Submitted by Charlotte M. Hutton, Librarian

As I look back over the 13 years that I have spent as librarian here in Hampton, I am grateful to the many people who have contributed to the growth and increased services which have been possible. Our book collection has more than doubled and our circulation has more than tripled. We have added new services such as talking books, large print books, records and cassettes, original art and art prints, films, filmstrips, selected materials on microfilm, shut—in service, and extensive inter-library loan. We have established regular children’s story hours and summer time special programs for children. We are active participants in school and public library cooperative ventures, and in various public library cooperatives. Such growth is possible because so many people have been interested in achieving better library service. Trustees have faced their responsibilities in encouraging more comprehensive service for the town and have worked diligently in preparing realistic budgets to achieve this goal. Voters have been supportive of their efforts. Staff members have worked at low wages to serve the patrons courteously and efficiently. The Friends of the Library have been most cooperative in their efforts to promote library activities and have made many significant financial contributions. Other community organizations have been generous with gifts. Volunteers have assisted with untold hours of typing and routine tasks in the library. People who have donated games, puzzles, and paperbacks have made it possible to expand our types of service without additional expense to the taxpayer. Our participation in cooperative ventures with other libraries has made it possible to save money on purchases of media materials and library supplies. Sharing resource materials enables us to offer more for the minor expense of a telephone call or return postage. At the present time the state-wide library card is still honored in some libraries, which enables the holder to borrow
directly from certain other libraries at no charge. Otherwise it is till possible to obtain special materials through inter-library loan.

Libraries do not rank as a life-saving or emergency service, but they are the one cultural and recreational service available to all from the crib to the grave, regardless of economic, educational, religious, or ethnic grouping. Take advantage of it.