Submitted by Charlotte M. Hutton, Librarian

Economy through cooperative efforts continues to be the key factor in library policy for 1974-1975. This is the only way in which we can stretch our library dollar to continue present services. It does not leave any margin for the inauguration of new services, and it does mean that book and other media purchases will be somewhat curtailed. It is not news to any consumer that prices are higher. This is true in library purchases also … paper being the prime item. Books sometimes have increased twice in price from time of order to date of delivery. Periodicals are up approximately 25% This increased cost of operating is occurring at a time when librarians are experiencing a new trend in the use of the public library. The public demand for good non-fiction is out- stripping its request for inexpensive ($6.95) fiction. Today’s library patron wants to be informed, not entertained. The fiction that is most in demand is of the $10.95+ variety. This same trend extends to the reference room facilities, in that use has greatly enlarged both in numbers and in the scope of materials requested. Every cent of our media budget plus the fine money is essential to maintain our present standards in our children’s books, fiction, non-fiction, reference and large-print books; plus periodicals, adult films, filmstrips, art prints, cassettes, and records.

Cooperative efforts to stretch our library dollar include the continued administration of the Lane Memorial Book Cooperative which this year includes Hampton, North Hampton, South Hampton, Hampton Falls, Rye, Kensington, Stratham and Epping. We pool our orders which are then shipped to the Lane Library for distribution with a 37% postage-free discount. We continue to direct order from two publishers for an even better discount on their publications. We continue to administer the Lane Memorial Film Cooperative whereby we pool and share purchases to greater increase our resources for film programs. This venture includes the towns of Hampton, North Hampton, Rye, Stratham, Epping, Wilton, Bedford, and the I.M.C. at Hampton which includes the schools in Union #21. The librarians of Bedford, Hampton and Rye pooled their orders on framed art prints delivered to one destination thereby obtaining a bonus print amid free freight. In 1974 we became a part of Project Æsop, a Federally funded project administered by Mrs. Frances Wiggin of the Bedford Public Library. This project included a grant of $8000 for the purchase of audio-visual equipment, 16 mm films and filmstrips at the pre-school level for the use of the libraries in Bedford, Amherst, Milford, Wilton, Brookline, Candia, Hampton, North Hampton, South Hampton, Hampton Falls, Rye, Kensington, and Stratham. The libraries at Bedford and Hampton serve as storage depots and distribution centers for materials. These are efforts instigated by local librarians for the sole purpose of squeezing the maximum benefit out of the library dollar.

At the State level there is the Library Development System of which we are a duly qualified member, devised to offer better library services across the state. Through this system we borrow films from the film cooperative of Maine, N.H. and Vermont, known as North Country Libraries. We utilize the facilities of the Bookmobile from the N.H. State Library District Office in Exeter, and the services of Mrs. Judith Kimball, Bookmobile Supervisor, and Mrs. Rachel Sanborn, District Consultant. We issue statewide library cards for qualifying patrons to use in other libraries throughout the state and we honor the statewide card presented by out-of-towns patrons. We utilize interlibrary loan and the service center system. The theory of this system is that small libraries such as Hampton would purchase both popular and reference materials of a general nature and geared to volume requests in a subject area. Service centers would purchase more specialized and in-depth materials which patrons of a smaller library could use with a statewide card. Beyond this point there is the State Library and its excellent reference service augmented by a system of interlibrary loan with the major city and college libraries. No library the size of Hampton could ever hope to have all the materials that patrons might request on its shelves; but we do belong to a system which permits access to those materials for our patrons.

As librarian, I wish to express the appreciation of the trustees and staff to those individuals and organizations who have donated materials and periodical subscriptions to our collection; to the Oceanside Grange for their annual gift in honor of Mrs. Margaret Noyes; to the Hampton Mother’s Club for its gift of money for purchase of spoken word materials, and to the Hampton Garden Club for their floral contributions. A very special note of appreciation is due Mrs. Sheila Snow and the Friends of the Library organization for all of their gifts of time and money to the library operation. They have the reputation of being one of the most active groups in the state of N.H.; and are certainly a credit to Hampton.


Librarian: Mrs. Charlotte M. Hutton
Assistant Librarian: Mrs. Audrey C. Ross
Library Assistants: Mrs. Rose M. Fisher
  Mrs. Bette Hawthorne
  Mrs. Joan E. Kahl
  Mrs. Ruth A. Ross
Clerical Assistant: Miss Ruth M. Chilton
Library Page: Miss Debbie Moscienko
Custodian: Mr. Robert Ross

Lane Library Hours

Monday 1 p.m. 8 p.m.
Tuesday: 10 a.m. 5 p.m.
Wednesday 10 a.m. 8 p.m.
Thursday: 10 a.m. 5 p.m.
Friday: 10 a.m. 5 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m. 5 p.m.