Submitted by Charlotte M. Hutton, Librarian

It is a pleasure to submit the following report of the Lane Memorial Library for the yer 1967:

Library Hours

Monday 2 p.m.. 8 p.m.
Tuesday: 10 a.m. 5 p.m.
Wednesday 2 p.m. 8 p.m.
Thursday: 10 a.m. 5 p.m.
Friday: 2 p.m. 8 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m. 5 p.m.


Mrs. John A. Hutton, Jr., Librarian
Mrs. George Hadley, Assistant Librarian
Mrs. Chester Leach, Clerical Assistant

1967 Circulation

Number of volumes added:  
Adult Fiction Purchased: 244
Adult Non-Fiction Purchased: 258
Juvenile Titles Purchased: +  234
Total added by purchase: 774
Gifts: 38
Adult Fiction: 14,235
Adult Non-Fiction: 6,825
Juvenile Fiction +  8,590
Total: 29,650
Additional Resources:  
Borrowed From Bookmobile: 3,204
Borrowed From State Library: 116
Inter-Library Loan: +  24
Total: 3,344

Since I became librarian on April 15, several new programs and services have been inaugurated, and others have been improved and expanded, as recommended in the survey of January 1967.

In the Children’s Room re-arrangement of the stacks, and the addition of a table, chairs, rug, film screen, and permanent low shelving have greatly increased the facilities.

The Magic Green Carpet Story Hour started in June and is held one morning each week for one half hour. This is open to pre-school children and is usually a combined film program and picture-book story time. The average summer attendance was 45-50; during the school year it is about 25.

The Junior Film Program, held one afternoon each week, started in October. The films are borrowed from the State Library and are either historical, scientific, or recreational in theme. Eight programs were held with a total attendance of 1,315.

In addition the Headstart children and some of the classes from the schools have visited the library for story hours, films, and orientation programs.

The children’s books have been completely cataloged, and the books for the Junior High age have been brought upstairs in a separate section. An adult browsing area has been established near the peg-board display area, and the adult bookmobile books are shelved there. The assistant librarian has arranged for exhibits and displays in this area which contribute and added interest.

We are utilizing the services of the State Library for centralized purchasing and cataloging. This enables us to enjoy at least a 37% discount on our purchases, and all catalog cards for new purchases come to us free of charge.

I wish to express my appreciation: To the members of the Hampton Garden Club for their floral displays which have added spots of beauty and interest to the library, and for their gifts of books and magazines.

To the members of the Mother’s Circle for their donation of $50 towards the purchase of children’s books.

To the members of Oceanside Grange for their gift of $100 for books in honor of Mrs. Margaret S. Noyes, librarian of the Lane Memorial Library for 35 years.

To the trustees and the members of the staff for their cooperation.

To Mrs. Lloyd Farrell for her many hours of volunteer typing which have made the cataloging of the children’s collection possible.