Submitted by Margaret S. Noyes, Librarian

I hereby submit the following report of Hampton Public Library from January 1, 1963 to December 31, 1963:

1963 Circulation

Adult Fiction: 335
Adult Non-Fiction: 96
Juveniles: +  75
Total added by purchase: 506
Gifts: 7
Adult Fiction: 11,501
Adult Non-Fiction: 4,363
Juvenile Fiction 3,615
Juvenile Non-Fiction: 1,079
Book Circulation: 20,558
Magazine Circulation: + 5,282
Total Circulation: 25,840

National Library Week in April and Children’s Book Week in November were observed by displays of posters and new books. The theme for the Children’s Book Week very attractive poster was “Three Cheers for Books.”

This year the exhibits on the peg board and in the display cases were in charge of my assistant, Mrs. George Hadley. Descriptions and pictures of the displays appeared each month in The Hampton Union and drew not only local people but visitors from out of town. We thank all those who have been willing to loan articles for the displays and to arrange them.

Three paintings were purchased from a gift left to the Library by the late Mrs. Edgar Warren.

The Christmas season was observed by a prettily decorated tree and candles in the windows. The Garden Club, as in several past years, provided the very attractive wreath for the front door, for which we give thanks.

Balance of Fine Money: $ 309.75
Fines: 532.35
Paid to Trustees: 500.00
Necessary Expenses & Replacements:   204.21
Balance: $ 137.89