Submitted by Charlotte M. Hutton, Librarian

I submit the report for the Lane Memorial Library for the year 1970:

1970 Circulation

Adult fiction: 22,305
Adult Non-fiction: 9,228
Juvenile: 16,022
Pamphlets: 67
Records: 900
Magazines: 2,665
TOTAL: 51,782

Film Programs

Juvenile Programs: 102 programs with 123 films borrowed from the State Library and a total attendance of 3,434 children.
Adult Programs: 8 programs with 14 films borrowed and 136 in-attendance.

Interlibrary Loan

We borrowed 4,396 books from the Exeter Bookmobile office, being the largest borrower in their area of 54 libraries. We also have borrowed 45 books from the State Library in Concord. With the new Statewide library card, which enables a borrower in good standing to directly use the resources of neighboring libraries, we have not had to channel as many of our special requests through the State Library.

Book Purchase

Adult: 521
Juvenile: 768
TOTAL: 1,289

It was indeed gratifying to have been able to purchase a portion of the needed children’s books this year. Unfortunately the price of books continues to climb, and each year we can buy less with the book dollar.

The library has benefitted greatly from the interest of various community organizations, and this interest of various community organizations, and this interest is reflected in better community service. The many hours of volunteer assistance given by the Friends of the Library have been deeply appreciated. The efforts of this group in many areas of the library has been of great benefit generally, and specifically in the Children’s Room. The group earned the money and purchased 4 new sections of shelving, and is currently continuing this project. The Hampton Rotary and Oceanside Grange have each contributed $100 towards the purchase of new books of special interest which might be too costly for the regular book budget. The Garden Clubs have contributed magazine subscriptions as well as floral arrangements and landscaping. Miss Ruth Stimson has done an attractive wall display each month. Mrs. Lloyd Farrell has contributed many hours of volunteer typing, which has finally completed the cataloging project.

Services offered include: adult film programs, adult reference, inter-library loan, books for shut-ins, service to handicapped, children’s film programs, children’s story hour, summer reading program, aid to visually handicapped, reference service, recordings, pamphlets, clippings and picture file.

Library Hours

Monday: 2 p.m. 8 p.m.
Tuesday: 10 a.m. 5 p.m.
Wednesday: 10 a.m. 8 p.m.
Thursday: 10 a.m. 5 p.m.
Friday: 10 a.m. 5 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m. 5 p.m.