you are through
You can still think about it —
So, “Hurray For Books!”.
Don’t say it, but shout it!

Many books were on display both for children and adults.

The Art Exhibit for the year was in charge of Miss Leota Whitcomb. Descriptions of the exhibits with pictures of the artists have appeared in The Hampton Union. Mrs. Richard Simon has taken over the work for 1961.

The prettily decorated and lighted Christmas Tree was provided by the Library Staff. A bowl of Holly was placed in the Library during the Holiday Season by Mrs. Beatrice Mason. The Dried Flower arrangement was provided by Mrs. Charlotte Batchelder. Books and magazines have been given by the Garden Club as was also the lovely wreath for the door.

The names of many new families have been added to the list of Library Patrons, and some have been lost due to removal from town. I particularly mourn the loss of Mrs. Edgar Warren, a long-time Patron of the library and a very close friend from the days we were together in Atkinson.

Balance of Fine Money: $ 364.71
Fines and Book Replacements: 303.85
Necessary Expenses:    225.96
Balance: $ 442.60