Submitted by Charlotte M. Hutton, Librarian

Assistant Librarian: Audrey C. Ross
Library Assistants: Joan E. Kahl
Ruth A. Ross
Kathleen Dunbrack
Jean Ewing
Marie Sullivan
Clerical Assistant: Ruth M. Chilton

1978 Circulation

Adult books including paperbacks: 51,888
Children’s books: 26,803
Pamphlets: 89
Cassettes and Records: 3,059
Periodicals: 4,631
Original Art: 156
Art Prints: 479
Films and Filmstrips: 681
Equipment and Realia: +      117
TOTAL: 96,903

The library is now open 51 hours per week all year round, with two sessions of Story Hour for 4-5-6 year old children on Wednesday at 10-10:45 a.m. and at 1-1:45 p.m. This starts the first Wednesday in October and runs until mid August.

The microfilm reader purchased in 1977 by the Friends has had extensive use. We had purchased the Hampton Union on microfilm,and this year some of the town records on microfilm were donated by Hampton Historians, Inc. In addition we have borrowed for genealogists many reels of U.S. Census records from the Federal Archives and Record Center in Waltham, Mass.

Our Lane Book Cooperative enables us to receive free shipping and a substantial 37-40 percent discount on our book purchases. Our membership in SLAMS, Seacoast Librarians and Media Specialists, affords us the opportunity to share activities and problems with our area school and public librarians. Our participation in 2 film cooperatives permits us to pool our resources and save money. Our new filmstrip cooperative, which we have just organized, will offer the same advantages. We feel strongly that cooperative ventures are partial answers to budget problems.

As always we are recruiting volunteers to assist with the work in the library, arid are most grateful to those who have given their time and talents. It is impossible to mention all our volunteers; but Mrs. Leah Liberra has given untold hours this year, Miss Dorothy Lee comes in faithfully twice a week to type, and our long term volunteer, Mrs. Arlene Farrell continues to type our catalog cards at home. We also wish to express our sincere appreciation to the local organizations, Rotary, Kiwanis and the Hampton Monday Club, who have donated records and cassettes, and large print books to the library. Our collection potential has been increased by the donation of magazines and newspapers by individuals and organizations. We have benefited from the continued assistance and support of the Friends of the Lane Library.

The library staff wishes to express our appreciation to the people of Hampton for the many kindnesses shown to us this year from flowers to cookies, and to extend an invitation to avail