Submitted by Charlotte M. Hutton, Librarian

Library Hours

Monday 2 p.m.. 8 p.m.
Tuesday: 10 a.m. 5 p.m.
Wednesday 2 p.m. 8 p.m.
Thursday: 10 a.m. 5 p.m.
Friday: 2 p.m. 8 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m. 5 p.m.


Mrs. John A. Hutton, Jr., Librarian
Mrs. George Hadley, Assistant Librarian
Mrs. Chester Leach, Clerical Assistant

1968 Circulation

Number of volumes added:  
Adult fiction purchased: 187
Adult non-fiction purchased: 249
Juvenile Titles Purchased: 240
Gifts: + 135
Total volumes: 811
Circulation Statistics:  
Adult fiction: 16,566
Adult non-fiction: 7,113
Magazines: 2,407
Records: 34
Juvenile: + 15,052
Totals: 41,172
Additional Resources:  
Borrowed From Bookmobile: 5,103
Borrowed From State Library: 125
Inter-Library Loan: +  51
Total: 5,279

The Magic Green Carpet Story hour continues to be popular with the pre-school group. This is held on Wednesdays at 10 a.m. and repeated at 1 p.m. It is planned for about 45 minutes and is a combined picture- book story hour and film program.

The summer reading program had over 200 children registered in a trip through space with books. The space trip was charted on the peg board in the children’s room, and for each book read the traveler advanced his space ship one station. Children completing the program attended a picnic film party at the library.

During the school year Various grades visit the library for orientation, book appreciation sessions, and film programs. The kindergarten classes come regularly each week on a rotating basis. During summer months hour—long film programs are held for the school age children in addition to the regular story hour.

Hampton has been host to several Southeast District Library meetings, and staff members have attended all of the State Library workshops.

A Friends of the Library group was formed in October with Mrs. Geraldine Palmer and Mrs. Mildred Blanchard serving as co-chairmen. Mrs. Joan Hackett was elected secretary, and Mrs. Mary Simonds as treasurer. The group has contributed many hours of volunteer work in assisting the librarian with typing, filing, cataloging phonograph records, and assisting with the exchange of books when the Bookmobile is scheduled. They have also organized a service for shut-ins who find it difficult to get to the library to pick up books. A book study group has been formed and also other projects are still in the planning stage.

Again, I wish to express my sincere appreciation: To the members of the Hampton Garden Club for their gifts of books an magazines, and for their continued floral displays which add a spot of beauty to the library.

To the members of the Oceanside Grange for their gift of $100 for books in honor of Mrs. Margaret Noyes, librarian of the Lane Memorial Library for 35 years.

To the trustees, staff and Friends for their cooperation.

To each and every person who has given of their time and effort to make the Lane Memorial Library of greater service to the community of Hampton.