Submitted by Charlotte M. Hutton, Librarian

I submit the report for the Lane Memorial Library for the year 1971:

1971 Circulation

Adult fiction: 24,430
Adult non-fiction: 12,448
Records: 1,714
Magazines: 2,662
Pamphlets: 97
Juvenile fiction: 14,320
Juvenile non-fiction: +4,249
Total: 59,920

State Library and Inter-library Loan
which we have borrowed

State Library at Concord: 67
Bookmobile from Exeter: 2,358
Other Libraries: +      38
Total: 2,463

Film Programs

Number of programs held: 84
Films borrowed: 120
Total attendance: 3,276

Books purchased

Juvenile: 744
Adult: +      814
Total: 1,558

Registered Borrowers

2900 persons.

Staff Members

Mrs. Charlotte M. Hutton, Librarian
Mrs. Lucy B. Bume, Assistant Librarian
Mrs. Audrey C. Ross
Miss Ruth M. Chilton

Library Hours

Monday: 2 p.m.. 8 p.m.
Tuesday: 10 a.m. 5 p.m.
Wednesday 10 a.m. 8 p.m.
Thursday: 10 a.m. 5 p.m.
Friday: 10 a.m. 5 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m. 5 p.m.

The Friends of the Library have almost completed the furnishing of the Children’s Room with the installation of the carpet and the new shelving units for the books, plus the purchase of a projector table. They have also added wall plaques of popular characters from children’s literature. The Hampton Monday Club contributed a lighted globe for the room.

In the adult area the Friends purchased a new record storage bin and placed the smaller one in the Children’s room. Hampton Rotary Club and Oceanside Grange have each donated $100 toward purchase of adult books. Several memorial books donated by organizations and individuals have been received this year. Through the generosity of the Hampton National Bank we have received a desk and file for the librarian as well as material to partially screen off the librarian’s office. The Salty Marsh Garden Club has continued its project of landscaping the library grounds. Both the Salty Marsh and the Hampton Garden Club have contributed floral arrangements to the library. From the Hampton Garden Club we have received several magazine subscriptions. The Friends of the Lane Library have donated many hours of volunteer assistance.

All of this community assistance plus the support of the taxpayers of Hampton has greatly benefited the library. This interest and support enable us to offer you of the community better library services.