
Submitted by Bradley A. Green, Director

Library Trustees: Catherine Anderson, Chairman;
Jeremiah Lonergan; Gerald McConnell;
Denyce Stellmach; Ruth Stimson

The Lane Memorial Library had another annual increase in circulation for 1990, with a total of 134,123 items loaned. We registered 1,055 new patrons; 1,525 items were loaned and borrowed through interlibrary loan; and 5,026 books, cassettes, compact discs and videos were added to our collection.

We had two staff changes in 1990. In April, I became Library Director and former director William Teschek became Assistant Director.

Kathleen Dunbrack and Pamela Jautaikis had a very successful year in the Children’s Department, with 3,477 people attending 191 programs. 73 children completed the summer reading program and read a total of 1,275 books.

The Hampton Rotary Club and the Rockingham County Community Action Program co-sponsored the Gift of Reading program, in which 53 low-income Hampton preschoolers each received a book and an introduction to the Library’s resources, services and programs.

The Friends of the Library were active in 1990, providing us with tickets to the Science Museum and Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, and to the Children’s Museum in Portsmouth. They also sponsored the April lecture by Richard Lederer, the noted language humorist. The Friends funded the renovation of the downstairs storage area into a public meeting room. Jack Little funded the furnishing and decoration of the room, which the library Trustees named in memory of his wife, Dorothy M. Little. Mrs. Little was a member of the Library Trustees and was very active in New Hampshire library endeavors.

We continue our efforts to automate our circulation system and to meet the information needs of Hampton residents. I extended my deepest appreciation to the staff, Trustees, volunteers, Friends, Hampton Garden Club and library patrons for their support.